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MENA (Middle East - North Africa) Palestine versus Israel

Middle East - North Africa
Fucking demagogue:

Export this demagogue to Ghaza to marry a Hamas terrorist since she loves them so much.

Biden trying to force Netanyahu to halfass it in Ghaza, so Biden can grandstand as a peacemaker and save the Dems from sure ruin at the coming elections:

Israel-Hamas war: No end to Gaza war until Hamas 'destroyed,' Netanyahu says | LiveNOW from FOX

Hamas doesn't even have to disarm according to Biden's plan: "We're going to have to release murderers with blood on their hands, people who've killed multiple Israelis in terrorist attacks in order to get our hostages."

Netanyahu reviews Biden's ‘problematic’ peace deal as Israeli government pressure increases
Amazing: the IDF managed to retrieve some of the hostages. From the comments: "Civilian means non-combatant. Holding hostages, you lose this status. If you keep hostages in your house, you are NOT a civilian."

LMAO at all the pro-Hamas racists insisting on calling Dzooz in Israel "white European colonizers": Dzooz in Israel look so plainly Semitic, they were able to infiltrate the Ghaza strip and move to the location of the hostages without even being noticed by the locals. So much for Dzooz being "white Europeans from Poland".

"You don't get to take our people hostage and then get to complain that civilians died when we rescue them."

There were 200+ casualties because Hamas tried to stop Israel from retrieving the hostages:

Hamas' buddies the Houtis have kidnapped aid workers and UN staffers in Yemen... hmmm, I wonder who's gonna go into Yemen to retrieve them:

No one has a problem with you criticizing Israel, the far right in Israel, Judaism, etc. Saying shit like: "The 9 million Dzooz in Israel need to go back to Poland, so Arab Islamists can have the entire ME to themselves"? You're a fucking antisemite.

The "Livingstone Formulation" mentioned in the title of the above video is this:

This paper is concerned with a rhetorical formulation which is sometimes deployed in response to an accusation of antisemitism, particularly when it relates to discourse which is of the form of criticism of Israel. This formulation is a defensive response which deploys a counter-accusation that the person raising the issue of antisemitism is doing so in bad faith and dishonestly. I have called it The Livingstone Formulation (Hirsh 2007, 2008).

It is defined by the presence of two elements. Firstly the conflation of legitimate criticism of Israel with what are alleged to be demonizing, exclusionary or antisemitic discourses or actions; secondly, the presence of the counteraccusation that the raisers of the issue of antisemitism do so with dishonest intent, in order to de-legitimize criticism of Israel. The allegation is that the accuser chooses to ‘play the antisemitism card’ rather than to relate seriously to, or to refute, the criticisms of Israel. While the issue of antisemitism is certainly sometimes raised in an unjustified way, and may even be raised in bad faith, the Livingstone Formulation may appear as a response to any discussion of contemporary antisemitism.

a counter-charge of dishonest Jewish (or ‘Zionist’) conspiracy.

The Livingstone Formulation does two things. Firstly, it implicitly denies that there is a distinction between criticism of Israel on the one hand, which is widely accepted as being legitimate, and discourse and action about which, by contrast, there is concern relating to its alleged connection to antisemitism, on the other hand. The Livingstone Formulation conflates everything, both criticism of Israel but also other things which are allegedly not so legitimate, such as repeatedly insulting a Jewish reporter by comparing him to a Nazi, into the category of legitimate criticism of Israel.

Secondly, the Livingstone Formulation does not simply accuse anyone who raises the issue of contemporary antisemitism of being wrong, it also accuses them of bad faith: ‘the accusation of antisemitism has been used against anyone who is critical …’ [my italics]. Not an honest mistake, but a secret, common plan to try to de-legitimize criticism by means of an instrumental use of a charge of antisemitism. Crying wolf. This is an allegation of malicious intent made against the (unspecified) people who raise concerns about antisemitism. It is not possible to ‘use’ ‘the accusation of antisemitism’ in order to delegitimize criticism of Israel, without dishonest intent.

So basically, if you believe, in principle, that a State has a right to 1) defend itself against terrorists invading its borders and 2) retrieve hostages from a hostile neighbouring territory, the pro-Hamas camp will accuse you of being a genocidal colonial settler.

Naw, you just hate the idea of Dzooz having their own country and doing all the things literally any other country would do, if hundreds of its citizens were getting kidnapped and murdered by terrorists.
What people still refuse to understand is that even the liberals in Israel support the War in Ghaza. Israeli liberals know and understand that Hamas terrorists don't give a shit if you're liberal or conservative, they just hate all Dzooz and want to kill them all:
