• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
England feels damp, don't Africans keep dying because they don't know that they have to open a window in their dingy council flats?

Also back to Nulls height.

Here we see Null with some Asians, they are roughly the same size.
View attachment 70222
And here is an Average Floridian man standing next to an Asian person.
View attachment 70223

I think we can assert from these images that Null is 5'2.
He is way shorter than I gave him credit for
He's not only a moid scrote, he wants a trad marriage with a submissive wife and once told a girl he was interested in that he was going to rape her because she turned him down for sex.
Hello again, Ashley Hutsell Jankowski.

Ken being a so called 'child abuser' doesn't really matter as long as you can post without your face.
That's because Josh has set himself up give me some kind of cult-of personality like figure. I think that's why he's trying to create a separate forum for women only he knows the playbook.
That's pretty obvious, yes. Notice that he mainly bans people who have influence or stand apart from the crowd explicitly. He'll stomp out and snuff accounts mainly if they're from users who are independent and don't have dirt on them and not pedophiles and open extremists.
don't Africans keep dying because they don't know that they have to open a window in their dingy council flats?
No. They keep dying of (in no particular order), eating fried food, smoking 'erb, and the damp caused by boiling the shit out of their food, that literally smells like shit. Empirical evidence there.
Here we see Null with some Asians, they are roughly the same size.
Ooofffff. broom goes to Slopeland, and is not even inch one taller.
And here is an Average Floridian man standing next to an Asian person.
He must have been bullied mercilessly. lol.

But, he is really short. I mean, to normal heighted people, there is no difference between joshy and Beardly Single Person. You can to conclude that in Slopeland, joshy got physically assaulted by the locals. You would, wouldn't you, tho? They hate big leggy white man, this is the rare chance to give one shit.
He'll stomp out and snuff accounts mainly if they're from users who are independent and don't have dirt on them and not pedophiles and open extremists.
You make Commie Farms sound like some weird leftist cult... See what I did there?
That's pretty obvious, yes. Notice that he mainly bans people who have influence or stand apart from the crowd explicitly. He'll stomp out and snuff accounts mainly if they're from users who are independent and don't have dirt on them and not pedophiles and open extremists.
That's how you breed a cult. A leader with a charismatic hold begins to separate the men and women, causing division and fostering an 'us versus them' mentality. They eliminate free thinkers and dissenters, and the people they keep around as moderators are the enforcers - the true believers. The followers are either too stupid and apathetic to do anything other than comply, or they're kept in a state of apathy or ignorance, too disengaged or uninformed to question the leader's authority. Some of them are kept in line because the leader has dirt on them, which can be used as an example later. This is the cult leader's playbook, a calculated strategy for manipulating and controlling others.
That's pretty obvious, yes. Notice that he mainly bans people who have influence or stand apart from the crowd explicitly. He'll stomp out and snuff accounts mainly if they're from users who are independent and don't have dirt on them and not pedophiles and open extremists.
Well that makes their behavior make a hell of a lot more sense now. Best to just not bother with KF anymore then.
Good. Fatties deserve nothing
And he took that personally... Bro told on himself lmao
"Now that I'm really paying my taxes"

...is this null casually admitting he was doing tax evasion?
No, he's saying he's paying more taxes than ever before. His use of the word really is meant to intensify the following statement, ya see.
Which is sort of curious. What new property has he bought? Is the grift fund subject to taxation? Wha' happen?
Could? Consider the poor schmuck he's trying to rope in to let the broom use as a bank account, credit score. I did a basic sum to show he could reasonably get a mil from less than 1000 pay pigs. Thing of it is: While joshy loves crypto, you still have to convert it, as most of your basic retail places don't do it. I can imagine joshy getting reamed in these transactions, and getting considerably less than he actual needs to get.
I greatly wonder if has declared taxes on that crypto. Seeing how he let slip earlier that he was not really paying taxes.
That and he's a homo into chinky cat boys. That may trump the Satre factor, here.
Josh's first love is himself apparently he does have just enough room for chinky cat boys. Wasn't he going on a spurg involving China being the future.
joshy forgets, just because some of the people the Commie Farms (the joshy Personal Army) have fucked with, are kind of deserving of it (I'm thinking Vordrak, and E-lame), doesn't mean people will forget said shady shit.
He's made an enemy out of so many people that it's not a forgive and forget situation.
Joshy does DC. The only way the broom is getting an invite, for anything, from any of these people, is when they decide to sacrifice a fat, homeless looking virgin (bets he still is), by kicking him to death. Then, ironically being vored al la Society (1989 film Zoomer).
If he goes before Congress he's going to get grilled and fucked with by the feds in ways that his mind can't even conceive. If the federal government wants to fuck with you they will simple as. No amount of his smugness is going to change them throwing a thousand laws at you that you've never even heard of.
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No, he's saying he's paying more taxes than ever before. His use of the word really is meant to intensify the following statement, ya see.
Which is sort of curious. What new property has he bought? Is the grift fund subject to taxation? Wha' happen?
Expats get a $100,000 tax break, so if he moves back to the US he doesn't get that anymore. It's pretty obvious that that's what he's talking about.
Expats get a $100,000 tax break, so if he moves back to the US he doesn't get that anymore. It's pretty obvious that that's what he's talking about.
No, he's clearly talking about a massive illegal tax hussle involving scores of Asian men as accomplices.
He probably took tax advice from the same Asians he went to for the Greer case, which was pretty humiliating for him. Lol.
In a move that shocks nobody Square has terminated Josh's account, cutting this year's merch sale short.
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I think if private companies get to hide behind terms of service, every purchaser should be able to write a terms of purchase that companies automatically agree to by accepting a payment. Don't like Square's actions here either, but the resulting rant is funny.
No, he's clearly talking about a massive illegal tax hussle involving scores of Asian men as accomplices.
While you could give the broom the benefit of the doubt, put that comment down to his home schooling, from his drunk cunt of a Mom (and that's how joshy has gotten along for many years now), that is admitting to not paying taxes. "Now (the present, disassociating from the past) that I'm really paying taxes (broom is aware that he should be paying taxes and has previously stated he has)"

Plus: lol at his "I'm going to give them grief, I PAY MY TAXES, YOU KNOW?" Karen moment. Dude forgets that if you lie to the IRS (or are not completely honest and willing to cooperate) that's it. They will spend the rest of your life, trying to find out EVERYTHING you got. Oh, and anyone the broom might employ... if they are Septics, they are fair game.

Y'know, this is probably how Commie Farms will go down, not with a screaming troon barrage, but death by a 1000 tax violations. This is what the troons should have been doing, I mean, NP2, clipping Ken for the price of a necklace.
Don't like Square's actions here either
C'mon, we only have the broom's word the he DINDU NUFFIN, and what's that worth? This is the shit that gets the IRS looking over your shoulder, asking you to turn your head and cough.

In all likelihood, he's done something to lose his account, and realistically, he's probably been given a few chances. How many times has something fucked up for him, and he's just shrugged his shoulders and said "I swear, it was like this when I got here"? When it was patently obvious he was lying.

Why is he trying to, basically, obtain someone else's identity? If someone emails the IRS and says "Y'know, this guy is really dodgy, just look at this...", the IRS have to investigate.