A lot of it is because Josh is becoming more controlling as of late because of frustration. I'd sympathize with him if he actually tried to be a good host and friend but it's as clear as day that if you go on to KF you kiss the ring or get the hammer. I think it's sad because there actually were a few Kiwis that were on the site who were actual believers and upholders of Josh's benevolent lies, if they rant the site they would have made it much more fun but Josh cannot allow KF to be run by anyone but himself even though he isn't even the original creator of the site.I've noticed the Kiwi Farms has been far less upbeat lately. Someone puts up some mild bait (as you do) but it only goes on for a couple pages of spergouts before people stop replying. Mass Debates is silent as the grave. The Woman-Hate thread used to be fun, but since all the fun people have seemingly been banned, the thread is basically the same few takes repeated over and over and over again.
Most of the rest of the website has devolved into the same dumb memes, same everything, nothing funny or edgy, no actual baits, no provocations, no pushing people into a fit of rage. It is all so very disappointing...
Feels like Reddit.
I think he's in a lot more Gayops that people realize. Josh has always been very good at hiding things and pretending as if he ain't had a hand in matters. Just look at the Byuu death cert scandal.I just think there's a lot of gayops going on and Josh is either well aware of it or is actively part of it.