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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

Hamas' American hostage declared dead:

Father's hope shattered: U.S. citizen Itay Chen, believed to be held in Gaza, declared dead

People never have a single logical argument for why I should feel sorry for people who have made it abundantly clear that they hate the West and want to destroy us all for not believing their bullshit. Iran has no reason to have nukes... unless they intend to use them against the West. It's that simple. Why should I feel sorry for people who have decided to join a religion that literally tells them to kill non-believers? There is literally no reason for why I shouldn't put myself and my people before them, given their openly professed hostility and superiority. Why should not I not have utter contempt for those who hate me and want to kill me for simply not believing in their deluded irrational beliefs?

I see those videos of mothers in Ghaza, and so many of those girls look like fucking teenagers to me. I bet a lot of them are legal minors by American standards - but not by Islamist standards, because women have no agency over their bodies in Islam. Men in Ghaza are taking childbrides, and use their bodies to weaponize demographics against the West, having children they can't afford to feed just to sacrifice them to Jihad... and I am not supposed to look at this and be horrified and disgusted to the core of my being? The lives and bodies of their own people mean absolutely nothing to them, they are just a weapon in a holy war against the West they have deluded themselves into waging... but I am supposed to look at this and feel sorry for them? I don't.

"Starvation looms here", but all I see in these videos is Palestinians having food?

"We have canned meat that even cats cannot eat"... and there you have it. If you have food and you're choosing not eating it, then you're simply not hungry enough. And once again we get the bullcrap about "canned food is making us sick", because their schools are too busy teaching them to praise terrorism over teaching them basic biology and hygiene so they understand how diseases spread and how to prevent it.

"In December, a relative overseas helped Salma and her brother get into Egypt"... NBC News mentions this like this doesn't require any further clarification:

So how did the relative "help" her and her brother to get on the list? Were they dual citizens? Did they have to pay the $5000? Given all the news items we've seen about people paying smugglers to get them on a list that allows them to cross from Ghaza into Egypt... shouldn't NBC be more transparent and provide an explanation about how this process works? They mention that "her parents did not make the list"... so why not? Are they connected Hamas? Did they run out of money to pay the smugglers?

Imagine listing muslims having the lowest literacy rates as an argument in your favour. They think we will look upon them and their terrorism lightly is they just keep saying they're dumb as rocks:

"Their mind is constantly diverted towards communal frenzy", this Indian woman is basedAF. She knows what these people are like.

View attachment 49610

There you go: Palestinians don't want a two-State solution. They want to kill all Dzooz and have Israel all to themselves.

There are so many countries that are theocratic Muslim-majority countries. There is only ONE country for Dzooz, but that one country is one country too many for these greedy bastards who want everything for themselves.

BreakThroughNews is such a trash channel. They refer to the Oct 7th attacks as a "so-called massacre", they gloat over the fact that most zoomers - who didn't experience 9/11, 7/7, or the wave of Islamist terrorist attacks thereafter - support Hamas and think their terrorist attack on Oct 7th was justified.

The leaked ADL call they're referring to is this:

The reason zoomers don't understand the threat of terrorism is because the West has become more effective in cracking down on terrorists. They underestimate how dangerous Islamism imported into the West really is.
The answer is simple. Palestinians are indoctrinated literally from preschool. They are indoctrinated throughout the education system, they are indoctrinated in the media. What do we do with the Gaza strip? We need a reconstruction and then we need a deradicalization program (similar to the denazification they had in Germany after WW2).
We need a reconstruction and then we need a deradicalization program (similar to the denazification they had in Germany after WW2).
After WW2? You mean fly various high ranking Hamas officials out to South America. You can't do anything with Gaza, until you nuke the Egg Whips and the Iraniums. At least. That's what the rag heads want. The Samson Option.
After WW2? You mean fly various high ranking Hamas officials out to South America. You can't do anything with Gaza, until you nuke the Egg Whips and the Iraniums. At least. That's what the rag heads want. The Samson Option.
Go into Gaza and seal off the northern section (making sure all the tunnels and stuff are destroyed), then start a reconstruction program and have Israel take over the education and media and start on a campaign to eradicate Hamas ideology. As I said before Islam is not incompatible with the Jewish State. Israeli Arabs practice their religion freely in Israel. As you reconstruct Gaza and deradicalize the Gazans, you should gradually integrate it with the rest of Israel and start on a program of Israeli citizenship so that there is no going back to Hamas.
Go into Gaza and seal off the northern section
You mean nuke Egypt and Iran.
have Israel take over the education and media and start on a campaign to eradicate Hamas ideology
See previous answer. Those countries only see Gaza and the West Bank as useful idiots in undermining Israel, to fuck with US foreign policy.
you should gradually integrate it with the rest of Israel and start on a program of Israeli citizenship so that there is no going back to Hamas.
Just say "Glass the rag heads, start again".
LMAO, "queue for flour", these people wouldn't know how to queue if their lives depended it on it, all they know is how to raid trucks like a crazed hoarde, they don't know how to queue to allow the aid to be distributed in a fair and orderly fashion:

