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Gaming What make you hate the modern AAA gaming scene?

modern gaming hate thread

Neko Rights Activist

OK I'm a pink cat =UwU=
Remarkable Onion
Recently, I tried to replay Far Cry 5 again and gave it another chance, only to found myself keep downloading and deleting it over and over again, as I can't even brought myself to boot the game up. Honestly modern gaming, at least the AAA scene, just feels inferior compares to the oldschool gaming. One of the reason I can think of is because that games now are more focus on adding shallow features/cinematic bullshit/pre-scripted events instead of just focusing on the core elements, just look at the simpler, yet superior Far Cry 2, or even 3&4 VS. the messy nu Far Cry games full of scripted garbage we have now.
What do you think anyway?
NVM decided to replay Gothic 2 NOTR instead and trying another build. My time is preciously and I'm not wasting 20 hours on something that I disliked before and probably won't find it fun. Fucking modern gaming.

gothic 2.png
nigga its simple lack of content in game
all of it is either nu-art faggot niggercattle goyslop heckin deep single player story or washed up shooter with 3 guns
i want bf4's 70+ guns and myriad of gadgets to explore and try, not 2042's paltry portion of generic weapons
nigga its simple lack of content in game
all of it is either nu-art faggot niggercattle goyslop heckin deep single player story or washed up shooter with 3 guns
i want bf4's 70+ guns and myriad of gadgets to explore and try, not 2042's paltry portion of generic weapons
huh I would prefer a simple polished game rather than a feature creep. I actually like the Vietnam DLC for Far Cry 5, it doesn't have much contents but it emphasizes the core stealth gameplay element and stay around with it for most of the game (except the ending part which sucks unfortunately), compares to the base game which has lots of missions and activities but all of them are shallow and scripted as fuck.
huh I would prefer a simple polished game rather than a feature creep. I actually like the Vietnam DLC for Far Cry 5, it doesn't have much contents but it emphasizes the core stealth gameplay element and stay around with it for most of the game (except the ending part which sucks unfortunately), compares to the base game which has lots of missions and activities but all of them are shallow and scripted as fuck.
i suppose this is where we differ, I just like to be able to play the game in different ways.
lets take the aforementioned bf4 for example, support running ammo crate and ucav is going to play wildly differently than a guy with xm25 smoke and an MP-APS. same with for example squad, while the gameplay on raas is similar for all factions i like being able to use more than 1 RPG, more than 1 ATGM, insurgent 2 habs and et cetera.

i suppose you could chalk it up to my low attention span zoomie zoom pornfried brain, but I just like tons of content gameplay and variety and when I mine the game of it i usually leave
It's the half finished bits. Helpfully, I only pick up AAA games when they've been out long enough for all the bugs to be fixed... The last time I actively sought out a review of a game I wanted to like was pre-GamerGate. I know you asked about the "scene"...i guess my contribution is that the "scene" is the problem. I like big open world games you play on your own, so it's pretty easy for me to just pick up, say, Witcher 3, about 6 years after all the hype died and fall in love with it. And when I talk to other people who genuinely like and enjoy games, they are usually excited to find new people to be excited with.

The lead up to big game releases is fun, but the crushing disappointment that seems to go with all of them isn't. I'd rather have way less frequent releases and see more finished masterpiece level games. I understand that eSports is a thing, and speedrunning, and modding, and all that, but none of those people seem to get much joy out of gaming and I have no interest in the groups themselves. I'd rather talk to people who...you know...LIKE video games. I do. I think I have convinced at least ten people to fire up MGSV again, because my childlike glee at how great it is seems to get people to forget all the critic noise that surrounds the thing. Helpfully, MGS has a big, aggressive fanbase that kind of forcibly shuts up the critic machine anyway, one of the few franchises where people preferentially seek out the unofficial critics (o7 PythonSelkan) because what the hell does Kotaku in Action or whoever know about MGS anyway? Not as much as PythonSelkan.

