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Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Only if it hasn't been purified well enough. In its natural form it sometimes has asbestos but those can be removed and then it's perfectly safe to use. It's just that some companies cheaped out.

He's basically admitting that he is successfully trolled by signing him up for mailing lists.

I have a funny video about that but it's 8 mins long and it won't let me post it here.
Compress it
What's the name of the video maybe I can find it
>using adult baby powder
>admitting to using it even ironically in a shitpost


I hate autistic retard shit like this. It completely ruins my suspension of disbelief when these sub-humans would sooner just reach for the discord banhammer instead of moralfagging about semantics for 5 minutes like they do here. You know, actual dialogue between two parties like human beings have to communicate. Not how things go with the internet fiefdoms of today with petty tyrants. They are more accurately depicted like the red queen of alice in wonderland. Where they just act autistic and compulsively sperg "OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!" like its a god damn accent.

This would be more accurately shown within 30 seconds. The newfag just shows up and they go "OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!" and ban them. Then they play dumb and wonder why there's never anyone around. THE END. Not any of this br*tbong semantic bullshit.
Nigga calm down and have a Snickers
>using adult baby powder
>admitting to using it even ironically in a shitpost

Bongland is a damp, cold and dark country, so bongoblins need talc, it doesn't have the same connotations there. I feel like talc in the US is only for the Louisiana fancy men, in white suits and broken french, but in the UK hard working miner men wore talc.

I don't know If the make it short and fat.
I think we grossly overestimate Nulls height here on Onion Farms and I will not stand for it for one moment longer. The going assumption seems to be 5'6", but in one of those photo he is standing NECK AND NECK with some Asians and it is giving me definite 5'2" vibes.
Bongland is a damp, cold and dark country, so bongoblins need talc, it doesn't have the same connotations there. I feel like talc in the US is only for the Louisiana fancy men, in white suits and broken french, but in the UK hard working miner men wore talc.

I think we grossly overestimate Nulls height here on Onion Farms and I will not stand for it for one moment longer. The going assumption seems to be 5'6", but in one of those photo he is standing NECK AND NECK with some Asians and it is giving me definite 5'2" vibes.
I'd be shocked if he wasn't shorter than the gunt and probably fatter than Ethan
Bongland is a damp, cold and dark country
You're talking about the Norf. I'm surprised that using talc/body powder (not actually the same thing) is such a controversial stance. I guess that smelling nice to women... that must be that faggy gay shit, right?
I'd be shocked if he wasn't shorter than the gunt and probably fatter than Ethan
Certainly fatter, ever since Gunt has started drinking Mexican water.
How short is the Gunt? I feel like he's an inch taller than gunt... and not nearly as virile.
And consider all the booze n pills n trash burgers the gunt has consumed... and his fathered (in a strictly technical sense) two kids... that we/he knows of.
So let's say is 5'6 well into manlet territory.
Ironic. If you go back to the 40s, that was typical height for male actors (check it out, the "greats", none of them over 5 8.) Still, I'm over half a foot taller than that. I could easily bully joshy IRL, like most people here. In fact, if you consider the fact, the broom has the same personality as Nick "The Knerf" Effluenes, he probably gets the same shitty service, y'know, incorrect orders, poorly cooked, with unordered "special sauce".

