LMAOOO! That's the spirit!
"We don't have a budget"?! That's not very Dzooish, LMAOOO!
"We don't have a budget"?! That's not very Dzooish, LMAOOO!
Go on a diet, you fat bitchLMAOOO! That's the spirit!
"We don't have a budget"?! That's not very Dzooish, LMAOOO!
There will never be peace for a bunch of (((assholes))) from Poland, Russia and Germany that have stolen a country, genocided a people and destabilized an entire regionbecause they know rage bait sells better online than advocating for peace.
The events on college campuses this week demonstrate the thesis of this show, that abusive Cluster B dynamics usually seen in the home have been scaled up to societal level. When you watch these campus clashes, you're watching Cluster B abuse. When you watch the administration back down, you're watching the abused spouse and children try to bargain for their safety. But you're also watching some abused people who had a hand in creating the situation that now endangers them. We don't like to talk about that when we talk about domestic abuse, but it's true.
You've invalidated yourself, somehow further than previously thought possible, by ghoul posting innocent Palestinian children who've been harmed/killed by this war against colonization.Preach sister, preach!
Preach Ted Cruz, preach! "90% of Hamas' funding comes from Iran in a very real sense."
You know you're a fag when you cheer for ted cruz lolPreach sister, preach!
Preach Ted Cruz, preach! "90% of Hamas' funding comes from Iran in a very real sense."
57. The Nova music festival, an outdoor event in an open field about 5 km from the Gaza
perimeter fence, attracted around 3,500 attendees, mainly young individuals. Information
reviewed by the mission team indicates that the festival was a site of grave violations including
brutal mass murders, with several hundreds of bodies recovered from the site in addition to many
abductions. Bodies were also found with extensive burn damage.
58. Based on the examination of available information, including credible statements by
eyewitnesses, there are reasonable grounds to believe that multiple incidents of rape, including
gang rape, occurred in and around the Nova festival site during the 7 October attacks. Credible
information was obtained regarding multiple incidents whereby victims were subjected to rape
and then killed. There are further accounts of individuals who witnessed at least two incidents of
rape of corpses of women. Other credible sources at the Nova music festival site described
seeing multiple murdered individuals, mostly women, whose bodies were found naked from the
waist down, some totally naked, with some gunshots in the head and/or tied including with their
hands bound behind their backs and tied to structures such as trees or poles.
Road 232 and Other “Escape Routes”
59. Faced with the attacks, Nova music festival goers and other residents reportedly fled
along various escape routes including Road 232 and the surrounding fields. Along Road 232,
numerous bodies with severe injuries such as multiple gunshot wounds and destructive burn
damage were found, including in and around damaged or burned vehicles, as well as piled in
several bomb shelters.
60. There are reasonable grounds to believe that sexual violence occurred on and around
Road 232. Credible information based on corroborating witness accounts describes an incident
involving the rape of two women. The mission team received other accounts of rape, including
gang rape, which could not be verified during the time provided and would require further
investigation. Along this road, several bodies were found with genital injuries, along with
injuries to other body parts. Discernible patterns of genital mutilation could not be verified at this
time but warrant future investigation. Many bodies along Road 232 also suffered destructive
burn damage and conclusions as to conflict-related sexual violence (including genital mutilation)
related to these incidents could not be drawn. The mission team was also able to ascertain that
multiple bodies of women and a few men were found totally or partially naked or with their
clothes torn, including some bound and/or attached to structures, which – though circumstantial
– may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence.
51. While the mission team met with a number of released hostages, it noted their wellfounded fears about the risk of revealing their stories, which may result in their identification and further harm to them as well as to those still in captivity. The mission team further noted the fact that the identities of some of them have been publicly disclosed in both national and international media, often with their names and photos, which has contributed to some choosing to remain silent.
Why does this fat gay guy care so much about Israel? Is your family part of their diamond trade? Do you think you're getting a beachfront property after they rape and torture all the 12 year olds in gaza to death?These Hamas apologist scholars cannot deny the fact that Hamas killed, burned and raped their victims, so they endlessly nitpick about the NYT rape article, when the United Nations itself went on a fact-finding mission to Israel and has since published a report confirming there was evidence rapes and sexual torture, especially at the music festival, which Deepa Kumar ignores completely:
This isn't about the NYT story, this is about gaining access to all the GoPro footage that was seen by the UN, so that these Hamas fangirls like Deepa Kumar can use the video footage to doxx and humiliate the women who were raped by Hamas as well as their surviving families.
Here is the letter in question:
Nowhere in this letter is the United Nation's own report on the matter mentioned or referred to:
She knows she's full of shit, that's why she issues this disclaimer: "I don't want to come off as saying that there was no sexual violence on Oct 7th, I think that would be a problem. And, in fact, the Intercept story does not say that. What it says is that it wasn't systematic. There wasn't a campaign of systematic sexual violence."
So she fucking knows Hamas raped and sexually tortured Dzooz before killing them, she's just gonna edge-case about the terms "systemic" and "campaign". Terrorism apologists really grasping at straws here.
Democracy Now have been plugging this story for months:
At no point did DM ever link to the statement from the UN themselves confirming there were rapes after viewing the video footage that these degenerates so desperately want access to.
‘Clear and convincing information’ that hostages held in Gaza subjected to sexual violence, says UN Special Representative
‘Clear and convincing information’ that hostages held in Gaza subjected to sexual violence, says UN Special Representative
Following a 17-day visit to Israel, the UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict reported on Monday that she and a team of experts had found “clear and convincing information” of rape and sexualized torture being committed against hostages seized during the 7 October terror attacks.news.un.org
Here is the part in the report where the UN themselves wrote they feared the victims of these sex crimes might get doxxed to add to their anguish:
So why are Deepa Kumar et al demanding direct access to the SA victims of Hamas? Not because they want to "verify" anything. It's because they want to doxx them to prevent their stories from coming out when and if they feel the need to share them with the general public.
No one seems to point out that the Americunts who so fervently support Israel are being super ironic because they don't seem to support their self deportations back to their European ancestral lands and letting redskins repopulate.
k kike lover.Because white civilization is objectively superior to the cannibalistic slave holding mudder """civilizations""" of the Amerindians as well as the inbred low IQ monkey faced Palestinians, hope that helps
I hate people who are pro Palestine.k kike lover.
May you die and be one of the 72 virgins for a smelly towelhead.
the US should just bomb the israel as a whole and take it for itself just like Columbo did>reeee my shitskin is better than yours
they should all die the world would be a better place
Israel should unite with Europe and Russia and take all the Mylar Balloons from the US and empty the US for Mylar Balloons and take the power over the US. Fuck Amerimuttsthe US should just bomb the israel as a whole and take it for itself just like Columbo did