A lot of the noise just screams past me and I pick up what I want to play and like what I like. I do feel let down by games like MGSV though, when I find out that the studio shoved them out the door before they were done, and how much greater they could have been. Cyberpunk2077 came out and was barely playable. Skyrim STILL has sections that are so buggy you think you're losing your mind until you finally give up and google why you can't get into the vampire castle. The symbiotic link the studios have with their online/connected audiences is a problem, in my view. They need to put out finished products that can be played without tapping into the steam community or whatever. Because I don't want to. I don't want to engage with the noise around the game and I sur dont want the constant stream of advertising for paid additional content that goes with it.

Idk. I've never been the target market for video games, and that's actually kind of comfy. I'm not a white male under 25 so it's ok for me to think Quiet is a great character and video game companies don't even care about why I'd rather play as Big Boss or Geralt than whatever disabled lesbian grrlpower character their vapid corporate diversity department cooked up.

Wow. That's a lotta words. You want to hear what an irrelevant old person thinks about comic books next?
I wouldn't say most new games suck even on the aaa side due to the amount of games being sold and if you are jaded by new aaa games their are indies and past games that might be a pain in the ass to work but worth it for lost charm.
It's the half finished bits. Helpfully, I only pick up AAA games when they've been out long enough for all the bugs to be fixed... The last time I actively sought out a review of a game I wanted to like was pre-GamerGate. I know you asked about the "scene"...i guess my contribution is that the "scene" is the problem. I like big open world games you play on your own, so it's pretty easy for me to just pick up, say, Witcher 3, about 6 years after all the hype died and fall in love with it. And when I talk to other people who genuinely like and enjoy games, they are usually excited to find new people to be excited with.

The lead up to big game releases is fun, but the crushing disappointment that seems to go with all of them isn't. I'd rather have way less frequent releases and see more finished masterpiece level games. I understand that eSports is a thing, and speedrunning, and modding, and all that, but none of those people seem to get much joy out of gaming and I have no interest in the groups themselves. I'd rather talk to people who...you know...LIKE video games. I do. I think I have convinced at least ten people to fire up MGSV again, because my childlike glee at how great it is seems to get people to forget all the critic noise that surrounds the thing. Helpfully, MGS has a big, aggressive fanbase that kind of forcibly shuts up the critic machine anyway, one of the few franchises where people preferentially seek out the unofficial critics (o7 PythonSelkan) because what the hell does Kotaku in Action or whoever know about MGS anyway? Not as much as PythonSelkan.

A lot of the noise just screams past me and I pick up what I want to play and like what I like. I do feel let down by games like MGSV though, when I find out that the studio shoved them out the door before they were done, and how much greater they could have been. Cyberpunk2077 came out and was barely playable. Skyrim STILL has sections that are so buggy you think you're losing your mind until you finally give up and google why you can't get into the vampire castle. The symbiotic link the studios have with their online/connected audiences is a problem, in my view. They need to put out finished products that can be played without tapping into the steam community or whatever. Because I don't want to. I don't want to engage with the noise around the game and I sur dont want the constant stream of advertising for paid additional content that goes with it.

Idk. I've never been the target market for video games, and that's actually kind of comfy. I'm not a white male under 25 so it's ok for me to think Quiet is a great character and video game companies don't even care about why I'd rather play as Big Boss or Geralt than whatever disabled lesbian grrlpower character their vapid corporate diversity department cooked up.