Palestinians queue for flour as aid convoy reaches northern Gaza

Once again, Palestinians blame the canned food in the aid packages they've received for making them sick, and not the fact that they live in crammed, unsanitary conditions, or the fact that they do not even bother picking up their trash behind them, just dumping it wherever:

She asks: "How can someone live on canned for 5 months?", well, go ask all the preppers stockpiling cans who believe they can do exactly that. Apparently they're all wrong or something.

Then she films a large pile of trashed cans that a family has dumped right next to their tent. This Palestinian family literally couldn't even be bothered to find a plastic bag somewhere to put the empty cans. They just threw them on the ground, just like that.

Now think about all the rodents, insects, stray dogs and cats, or even other humans (I've seen images of kids searching through piles of trash for leftovers), that this pile of empty cans is going to attract, all of which will become an infection vector. Again, this pile of trash is apparently dumped right next to a tent where people live. These people are so ignorant of basic hygiene and biology that they think this is normal and sanitary. So does everyone around them, apparently. None of their neighbours are yelling at them, telling them to get a plastic bag for their trash. None of their neighbours are telling them to pick up their trash and go dump it at an agreed-upon place. No one has agreed upon a central place to dump their trash. No one has organized the citizens at these refugee camps to basic community services like picking up the trash.

In this video she shows a large trash dump that refugees have created because they can't be bothered to organize themselves to pick up the trash:

And you're surprised Dzooz in Israel, who follow very strict hygiene rules because of their religion, do not want to mingle in their own country, with the kind of people who can't even be bothered to use a plastic bag for their trash?

No, it's not the canned food that's making you sick.
It's your refusal to clean your trash after yourselves that's making you sick. Stop blaming the food aid for your own ignorance of basic hygiene rules. This is why Israelis call you "animals". Even a cat will bury its own poop. Palestinians are so ignorant, they don't even know what a plastic bag is for. Disgusting.

"Palestinians don't want charity, they don't want your food and aid", clearly they don't, LMAO, so lets stop giving it to them:

Great idea, let's stop giving aid to Palestinians, so they too can end up like Afghanistan under the Taliban, let their terrorist governments feed them, we are under no obligation to feed those who hate us and want to kill us, let them take care of their own gigantic families because they don't practice any family planning like civilized people do:

Diana Buttu is literally an idiot who doesn't know basic math: 30k dead is "15%" out of 2 million Palestinians in Ghaza?

LMAO, and the dumb Al Jazeera bitch interviewing her doesn't even correct her!

When the Youtube comment section knows better math than the PLO spokeswoman:


I guess this is what happens when you're a Palestinian kid who's too busy learning about terrorism in school instead of learning basic math.

It's literally this video, but replace "Americans" with "Diana Buttu & Palestinians":

Once again, blaming the canned food for the fact that they have gigantic families living in unsanitary conditions:

If the Palestinians don't like the cans, let's not give them any cans anymore. Let them eat mudcakes like the Haitians and Brazilians in the favelas do.

A heart breaking story of hunger, and survival in this extremely impoverished and densely populated commune located in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area in Haiti. Cité Soleil originally developed as a shanty town and grew to an estimated 200,000 to 400,000 residents, the majority of whom live in extreme poverty. The area is generally regarded as one of the poorest and most dangerous areas of the Western Hemisphere and it is one of the biggest slums in the world.

