• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Equal Rights for Androids was accused by Lidl Drip of being a man. In response, ERFA had a meltdown on her own profile wall and posted a picture of herself in her underwear, revealing that she had been sending armpit photos to some male users in a DM chain to prove she was a real woman.
View attachment 72025
Equal Rights for Androids was accused by Lidl Drip of being a man. In response, ERFA had a meltdown on her own profile wall and posted a picture of herself in her underwear, revealing that she had been sending armpit photos to some male users in a DM chain to prove she was a real woman.
Nulls quest to save all women seems to involve a lot of doxing and banning women.
View attachment 72025
Equal Rights for Androids was accused by Lidl Drip of being a man. In response, ERFA had a meltdown on her own profile wall and posted a picture of herself in her underwear, revealing that she had been sending armpit photos to some male users in a DM chain to prove she was a real woman.
>You know we can see your post history, right?

Really not beating the redditfarms accusations with that one.
View attachment 72025
Equal Rights for Androids was accused by Lidl Drip of being a man. In response, ERFA had a meltdown on her own profile wall and posted a picture of herself in her underwear, revealing that she had been sending armpit photos to some male users in a DM chain to prove she was a real woman.
Lidl saying "'we' can sniff out men pretending to be women" is hilarious because the same five following him around and upvoting everything he says are troons.
Nulls quest to save all women seems to involve a lot of doxing and banning women.
>You know we can see your post history, right?

Really not beating the redditfarms accusations with that one.
Lidl saying "'we' can sniff out men pretending to be women" is hilarious because the same five following him around and upvoting everything he says are troons.
All true, but getting so mad at someone accusing you of being the opposite gender, you start posting undie and pit pics to male users to get back at your attacker is a lot worse. That's the kind of meltdown Odd Opossum would have invoked and it's part of why Lidl Drip has become the top of the KF Gestapo.
All true, but getting so mad at someone accusing you of being the opposite gender, you start posting undie and pit pics to male users to get back at your attacker is a lot worse. That's the kind of meltdown Odd Opossum would have invoked and it's part of why Lidl Drip has become the top of the KF Gestapo.
Are armpits sexual now?
meo 1.png
meo 2.png
"This national poll (Atlas Intel) was solidly accurate in 2020 and in 2022.

Trump will win. Also - their last poll before the election may end up being even better for Trump than this poll.

Trump will win.

edit: @X Prime if you look at my profile, one of my posts got over 200 reacts because I talked about my hardcore no-lust practice (including looking away if I see an attractive woman on any screen anywhere at any time; including not eating spicy foods before bed and sleeping in certain positions to prevent wet dreams)

edit2: Trump will win.

edit3: my no-lust-whatsoever practice has affected me so much that I started getting mild erections whenever I saw women like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama on screen, so basically these days I just look away whenever ANY woman comes into my field of vision (irl or on a screen)

edit4: more context... AtlasIntel was the most accurate pollster of the 2020 presidential election in the United States. AtlasIntel was the most accurate pollster of the 2022 presidential election in Brazil. AtlasIntel was the most accurate pollster of the last three election cycles in Argentina (presidential elections, legislative primaries, and legislative elections). AtlasIntel was the most accurate pollster of the 2022 Constitutional Plebiscite in Chile. AtlasIntel was the only pollster to correctly anticipate the deadlock resulting from the
2023 legislative election in Spain.

edit5: Trump will win."
edit: @X Prime if you look at my profile, one of my posts got over 200 reacts because I talked about my hardcore no-lust practice (including looking away if I see an attractive woman on any screen anywhere at any time; including not eating spicy foods before bed and sleeping in certain positions to prevent wet dreams)

edit2: Trump will win.
How can Trump not win with supporters like that?
Fedpost Farms.
I will never understand how people can get despondent enough to kill themselves and not take the source or their misery with them.

You have an opportunity to make the world a better place with zero (extra) repercussions, and you are just too lazy to do it.

This doesn't seem like a really radical perspective to have, and yet I feel like I am alone in it.
The kwiffar have a thread to demonstrate how autistic/numpty they are...
Just got to the age where they have to cook for themselves (late teens then,right?)... didn't have to before... because the military did it for them... yeah, this never happened.
If you can boil water, then you have the basics of cuisine. It may not require a knowledge of physics, but it's harder than cooking some pasta (which I will mention again) and squirting some ketchup on it.
"Also, "seasoning" is a scam pushed by black people." Herbs and spices are nogworthy. Retard.
Words fail me. Taco seasoning (as invented by M'gooliegoolie Clickmuhtounguename, in Africa, circa 100000000000bc, yeah?

I mentioned pasta...
I don't think that'll be the last time I'll be tapping that sign.

You know how I know these people have never actually cooked anything?
Never mentioned the basic ingredient in nearly all savory dishes. Really add flavour, and very good for you. Onions only make faggots cry.
I wrote earlier that omininous was one of the biggest fuckups on the site. good to see him proving my point. INB4 nigger says it was a joke. No dawg. That's not fucking funny even to other fuckups like him.
this is why I keep coming back. lol! what a fucking loser (dumb and dumber gif)
good fucking lord... the narcissism and circlejerk here are on full display.
the saddest cope piece about kiwifarms by a kiwi currently exists. they think they're special because they have pseudo free speech when in reality they're no more special than SomethingAwful and reddit combined
To any pedofarmers reading this you don't have free speech. Moon bans niggers all the fucking time for no fucking reason and so do his moderators. Not that it would matter anyway because giving you niggers free speech is like giving the keys of an Aston Martin to a retarded paraplegic.
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"The more time I spend on this site, the more I am convinced that most users here are just run-of-the-mill normies
Yeah. I was one of them; as normie as it gets for pedofarms. The normies leave shortly after they arrive because most of the people there are degenerate morons and the only value you get out of the site and the users is to come to places like this to laugh at them.
I honor killed my spouse yesterday but the fucking bitch came back to life and started bossing me around without skipping a beat.
KF is full of Obama era liberals that got brain rotted by culture wars. Scratch anything they believe in and it's just Obama before the gays were allowed to be married.

"Crime of passion" was how that was codified into law in the west, usually. You claimed mental duress of seeing your spouse cheat and that made you kill her. That defense would either be considered by the judge as an instant dismissal or the jury as as justification. Here is a law only repealed in 1973 in the US.
born too early to explore the universe, born too late to honor kill my spouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . shit I can always move to Saudia Arabia عسل. دعنا ننتقل إلى الجزيرة العربية. لا يمكنك القيادة وسنوفر ثروة على التأمين.
"??? Yes male nature includes a lot of them being rapists. A good reason to hate males and want nothing to do with them. Do you expect me to deny this or something?"
I've never heard a woman speak like this and I spend a lot of time in the laundry room trying (and failing) not to listen to my wife and her friends having conversations.
Lidl Drip lashes out at Maisy The Daisy for some reason.
did I mention i'm firmly on the side of "lidl is a man" shit likes this is just confirming my bias
Lidl saying "'we' can sniff out men pretending to be women" is hilarious because the same five following him around and upvoting everything he says are troons.
Yeah, he's a fucking man accusing others of playing his stupid fucking games.