Wow. That's a lotta words. You want to hear what an irrelevant old person thinks about comic books next?
We get it you really love MGS5 also Quiet had barely any character when compared to the previous women of MGS. Then again she was interesting to find out more about if Kojima wasn't so vague with the story of that game. Also MGS5 pissed off and furthor devided the fans to the point they often stupidley say its one of the worst due to the lack of story. Which is stupid because it has the most cutscenes, longest soundtrack, and longest script that becomes more noticible the more you play it or pay attention to.
I don't like open world games or games that are overly complicated which covers most of the newer stuff theses days. Also I can't stand the fact that so many games try make their story the main part of the game over the gameplay. I just want to play and you keep making me watch dumb cut scenes if i wanted to watch something I would just watch a movie or read a visual novel. Games should be about actually going on a adventure yourself and not watching someone else do it for you. Really I just don't understand why people are willing to waste their time on games like this.
I don't like open world games or games that are overly complicated which covers most of the newer stuff theses days. Also I can't stand the fact that so many games try make their story the main part of the game over the gameplay. I just want to play and you keep making me watch dumb cut scenes if i wanted to watch something I would just watch a movie or read a visual novel. Games should be about actually going on a adventure yourself and not watching someone else do it for you. Really I just don't understand why people are willing to waste their time on games like this.
Because some people prefer to have more of a story. Also if you want more gameplay focused games go to the indies and shit from the past.
Because some people prefer to have more of a story. Also if you want more gameplay focused games go to the indies and shit from the past.
One issue i see is flow state. Play classic Sonic and you get in the zone, twitch controls, intense focus. Reaching top speed is a reward for having good reactions, since its risky. It takes practice to blow through a level in a short time.

Modern Sonic is like, let's have levels where you lose control at parts and have talking every 30 seconds. Stop and look around for gay collectibles.

This is just an example of the overall shift in focus seen in many games made today. They chase a different kind of experience, one less about actual skill and gameplay and more about RPG aspects (story, hidden items, unlockables, etc).

RPGs have always existed and they can be great too. But genres are being blurred and something is being lost in that process.

It can be very hard to find out what a game really feels like by looking at online reviews and videos. So much focus is often placed on the story or the objectives, not what you as the player are actually doing with most of your time.

Like in Death Stranding, I want to know up front this is a walking sim fetch quest game with short bursts of 3rd person shooter combat. Then once I accept that, then tell me about the shitty story, not the other way around.
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I get ya on Sonic Sega fucked up Sonic when they went 3d since then its been bad game after bad game with a occasional good one. I don't know what to say about DS since the marketing was vague but i ended up loving it and i loved the story maybe it did something for me. Then again Kojimas last game Phantom Pains marketing gave away to much about the game that the smart fans saw the twist coming a mile away.
I wouldn't say most new games suck even on the aaa side due to the amount of games being sold and if you are jaded by new aaa games their are indies and past games that might be a pain in the ass to work but worth it for lost charm.

We get it you really love MGS5 also Quiet had barely any character when compared to the previous women of MGS. Then again she was interesting to find out more about if Kojima wasn't so vague with the story of that game. Also MGS5 pissed off and furthor devided the fans to the point they often stupidley say its one of the worst due to the lack of story. Which is stupid because it has the most cutscenes, longest soundtrack, and longest script that becomes more noticible the more you play it or pay attention to.
MGSV just didn't have as many impactful or memorable cutscenes compared to the other games I felt, and I don't if it's just me, but the pacing seemed off and the filler tasks wasn't doing it for me. It's a good game though, and it is by far the best one gameplay wise. And I agree, Kojima's vague story telling can be tiresome at times when he introduces interesting characters, and it's even worse for people who aren't familiar with his work, I tried to get a friend to try the game out on release with me, and they really didn't like any of it lol.
As for the topic: Nintendo's "Triple A" games for whatever reason never go down in price even when some look like fucking mobile games. Also, fuck gacha games and those dog shit business practices being implemented into beloved franchises. The last game I truly enjoyed was probably Cuphead, and the game I'm looking forward to most is Beyond Good and Evil 2. (I already know Ubisoft is going to fuck it up somehow)
Most of these games keep blatantly disrespecting their player's time and letting actual problems go on for far too long over the span of multiple years or never address them at all. It was far less of a grind to learn how to make my own stuff myself from scratch than to continue playing a second longer of any of that wannabe mobile game battle pass autism that is every game so far this decade. While seemingly everyone will play dumb like there aren't glaring problems that make it a herculean task just to boot up any new games in the first place. Between the 500 different login screens taking forever to load for no technical reason and then these games assaulting the player with what may as well be hundreds of unavoidable popups upon getting into the main menu. So I just don't play any of them anymore.