This is real starvation, what you see in the above two videos, not Palestinians being picky about the aid they receive in Ghaza, bitching about how they can't have eggs and chicken. Imagine how much more unsanitary everything in Ghaza would get if they were delivered animal products to cook with no refrigeration. The fact that they don't know any of this is indicative of how poor their education is on all matters of hygiene. You don't want to be around animal carcasses with no access to clean water or refrigeration.
The US, on behalf of Israel, is asking Egypt to crack down on the human smugglers that are demanding $5000 from desperate Ghazans to take them into Egypt, as well as smuggling weapons from Egypt into Ghaza:

Once again, there is food in Ghaza, but Hamas is stealing it for themselves:

This actually made me LMAO:

Dancing With The Stars should at the very least audition him, what would be hilarious!
For all their crying about Israel, none of these progressives can see a way out of the present conflict and are just basically doomposting during this debate:

Yet Israel itself does see the light at the end of the tunnel. Israel, unlike all these doomers, see a future where there is no terrorism.

OMG this Livestream was pure gold, LMAOOO! Ehud Barak going off on Netanyahu was hilarious! Ehud Barak is my favourite Dzooish political lolcow as of today!

I utterly despise Owen Jones, now he's making the rounds for leaving the Labour Party in the UK as a former prominent Labour member:

...when this is very likely the real reason he's leaving: he would've been kicked out of Labour for being such a rabid antisemitic terrorism-apologist, so he was like "you can't fire me, I quit!" just to save himself the embarrassment of being kicked out of the Party.

We need to get Owen Jones one of those "Old Labour & Proud Of It" mugs that the late Tony Benn used to have, only Owen's mug should say "Ex Labour & Proud Of It", LMAO.

MSM finally admitting that the reason Palestinians can't afford food is because aid is stolen and sold on the black market:

About this video:

Palestinians in the North aren't eating "grass", they are eating common mallow and hibiscus tree leaves, both of which are safe to eat.

Mallow (sold at a market) is shown in this video as "khobiza", its local name:
Vivian denied this was happening:

Apparently Palestinians are "starving" in the West Bank now too, and need to be fed by Dzooz:

"100s of 1000s Palestinians were working in Israel", wait a minute, I thought these all places were like a prison Palestinians couldn't escape from?

Here's Ghaza's Chantal, obviously starving, skeletal and emaciated:

Hamas terrorists reportedly widely used a quote from the Quran which was featured in the Oct 7th attack plan, and read: "Surprise them through the gate."

This is the "Surprise The Through The Gates" quote they are referring to:


Here is the verse in context: It's the messenger of Islam going to the people of the book (Christians and Dzooz) and essentially blackmailing them into accepting Islam and Allah as the Superior God at the threat of destruction:

O People of the Book! Now Our Messenger has come to you, revealing much of what you have hidden of the Scriptures and disregarding much. There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book
through which Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, brings them out of darkness and into light by His Will, and guides them to the Straight Path.
(This verse is reference to Jesus, declaring him a false prophet) Indeed, those who say, “Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary,” have fallen into disbelief. Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Who has the power to prevent Allah if He chose to destroy the Messiah, son of Mary, his mother, and everyone in the world all together?” To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. He creates whatever He wills. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.
(Here the messenger accuses Christians and Dzooz of being degenerates who are constantly being punished by God for their sins, repeating that Islam is the superior religion) The Jews and the Christians each say, “We are the children of Allah and His most beloved!” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Why then does He punish you for your sins? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To Allah ˹alone˺ belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return.”
O People of the Book! Our Messenger has indeed come to you, making things clear to you after an interval between the messengers so you do not say, "There has never come to us a deliverer of good news or a warner." Now there has come to you a deliverer of good news and a warner. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.
And 'remember' when Moses said to his people, "O my people! Remember Allah's favours upon you when He raised prophets from among you, made you sovereign, and gave you what He had never given anyone in the world.

O my people! Enter the Holy Land which Allah has destined for you 'to enter'. And do not turn back or else you will become losers.
They replied, "O Moses! There is an enormously powerful people there, so we will never 'be able to' enter it until they leave. If they do, then we will enter!"
Two God-fearing men - who had been blessed by Allah - said, "Surprise them through the gate. If you do, you will certainly prevail. Put your trust in Allah if you are 'truly' believers."
'Yet' they said, "O Moses! 'Still' we will never enter as long as they remain there. So go - both you and your Lord - and fight; we are staying right here!"
Moses pleaded, "My Lord! I have no control over anyone except myself and my brother. So set us apart from the rebellious people."
Allah replied, "Then this land is forbidden to them for forty years, during which they will wander through the land. So do not grieve for the rebellious people."