btw, isn't there a photo of joshy with other people (Hotwheels was there(?), you can roughly work out the brooms height from that photo.
You're talking about the Norf. I'm surprised that using talc/body powder (not actually the same thing) is such a controversial stance. I guess that smelling nice to women... that must be that faggy gay shit, right?
I use talc powder the kind for men keeps my balls dry. I have to get a imported from Europe though as its banned in America cornstarch just ain't doing it.
Certainly fatter, ever since Gunt has started drinking Mexican water.
Yeah the gunt has lost some weight a steady diet of Mexican water and dysentery will do that.
And consider all the booze n pills n trash burgers the gunt has consumed... and his fathered (in a strictly technical sense) two kids... that we/he knows of.
This is true he is a rather virile individual
Ironic. If you go back to the 40s, that was typical height for male actors (check it out, the "greats", none of them over 5 8.) Still, I'm over half a foot taller than that. I could easily bully joshy IRL
It's not hard to bully a tubby little cry bully like him.
, like most people here. In fact, if you consider the fact, the broom has the same personality as Nick "The Knerf" Effluenes, he probably gets the same shitty service, y'know, incorrect orders, poorly cooked, with unordered "special sauce".
Yeah people used to be a lot shorter but the average height for a male now is 5'10 anything shorter than that you're a pygmy.
btw, isn't there a photo of joshy with other people (Hotwheels was there(?), you can roughly work out the brooms height from that photo.
As far as I know he's been quoted Josh has been quoted as being a little over 55
This is true he is a rather virile individual
Gunt should become Mormon.
I use talc powder the kind for men keeps my balls dry. I have to get a imported from Europe though as its banned in America cornstarch just ain't doing it.
Yeah, I remember the cancer thing. That's why I mentioned the price of Imperial Leather, it's insane, not really a problem, as normal "baby powder" (aka talc) is still cheap.
It's not hard to bully a tubby little cry bully like him.
Still got to be done.
Yeah people used to be a lot shorter but the average height for a male now is 5'10 anything shorter than that you're a pygmy.
Hacktuliply, it's 6ft. I recent upset someone at Church, he called be tall, and I said (friendly like, but firmly) "No, I'm average height". You can't let the small people start thinking they are even "average". If they feed their kids, and make be active, they'll grow (seriously, my Dad was taller than his Dad, I'm taller than my Dad was at his peak (you slowly get a bit shorter as you get old). Yeah, yeah, that was during the Golden Age, and clearly the future is "You will all be shorter than the Chinks, they want to be the tall people, and the rest of the world just isn't playing cricket" with the "You will be pasty and skinny fat soy latte, you will live in a dorm with 500 other people, not like jail at all (honest guv), you will be Soylent Green when you are deemed a useless eater" propaganda of late.
So Joshua Moon cannot buy his Square Enix games anymore
It says Merchant account. 1. lol "merchant" rubs hands "account" 2. Isn't that an account that sells? Also: joshy lies, in the email from them, it gives the terms that have been broken. Anyone au fait enough, to look that shit up? joshy has a history of taking money and not delivering the goods, it sounds like it's happened again.

He really is in the shit with his finances, isn't he? And dumb as fuck to mention it. It doesn't really bode well, if you want to hook some mark/patsy, if you are caught (again) fucking with peoples money, you shouldn't really mention it at all. If you want an Monetized Hugbox(tm), you got to keep the investors (the kwiffar) feeling confident.

Fortunately, for the Onioneer, joshy just has to run to the hugbox to get the kwiffar to stroke his ego, and tell him it's not his fault, when it obviously is (again).
Gunt should become Mormon.
I mean I could see him starting his own polygamist cult. The fact is he's sired two kids and Chris Chan has a Norwegian girlfriend. Josh has an empty pizza box and a life most unfulfilled.
Yeah, I remember the cancer thing. That's why I mentioned the price of Imperial Leather, it's insane, not really a problem, as normal "baby powder" (aka talc) is still cheap.
That was Johnson & Johnson they caused that. Because that company is evil. Unfortunately it caused a scared America and we just outright band talc powder. It's now corn cornstarch. I get whatever that English brand is that comes in a gold can. Smells fresh
Still got to be done.
The bullying will continue until his behavior improves.
Hacktuliply, it's 6ft

. I recent upset someone at Church, he called be tall, and I said (friendly like, but firmly) "No, I'm average height".
I'm slightly above average at 6 ft
You can't let the small people start thinking they are even "average". If they feed their kids, and make be active, they'll grow (seriously, my Dad was taller than his Dad, I'm taller than my Dad was at his peak (you slowly get a bit shorter as you get old). Yeah, yeah, that was during the Golden Age, and clearly the future is "You will all be shorter than the Chinks, they want to be the tall people, and the rest of the world just isn't playing cricket" with the "You will be pasty and skinny fat soy latte, you will live in a dorm with 500 other people, not like jail at all (honest guv), you will be Soylent Green when you are deemed a useless eater" propaganda of late.
I'm slightly shorter My grandpa was like 6'4 My dad is 6'3 and my brother is 6'1
It says Merchant account. 1. lol "merchant" rubs hands "account" 2. Isn't that an account that sells? Also: joshy lies, in the email from them, it gives the terms that have been broken. Anyone au fait enough, to look that shit up? joshy has a history of taking money and not delivering the goods, it sounds like it's happened again.
That's my guess Josh probably violated terms of service or at least was warned he was in violation of it. And decided to ignore it. Until it blew up in his face.
He really is in the shit with his finances, isn't he? And dumb as fuck to mention it. It doesn't really bode well, if you want to hook some mark/patsy, if you are caught (again) fucking with peoples money, you shouldn't really mention it at all. If you want an Monetized Hugbox(tm), you got to keep the investors (the kwiffar) feeling confident.
Josh could be making money off of kiwi farms but that require that he gets his dick skinners off of things and take it back seat. Take the advice from other people and start cooperating with companies and countries. None of this is going to happen of course because that's his special sandbox and nobody is going to tell him what to do.
Fortunately, for the Onioneer, joshy just has to run to the hugbox to get the kwiffar to stroke his ego, and tell him it's not his fault, when it obviously is (again).
Josh is the cause of all of Josh's problems.