To fit with the site's well earned reputation as a haven for freaks, distribute them outside of gay bondage clubs
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Cum for the White brotherhood, stay for the African penis threadsOh no Ashley will use this thread in her shitty emails.
I went back and corrected the errors.>Flyers
Well your text is poorly centered and the png Onion is low res. If you intend to print those reconsider the black background or that's going to be a lot of toner.
Where are you planning to distribute these flyers? Do you really want people in your IRL community joining here?
Seems like a poor decision, much like being such a (((big tent))) that people like @Shadfan666xxx000 feel comfortable joining here. Kind of a lost cause to try growing a forum that still hasn't shed it's association with pedophiles and zoophiles...
I like the colors on the black background. I think perhaps another vibrant color or two would help. Or at least get rid pf the white text that dominates the bottom third. For a rough draft this is okay. I wouldn't print even one copy of this though, as it sits.
This was photoshop. I never used MS paintI like the colors on the black background. I think perhaps another vibrant color or two would help. Or at least get rid pf the white text that dominates the bottom third. For a rough draft this is okay. I wouldn't print even one copy of this though, as it sits.
If you want to be taken seriously, you need to stop using mspaint or whatever the fuck and at least step up to Photoshop. Or get someone else to do it for you. I have read on Joshua's shit pit of a website that @Gargamel is competent in some ancient version of Creative Suite. Maybe if you fling some gold his way he'd make you something presentable. Kikes and gold are like niggers and crack, after all.
I find it hard to believe that you made that in Photoshop.This was photoshop.
Macfag confirmed.I never used MS paint
Photoshop is a raster based editing program. Raster images don't enlarge very well. Besides I have done this over.I find it hard to believe that you made that in Photoshop.
Macfag confirmed.
The fucking text justification is literally wrong on every line, and completely different from one line to the next.Photoshop is a raster based editing program. Raster images don't enlarge very well. Besides I have done this over.
This was photoshop.
I am not using that image.
Good. Glad you realize what a bad idea it was to advertise the forum to normalfags. Come for the internet drama, stay for the Africa spamI am not using that image.
We are going to advertise this to normalfags. And I will show you and the forum exactly how to do this.Good. Glad you realize what a bad idea it was to advertise the forum to normalfags. Come for the internet drama, stay for the Africa spam