So the message of the Quran is that unless you accept Allah as your lord and master, his cult members the Jihadists will invade your country/city/continent "by surprise" through the gate, and they will not pity you as they kill you because you are being "rebellious". It's such a disgusting, blackmail-based religion, it's disgusting how they expect us to pity them when this is what their religion tells them to do to us, this is what their religious teachers tell them is acceptable and what they should strive towards. It's even more infuriating to read these verses for yourself and to see how this contrast with the bullshit they put out about Islam being a religion of peace. There is no peace or acceptance here. It's constantly: "Accept Allah as your lord and master, join our cult or else!"

If you thought the Green Prince was exaggerating when he said that Hamas "is not a political movement but an extremist religious movement", here you have it. These are the literal Quran verses that Hamas used to morally justify the attack on Oct 7th.
Hamas terrorists reportedly widely used a quote from the Quran which was featured in the Oct 7th attack plan, and read: "Surprise them through the gate."

This is the "Surprise The Through The Gates" quote they are referring to:

View attachment 51122View attachment 51121View attachment 51120

Here is the verse in context: It's the messenger of Islam going to the people of the book (Christians and Dzooz) and essentially blackmailing them into accepting Islam and Allah as the Superior God at the threat of destruction:

So the message of the Quran is that unless you accept Allah as your lord and master, his cult members the Jihadists will invade your country/city/continent "by surprise" through the gate, and they will not pity you as they kill you because you are being "rebellious". It's such a disgusting, blackmail-based religion, it's disgusting how they expect us to pity them when this is what their religion tells them to do to us, this is what their religious teachers tell them is acceptable and what they should strive towards. It's even more infuriating to read these verses for yourself and to see how this contrast with the bullshit they put out about Islam being a religion of peace. There is no peace or acceptance here. It's constantly: "Accept Allah as your lord and master, join our cult or else!"

If you thought the Green Prince was exaggerating when he said that Hamas "is not a political movement but an extremist religious movement", here you have it. These are the literal Quran verses that Hamas used to morally justify the attack on Oct 7th.
The Jews and Christians were referred to as people of the Book and were allowed to practice their religion with some restrictions.
Must-see short documentary from the BBC of all places:

Five reasons why Iran is involved in so many global conflicts - BBC World Service

Why Hezbollah desperately wants to trigger a war between Israel and Lebanon: because the Lebanese wanted to have a civil state and to get rid of their corrupt politicians. They were on their way towards having another Arab spring, their own, genuine, true grassroots Arab Spring this time. The terrorists need a war with Israel to destroy the people's movement because otherwise they're OUT:

Look up where the Israeli port city of Haifa is on Gmaps. Haifa is within firing range of Hezbollah from the North. Hezbollah has already fired a missile storm aimed at Haifa:

If Israel invades Lebanon to stop Hezbollah, they will bomb the fuck out of Haifa and other Northern cities.
I remember this woke SJW whore Nice Mangoes from when she had interviewed Nyk/ContraPoints some years ago. She says "as a parent" during this new podcast, so I guess the whore got herself knocked up in the mean time:

She's very upset at Palestinian children being subjected to Israeli raids... but where was this energy when Israeli children where watching their siblings being shot dead before their eyes, then being forced to lie on the floor with Hamas terrorists pointing guns at them? Where was this energy when Hamas was abducting Israeli children taking them down into to dark tunnels with explosives? "Very shallow, reductive and ignorant" indeed.

When I get on a plane, I never have to worry about an extremist Dzoo or an extremist Christian blowing the plane up to make a point. I only have to worry about an Islamist doing so. That's the truth, so yes, this is about Radical Extremist Islam. All Hamas is doing is reinforcing their terroristic reputation. We learned from fighting ISIS that you can't have any mercy for terrorists, as they have no mercy for you either.

Furthermore, there are no bans on pro-Palestine protests in Europe. Nice Mangos is straight up lying about Europe banning pro-Palestine protests. I constantly see items on Al Jazeera and Middle East Eye about European pro-Palestine protests. There are people freely protesting in favour of Palestine and having puplic pro-Palestine marches and speeches all over Europe as we speak. Europe is unfortunately full of radical fundamentalist Islamists now and yes, they too are allowed to protest and publicly spew their one-sided biased lies like everyone else in politics. All they were asked to do was to refrain from overt antisemitism during their pro-Palestine protests, a general anti-discrimination rule which applies to anyone protesting in Europe. But these Islamists in Europe really do hate Dzooz - in fact Dzooz are being threatened all over Europe right now - so they couldn't follow the same rules that apply to anyone else.
Everyone meet my good new friend, Francesca Albanese: "Francesca Albanese is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Palestinian Gaza."

