Here is my channel:
I put in a few practice videos.
I put in a few practice videos.
Here is my channel:
I put in a few practice videos.
Basically a lolcow is a public figure or celebrity that makes an ass out of himself/herself on the internet and we laugh about it. As far as "dirty gossip" is concerned, we're already doing that. Right? This is what the forum is built on. Having said this, we do intersect partially with classical celebrity gossip but not entirely.
Two years ago I was lurking here at the height of #dropkiwifarms and kengle was talking about moving away from being a lolcow site and towards a celebrity gossip format. It never happened, and it's never going to happen. Celebrities are not lolcows and never will be, and nobody here gives a flying fuck about celebrities.Thank you for the kind responses, cleared it all up for me, essentially you just don't like the current lingo and are replacing it from what I can gather and that sounds like a good endeavor.
Two years ago I was lurking here at the height of #dropkiwifarms and kengle was talking about moving away from being a lolcow site and towards a celebrity gossip format. It never happened, and it's never going to happen. Celebrities are not lolcows and never will be, and nobody here gives a flying fuck about celebrities.
It's a kiwi splinter no matter what kengle decides to call it today, or tries to manipulate it into being tomorrow. His absolute best chance at sucess and fame is to be ready to carry the lolcow torch when kiwifarms finally dies off. I honestly don't think he has what it takes to run a kiwi successor, given he can barely even run a site with 20 active users who mostly only come here to seethe about Joshua and his big fat cunt.
All of those people, as well as Joshua Conner Moon, are lolcows first and celebrities second. They would be fucking nobodies if it weren't for their lolcow qualities, especially Joshua. Look even at Chris-chan, he's only famous because he exposed himself and his antics to the internet for decades. The vast majority of lolcows will never be famous outside of kiwifarms, but a few do slip through the cracks. Imagine all the lolcows who are completely unknown to the world because their antics never reach the internet. Would anyone give a flying fuck about Elon if he were a narsassistic orphan living in a grouphome? Would anyone even know he existed?"Celebrities are not lolcows and never will be": Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Wil Wheaton, Bam Magera, Kayne West, Mike Cernovich, Candace Owens, The Thunberg Family, Britanny Venti, Madonna, Tara Strong.
All of these people have threads on Kiwifarms and all of them are or have been in the celebritysphere. Kiwifarms has had thread on celebrities for years so what's the difference between we doing it or them doing it?
"Nobody gives a flying fuck about celebrities": You mean Josh doesn't give a flying fuck about Elon Musk? Kiwifarms doesn't give a flying fuck about Donald Trump or Biden Derangement Syndrome?
Anybody can stick their foot in their mouth, engage in internet shit-flinging and vendettas and it does not make any difference whether your status is a regular individual, a moderate public figure or a celebrity. This is human nature for better or for worse and it has been that way ever since the dawn of civilization. Yeah that lolcow theory sounds good from a distance but when it falls apart when you carefully scrutinize it.
It's a dirty job but somebody has to do it. Joshua is extremely successful at running kiwifarms, and a complete and total failure at everything else. It is a true sacrifice and one that takes many years off of your life expectancy. We must also remember that what goes up, must come down. Joshua's lolcow site will not last forever, and Joshua will eventually dance with the wind, the sun, and the rain."Carry the lolcow torch when kiwifarms finally dies off": In other words, spending tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees, being blacklisted from your occupation, being disowned by your family. That's a funny way of defining success.
I could easily run this site's infrastructure on a Linux box in my basement, taking care of 100% of the backend and software myself, with ease. Perhaps a cluster of Linux boxen once the site got big enough to warrant it.In other words, spending tens of thousands of dollars on legal fees, being blacklisted from your occupation, being disowned by your family.
HardlyWill Wheaton has a very successful career in the acting field
What really makes someone a celebrity though? That they're famous, rich, or associated with someone who is? Plenty of well known rich people, some of them even quite talented, who aren't well known for their high-functioning autism or that time they raped their mom.Elon Musk, Will Wheaton are celebrities first. Will Wheaton has a very successful career in the acting field. Elon Musk is one of the wealthiest businessman on the planet. By default someone who.buys out Twitter is going to be in the spotlight.
I think lolcows who aren't totally fucked by their disablement can become celebrities, especially if they come from a filthy rich family. See Donald J. Trump.What I am trying to say is that celebrities have the ability to rise through the ranks, lolcows usually don't (in comparison to celebrities).
I had thoughts of starting Joshuafarms, but I'm not gonna risk it. I'd rather contribute to an existing kiwisplinter, anonymously. I sincerely hope it works out for you though.You don't have to sacrifice your family, or your career to run a "lolcow forum" and I am going to prove it.
A lolcow wiki, so people can see all there is to know about the various lolcows (and celebrity lolcows) without having to dig through tens of thousands of pages of kiwishit. They can come to the forum then to discuss said cows if they wish. It can also be a good place to document the history of this genre, from the beginnings of the CWCki forum through to current day, including all the splinters and associated sites that came and went over the years.@Moontroon you want a wiki? What kind of wiki would you want? There are several options you could choose from.
Are you talking about I believe that was using Pleroma not Hubzilla.Wasn't that the place that went under investigation because most of its instances had an unhealthy fixation on anime children? Or am I getting confused with something else?
I don't plan to hand them out here.>Flyers
Well your text is poorly centered and the png Onion is low res. If you intend to print those reconsider the black background or that's going to be a lot of toner.
Where are you planning to distribute these flyers? Do you really want people in your IRL community joining here?
Seems like a poor decision, much like being such a (((big tent))) that people like @Shadfan666xxx000 feel comfortable joining here. Kind of a lost cause to try growing a forum that still hasn't shed it's association with pedophiles and zoophiles...