• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
I've noticed the Kiwi Farms has been far less upbeat lately. Someone puts up some mild bait (as you do) but it only goes on for a couple pages of spergouts before people stop replying. Mass Debates is silent as the grave. The Woman-Hate thread used to be fun, but since all the fun people have seemingly been banned, the thread is basically the same few takes repeated over and over and over again.

Most of the rest of the website has devolved into the same dumb memes, same everything, nothing funny or edgy, no actual baits, no provocations, no pushing people into a fit of rage. It is all so very disappointing...

Feels like Reddit.
A lot of it is because Josh is becoming more controlling as of late because of frustration. I'd sympathize with him if he actually tried to be a good host and friend but it's as clear as day that if you go on to KF you kiss the ring or get the hammer. I think it's sad because there actually were a few Kiwis that were on the site who were actual believers and upholders of Josh's benevolent lies, if they rant the site they would have made it much more fun but Josh cannot allow KF to be run by anyone but himself even though he isn't even the original creator of the site.

I just think there's a lot of gayops going on and Josh is either well aware of it or is actively part of it.
I think he's in a lot more Gayops that people realize. Josh has always been very good at hiding things and pretending as if he ain't had a hand in matters. Just look at the Byuu death cert scandal.
DiamondTiara was exposed as a pedophile who masturbated to whatever the cub version of MLP porn is. Like other pedophile users, he was banned and had his name crossed out.
Even users like Toolbox, who's always in his friend The Jumping Dwarf's corner when he's in the mood for some teen titties, is pointing this out.
A lot of it is because Josh is becoming more controlling as of late because of frustration. I'd sympathize with him if he actually tried to be a good host and friend but it's as clear as day that if you go on to KF you kiss the ring or get the hammer. I think it's sad because there actually were a few Kiwis that were on the site who were actual believers and upholders of Josh's benevolent lies, if they rant the site they would have made it much more fun but Josh cannot allow KF to be run by anyone but himself even though he isn't even the original creator of the site.

I think he's in a lot more Gayops that people realize. Josh has always been very good at hiding things and pretending as if he ain't had a hand in matters. Just look at the Byuu death cert scandal.
That was so fucking weird. He just let people think byuu was alive. What was his excuse for sitting on that stuff for so long
The socks are probably Daniel Lopez copying BP usernames because @Ishtar (Freya) and @redoniblueoni are here and he is a disgusting piece of shit and desperate for female attention.

The BP users are far less retarded than Dannyboy
I agree, the BPHags have the perfect environment, provided for them by Null, I doubt they would slum here, BPHags also do not give a fuck about Null, Daniel still loves his eDaddy.
I was speaking generally, not about specific cows. It's more about their constant crusades against the random milquetoast known entities in the larger streamer and commentator spheres that they repeatedly do to somehow bring attention to the site when it's all just impotent screeching at people much better composed than themselves. The D-list part was all I was really focusing on.
Ah. I agree.
I also think he's a complete piece of shit but if there's no family to take the kids, being wards of the state or in the adoption system is worse than parents who get their shit slapped and fix themselves. Even a crappy home is better than the adoption system the majority of the time.
I think they have 2 sets of grandparents and numerous aunts and uncles but I could be mistaken. I agree that some alternatives are terrible but they were removed because they were malnourished, unwashed, living in shit, and at least one of them had drugs in their system. The kids ended up with family during the removal and one of them is older. Being raised by an older sibling in a clean home with grandma and grandpa isn't so bad.
Josh cannot allow KF to be run by anyone but himself even though he isn't even the original creator of the site.
It's all he has. That's why he's so desperate to the "legitimize" the farms despite the fact that it offers absolutely nothing. Even if you do find some shit on somebody it doesn't always go the way kiwis think it will; a madden streamer was outed as a gay pornstar and his sub count doubled. Junkie lawyer lost most of his paypigs before his kids got taken. It's almost a surprise when something actually happens to assholes like Dr. Disrespect but even then it wasn't the Kiwis doing.
I know what the baby fuck meme is. But you don't get my point. It still isn't the same as literally doxing you and drawing you having sex with your under age family and getting into your under age family's dms to groom them by showing them the art of them being fucked by you.

It wasn't just with keemstars daughter and it wasn't to be edgy either it was because he wants to fuck his daughter that is why he drew Suri cruise being fucked by Tom Cruise, by tracing a paparazzi photo of her being carried like a baby.
Nah Crimson is right about the Shadman stuff, he is truly a vile piece of shit. I'm amazed someone hasn't given him the beat down of a lifetime yet but when you dig into his life a little you can see why. He has burned every bridge he had very early on and his site is only rarely updated these days. He's a junkie pajeet who can't go back home to Switzerland or whatever country he fled from and his family disowned him due to him drawing porn of his own mother. He hides all his sick shit behind a "lul so edgy" mentality but nobody finds child porn edgy except for the most dislikeable of cunts. He's every weird kid nobody liked in highschool and like every weird kid people might find them amusing at first but eventually everyone ends up treating them with disgust.
you know what's funny? I always thought of shadman as "that guy who drew csam off of keemstar's daughter". still, I'm very disgusted by that shit but to find out the amount of abhorrent things he did in his past is just wild. it's really mind blowing to see how much of a motherfucker this sack of shit is.
you know what's funny? I always thought of shadman as "that guy who drew csam off of keemstar's daughter". still, I'm very disgusted by that shit but to find out the amount of abhorrent things he did in his past is just wild. it's really mind blowing to see how much of a motherfucker this sack of shit is.
Mind you this is the guy who drew not only porn of his mother but has drawn various other comics depicting having a fart fetish/scat fetish with his mom.
DiamondTiara was exposed as a pedophile who masturbated to whatever the cub version of MLP porn is. Like other pedophile users, he was banned and had his name crossed out.
His 3 year old account was banned monday or tuesday. I couldn't find any mention of it in the community happenings thread. A lot of pedophiles accounts remain unbanned despite Moon's recent anti pedo rants on his own stream and kino casino. Shout out to the fucking faggot, almost certainly male, who admitted to watching My Little Pony as a teenager.

His 3 year old account was banned monday or tuesday. I couldn't find any mention of it in the community happenings thread. A lot of pedophiles accounts remain unbanned despite Moon's recent anti pedo rants on his own stream and kino casino. Shout out to the fucking faggot, almost certainly male, who admitted to watching My Little Pony as a teenager.

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@Vibe_Lad acting sus for the 8755765th time lol