Albanese become notorious through this video clip from a speech she gave in Canberra in Australia, which has almost a million views, where Albanese claimed that Israel doesn't have a right to defend itself against terrorist attacks. Israelis should just sit on their hands and allow Hamas and Hezbollah to kill their citizens unpunished, according to this crazy woman.

UN Special Rapporteur: Israel can't claim 'right of self-defence'

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories, has said that Israel cannot claim the right of ‘self-defence’ under international law because Gaza is a territory which it occupies. Her comments came in a speech to the National Press Club in Canberra, Australia.

Albanese basically claims that if a terrorist group kills 1000+ and kidnaps 200+ of your people, you have no right to self-defense, cos some edge-casing lawyer at the UN said so! If you suffer a terrorist attack, you just have to sit on your hands and let it happen. You have no right to defend yourself because a terrorist group isn't a State, even if that terrorist group is in government and is backed by another State.

She's literally laughing throughout this because even she can't bring herself to believe her own shit. It's "Duper's Delight" throughout.

I hate the UN so fucking much, holy shit the nerve.

I fucking knew this Albanese woman was full of shit! I had literally shaved the first video I saw with her so I could write a fucking post about her! Now it turns out, this UN POS, UN Special Rapporteur on Palestine Francesca Albanese, was on a Palestinian-lobby funded media tour:

Australian media ‘duped’ by UN Rapporteur for Palestine claiming to be ‘impartial’

Francesca Albanese’s ‘bias’ against Israel exposed on The Project

Sky News host Sharri Markson says UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine Francesca Albanese’s “bias” was exposed on ‘The Project’.

Ms Markson says her bias was exposed when ‘The Project’ host Waleed Aly asked the important question “what would be the right response from Israel to the terror attacks on October 7?”

“Her answer? Zero response from Israel, Zero,” Ms Markson said.

“The suggestion that the UN could go in and take weapons off Hamas is farcical.

“The Red Cross hasn’t even been able to visit the hostages.”

United Nations props up ‘dangerous woman’ making disturbing claims on Israeli war

Sky News Digital Editor Jack Houghton has labelled United Nations Special Rapporteur for Palestine Francesca Albanese “dangerous” after her address at the National Press Club.

The UN expert tried to make a legal framework for why Israel was wrong to respond to the crimes of Hamas.

“Albanese, who is supposed to be an impartial observer and advocate for the region, made the case that Israel is an occupier, therefore, has no jurisdiction for retaliation,” Mr Houghton said.

“This woman is dangerous and the fact the UN props her up and our National Press Club books her as a speaker is absolutely insane.

“Not only were Albanese's comments appalling and widely condemned by the Jewish community, they were actually fundamentally revealing.”

My bullshit detector immediately went off with this one.

Guess who else platformed Albanese:

That's right, hardcore misogynist UK TRA Owen Jones interviewed this propagandist on his Youtube channel.

Far-left SJW "woke" TRA & Jihadist terrorism apologists are brothers in arms.

Israel denied her a visa after saying they had no right to defend themselves against terrorists, and of course she went crying to Al Jazeera about no longer being able to visit Israel.

Israel denies visas to UN staff as it hits back against Gaza war criticism

This is what every country should do, the US should do it too. These completely biased UN technocrats need to be shaken out of the illusion that they're some kind of political royalty above and beyond national governments.

Francesca Albanese is full of shit. She knows there are other instances in recent history where rebel forces or terrorist groups used medical facilities and schools as safe havens, and she knows what her beloved bludgeon, international law, has to say about that.

On the other hand, the IDF has shown over and over examples of the UN working with Hamas in exchange for access to Ghaza, with repeated examples of Hamas using hospitals and UN facilities as weapon crests.

IDF Spokesperson claims ‘Hamas goes into UNRWA facilities and takes food’ intended for relief​

Globalist technocrat aid agencies shouldn't use their supposed political neutrality as an excuse to justify active ongoing cooperation with terrorists. Maybe the UN should've refused caving into Hamas' demands and just said: "Hey, if you're such a big bad Islamist terrorist, go ahead and feed your people on your own.".

Albanese is so bad faith and deceitful, for example this part, where she feigns ignorance and says: "How do we know that the children in Ghaza are radicalized?"