Player customization? Anything that made the games of yesteryear worth playing? Even mentioning Concepts like that are like throwing garlic on a vampire to these discord link spamming uninspired 2d pixelshit "indie developer" faggots who will be more than happy to ban any humans from their controlled platforms. From what I've seen, Its actually a huge red flag if a developer shills a discord link at all these days and is very indicative the game will be 100% unfinished garbage with an even worse playerbase filled to the brim with weaponized autism to boot. I really doubt that some large portion of those numbers of fans are real people.

On another note, I don't get why the switch is so popular outside of consoomers. I understand getting one for a few games you like, but I've seen a lot of people brag about having multiple nintendo switches like its some badge of honor for a system whose library is largely comprised of mobile game trash and even fewer good games than the 3DS and Wii U.
Most of these games keep blatantly disrespecting their player's time and letting actual problems go on for far too long over the span of multiple years or never address them at all. It was far less of a grind to learn how to make my own stuff myself from scratch than to continue playing a second longer of any of that wannabe mobile game battle pass autism that is every game so far this decade. While seemingly everyone will play dumb like there aren't glaring problems that make it a herculean task just to boot up any new games in the first place. Between the 500 different login screens taking forever to load for no technical reason and then these games assaulting the player with what may as well be hundreds of unavoidable popups upon getting into the main menu. So I just don't play any of them anymore.

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Player customization? Anything that made the games of yesteryear worth playing? Even mentioning Concepts like that are like throwing garlic on a vampire to these discord link spamming uninspired 2d pixelshit "indie developer" faggots who will be more than happy to ban any humans from their controlled platforms. From what I've seen, Its actually a huge red flag if a developer shills a discord link at all these days and is very indicative the game will be 100% unfinished garbage with an even worse playerbase filled to the brim with weaponized autism to boot. I really doubt that some large portion of those numbers of fans are real people.

On another note, I don't get why the switch is so popular outside of consoomers. I understand getting one for a few games you like, but I've seen a lot of people brag about having multiple nintendo switches like its some badge of honor for a system whose library is largely comprised of mobile game trash and even fewer good games than the 3DS and Wii U.
Yes, the vast majority of games are shit. Try out Death Stranding if you really want to immerse yourself into a weird and unique experience. I have a hard time getting into multiplayer games, but I have stumbled into a few singleplayer gems.
High prices and expensive hardware even for min. recommended settings.
I bought a 2022 gaming laptop with a 3060, i7 intel cpu, etc. for about $1,000. It's been about 2 months now and it hasnt failed me yet and plays everything I throw at it with ease. Buy a VPN and torrent all your games to save money as well.
Yes, the vast majority of games are shit. Try out Death Stranding if you really want to immerse yourself into a weird and unique experience. I have a hard time getting into multiplayer games, but I have stumbled into a few singleplayer gems.
Walking simulators aren't my thing but I appreciate it since Kojima's works are always wierd unique and funny.

Modern multiplayer "games" are just perpetually barebones psychological warfare weapons meant to ban random people at any time while actual cheaters and cliques of discordfags who abuse the report system are ignored completely by moderation. Though those kinds of trolls have always existed, they were not as weaponized and aggressively widespread as they are today.

They are why sites like this exist in the first place IIRC as the story goes that Joshy himself was banned on some shitty game forum repeatedly and eventually led him to make his own forum and somehow we got here today on a splinter of that same site in a vicious autistic cycle of banning users.
Walking simulators aren't my thing but I appreciate it since Kojima's works are always wierd unique and funny.

Modern multiplayer "games" are just perpetually barebones psychological warfare weapons meant to ban random people at any time while actual cheaters and cliques of discordfags who abuse the report system are ignored completely by moderation. Though those kinds of trolls have always existed, they were not as weaponized and aggressively widespread as they are today.

They are why sites like this exist in the first place IIRC as the story goes that Joshy himself was banned on some shitty game forum repeatedly and eventually led him to make his own forum and somehow we got here today on a splinter of that same site in a vicious autistic cycle of banning users.
Death Stranding is also a love it hate it game.