Well, we know these kids are radicalized, because we have seen pages out of their schoolbooks.

We have seen what's in their school books, where these kids are encouraged to worship violent terrorists.

UNRWA schools and even employees' residences were weaponized by Hamas:

It's an established fact that children in Ghaza are raised to praise terrorism and to hate Dzooz. I don't give a fuck if this UN bitch denies it, we have the receipts of how these kids are raised, what they're taught in school and what their values are.

Here Albanese is literally comparing Israel to Russia saying it should be sanctioned the same way, when most Dzooz fled antisemitic Russia due to Pogroms & prosecution:

Albanese is saying this knowing that a lot of the most recent Dzooz who emigrated to Israel under the Law of Return are Russians fleeing Putin's regime and the War against Russia. Albanese knows that these Dzooz in Israel are looked at as "Russian Dzooz", with their Jewishness being questioned, so Albanese is banking on this link of some Dzooz to Russia to compare the whole of Israel to Russia.

Here's a comment from someone who claims to be a former UN insider:

Albanese worked for a number of pro-Palestine activist groups before being appointed to her position in the UN. If you have any understanding of how the UN works (I do, I worked there) you will know that she would not have obtained her position without a strong pro-Palestinian record. In this dispute, the UN is neither neutral nor unbiased.

You create your own narrative on this channel,and even in court in the future ,more evidence against the U.N will be shown, Israel is not being aggressive to the u.n for nothing,truth will come for sure.Those so called health workers are working with Hamas,and there is evidence to prove that.

12:15 My brain hurts from this leftist stupidity...
If you translated this situation into Ukraine war, this would be like sanctioning Ukraine for defending themselves, while sending humanitarian aid to Russia, who attacked them, and calling for a ceasefire because Russia is losing.

The UN has not explained how it was not aware of Hamas terrorist cells operating beneath their organisation operations within Gaza. Pretty please explain. I think the wry smirk on the face of this UN representative tells all that is to know. Furthermore, the actions of the UN towards Isreal for the last two decades tells a story of an organisation that is NOT NEUTRAL!!

Honestly hearing how she talks about Israel, why would they automatically let her in? she sounds like a bigot. Also it's crazy how pro palestinian the UN is by nature(like 50+ something muslim countries / pro muslim countries), the UN did nothing to help bring the Israeli hostages back. they constantly supply fuel to Hamas's Terror tunnels and rockets

OMG, Null is gonna love this, this shit is right up his alley:

A German bank blocked the accounts of Jewish Voice, a leading NGO that's critical of Israel. In its press release announcing what had happened, the NGO said: "Once again, Jewish money is being confiscated by a German bank."

Jewish Voice was founded in Berlin in 2003 and was initiated as the German section of the umbrella organisation "European Jews for a Just Peace", established in Amsterdam in 2002.

"We join with Jews in Europe and globally in asserting that the Israeli colonisation and occupation of Palestine and the oppression of Palestinian people is not carried out in the name and in the interest of Jews worldwide. Not in our name!", the website reads.

Jewish Voice is one of the most prominent pro-Palestine associations in Germany and has in recent months helped organise protests, rallies, events and talks across various German cities.

I really wonder what Null is going to say about this. Is he gonna be like, "Hell yeah, fuck them, fuck Dzooz, good on Germany for taking that Dzooish money", or will he find common cause in them losing their bank accounts over their free speech too?

I will never understand these self-hating Dzoos though. I hate it when people call someone a pick-me just for having a certain political viewpoint, but I really do wonder if these self-hating, self-erasing Dzooz really think that the terrorists will go soft on them if they appease the terrorists.

Here's probably the most extreme example of a self-hating Dzoo I've seen on social media over the past months. Tellingly, she is a TIF: she not only hates being a Dzoo but being a woman as well. She's also apparently the IDF's equivalent of a Pentagon trannie, in that she was in the army before she trooned out:

"The IDF should not exist, the State of Israel should not exist", this is a TIF whose intense self-hatred extends to her whole being, even to her being Israeli.

"If something activates you, find the inner question behind the feeling", I dare this fucking TIF to ask this question of one of the Israeli hostages in Ghaza who lived to tell the tale. Does she know that poor people will be "activated" by C-PTSD for the rest of their lives?

The TIF is apparently part of some weird queer commune, where they organize witchy performance art rituals. During one of these rituals/performance art pieces, the TIF can be seen with taped breasts, which is a common form of bodily mutilation amongst TIFs. Some TIFs that cannot afford to cut their tits off will wear tights breast binders or tape flat their breast, to the point of no longer being able to breathe freely and suffering respiratory damage:

Does this Yaniv woman (who is or is not related to the notorious Jonathan Yaniv?) think that she would be allowed to perfect these lesbian performance art pieces in a muslim country? Or would she and her fellow radical lesbian/queer performers be taken up to a high building and thrown off the roof by the moral police for such "witchcraft" and "blasphemy"?

If any self-hating Dzooz are reading this: do not try to appease those who want to kill you. A lot of Hamas' hostages and victims from the musical festival they invaded and attacked were some of the most progressive, peace-loving Dzooz in Israel. Hamas didn't care, they just mowed them all down together with everyone else. They don't care about your politics, they just want to kill.

Geez, I wonder how it ever got to this...

Knesset passes a law that could shutdown Al Jazeera in Israel | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Why is Israel targeting Al Jazeera? | Inside Story​

White House says reports of Israel shutting down Al Jazeera locally is 'concerning'​

Israeli parliament passes law paving way for Al Jazeera ban​

Al Jazeera repeatedly re-posted videos of Hamas communiques in full on their English and Arabic Youtube channels. They eventually stopped re-posting them on their English language channel, because they realized that this was not a good look before their international audiences, but continued posting Hamas communiques in full on their Arabic channel. For example, the following Hamas communique, where a dead Dutch hostage (the artist Guy Olivier) was named, was posted on Al Jazeera's Arabic channel on the 16th of October 2023:


Al Jazeera did not moderate their English language Youtube chat in any shape or form, the way other channels are expected to do and appoint moderators for the job. Al Jazeera allowed violent antisemitism to be posted there on a second by second basis by antisemitic bot accounts referencing the Quran verse 9:123 legitimizing the use of violence against non-believers:


This was the top banner on Al Jazeera's English Youtube channel for a couple of days after the Oct 7th attacks. In this banner are depicted the Hamas terrorists flying into Israel using para-gliders pointing their guns, Hamas terrorists on top of an Israeli tank at the Re'im music festival massacre, as well as terrorists dragging Israeli soldiers taken as hostages with their hands tied behind their backs, with the golden dome of the Al Aqsa mosque (after which the Oct 7th attack was named, "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood") in the background:


Al Jazeera only changed their gloating banner sometime after the 10th of October 2023, when they realized that Israel was really ramping up the war to crack down on Hamas, and decided it was a better strategy for them to focus on Palestinian casualties to pull a DARVO on Israel.

So Al Jazeera is fearful of the prospect of being censored in Israel, but what was Al Jazeera's response when almost all Islamist countries during their respective Arab Spring protests, repeatedly tried to shut down not just their local media but their entire domestic internets? The country of Egypt for example banned Al Jazeera, jailed their journalists and asked Qatar, where Al Jazeera is based, to shut down the channel:

Arab Spring inspired millions but it was short-lived. In Egypt a coup by General - Abdel Fatah el Sisi overthrew the democratically elected Mohamad Morsi. In Syria -the fight between rebels and Assad gradually largely crushed the rebel resistance with Russian and Iranian firepower. Al Jazeera’s fortunes too shifted dramatically - Sisi banned the network in Egypt imprisoning its journalists. Now Egypt, backed by the UAE is demanding Qatar shutdown Al Jazeera. One of the top demands of the Saudi-led bloc.

And yet I can't find a single video from that time where Al Jazeera was complaining about being censored in Egypt the way they're now complaining about the Israeli ban.
Their FBI files are gonna be HUGE!

Michigan pro-Palestine rally protesters chant "Death to America"

Anti-Israel activists were heard chanting “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” at a rally in a Michigan city recently dubbed the “jihad capital” of the US. NY Post reporter Melissa Koenig shares this story.

The sick chants erupted at a rally Friday in Dearborn marking Al Quds Day, in which Muslims around the world denounce Israel, according to a video posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

They came after Dearborn activist Tarek Bazzi ripped the US for supporting Israel — and told the crowd that “the chant ‘Death to Israel’ has become the most logical chant across the world today.

Love how Dan Perry wipes the floor with all these others, though I bet he will never be invited back to an Al Jazeera panel after this:

If Hamas doesn't surrender, Israel will not stop this war.

Israel is no longer playing defense when it comes to Hezbollah or Iran:
