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Tamers12345 / SonicUndergroundFan

Onion Null

Daddy Null
This thread is still currently under development

Parent Thread: https://www.lolcow.org/threads/tamers12345-sonicundergroundfan-tamers12345isme-oathkeepermelody.1236/


Tamers12345 (more commonly, Tamers) is a 26-year-old degenerate manchild so utterly obsessed with a mediocre Sonic cartoon that started and ended in 1999 that he has produced several hours' worth of fan animations (almost exclusively using just the MSPaint curve tool, stock photos and text-to-speech) over the past decade. These are centered around Sonic's gay love and submission to Bartleby, a minor Sonic Underground character that Tamers is absolutely infatuated with and turned him from a cowardly aristocrat mink into a psychotic omnipotent sugar daddy on steroids that worshiped by the entire world, where everyone is perpetually horny, openly pedophilic and/or incestuous, will brutally rape if not kill each other over the smallest things without consequence, and release powerful farts and massive shits out of their monster truck-sized asses.

His undying dedication to his craft has garnered a cult following over the years, and people have constantly debated if this is all an elaborate troll and Tamers is utilizing multiple layers of irony at once, if he's genuinely autistic and advocates for everything he presents in his videos with no self-awareness, or if there's some ungodly middle ground that mere normalfags cannot comprehend. This is thanks not just to how long he's been at this (dating back to 2010 when he was only 15), but also the sheer variety of content he produces; aside from animations, he's released AMVs, comics, fan-fiction, speed drawings, playthroughs, an RPG Maker game, a Sonic Underground documentary, and random bullshit in general, but by far the most enlightening of his side content are his vlogs, which are diverse in their own right. I would wager that most of his current audience only watch his animations, and while those will undoubtedly be the focus of this thread, you can't truly appreciate Tamers' brilliant autism without exploring the full spectrum.

Tamers 1.png
Tamers 2.jpg


Early Life: Deviant Art, AMVs

Unfortunately, most of his internet history outside of YouTube can no longer be found, due to being relatively unknown and a general lack of archiving at the time. He also had a habit of quickly getting banned off any website he made accounts for, and this is made most clear by his several deactivated DeviantArt accounts. You don't even have to look further than his usernames to notice an immediate trend- OOOOBuiltForSpeed-SU, Su-Fan, I-Lov3-SU, SU-Lover, Bartlebys-Cookies, Bartleby-Loves-Sonic, Bardonic-is-yummy, the list goes on. Sonic Underground (or SU) is infamous for its questionable quality and tenuous connection to the Sonic franchise, and it's not hard to figure out that Bardonic is just his ship name for Sonic and Bartleby, but you'd be forgiven for not knowing who Bartleby himself is. I haven't watched the show myself, but he seemed to be a snobby yet spineless noble with minor relevance to the plot, and wanted to marry Sonic's sister, Sonia (making Tamers' gay interpretation even more peculiar). But when it comes to Tamers, knowledge of Sonic Underground is optional- even just looking at his early artwork, it's obvious that his interpretation of Bartleby is not something you would see in any children's cartoon.


He's usually completely naked, sports huge muscles so shittily drawn they look inflatable, has a deranged expression akin to a rapist, puts Sonic in lewd and/or dangerous situations, and cries an unhealthy amount of tears (supposedly tears of joy). When Sonic isn't mortified by Bartleby, he's usually timidly blushing and acts submissive, so even early on, Tamers established Sonic as Bartleby's personal bitch, counter to what you'd expect from their actual characters. This is exemplified in some of the descriptions of his deviations, which amount to fan-fiction based on whatever the art is showing. They all follow a basic pattern- Sonic and Bartleby are happily doing something together, some complication arises, and regardless of whether this is resolved or not, it ends with Bartleby raping Sonic. Some of these are narrated in his YouTube videos, and because he showcases his art as well, there's nothing on his DeviantArt accounts (even his unbanned one) that can't be experienced on his channel. He also has a Tumblr where he proved as early as 2015 that his art has significantly improved since then, yet he's still not ashamed to feature his earlier monstrosities in videos as recent as this year.

AMVs make up the bulk of his early YouTube videos, and accentuate just how much his channel has changed since. They mainly focus on his personal ships, Bardonic, Knuxonia (Knuckles x Sonia), and Mindick (Manic x Mindy), but because each of these pairings share so little screen-time in the actual show, his AMVs are often the same handful of low resolution, low frame-rate clips reused over and over again with different filters placed over them. They occasionally have some pretty weird shit spliced into them like this bleeding heart, but honestly, I don't recommend watching these, and that goes for the vast majority of his videos before 2018 too. They do gradually introduce elements that Tamers is more well known for nowadays, so in that regard, they're interesting if you want to see his evolution.

Personal Life: VLogs, Interests, Miscellaneous

It didn't take long for the man himself to show the world who he is behind the scenes, and even though we've never seen his face, it's exactly as you'd expect. His voice can first be heard in a tutorial on how to draw Manic the Hedgehog, and true to form, it's mush-mouthed, wobbly, borderline wiggerish, and sounds like he has Down syndrome. But this was when he was just a kid (a 16 year old kid, but I digress), so maybe I should cut him slack; except even after his balls dropped, his autism accent certainly didn't, and leaned in way harder to his tryhard gangster attitude. This is perhaps most clear in his introduction line, where he uses a confident "Sup, everyone!" along with a peace sign, before proceeding to speed, stumble and sometimes skip through the numbers in his username (yes, he always uses his full username when referring to himself), and ensures us that this is a very special video today, even if it's for something as mundane as ranking popsicles. For what it's worth, he claims he's not autistic, but is also aware that he's not normal, he's "weird and crazy" and evidently proud of it.

Tamers: YouTube Channel
Tamers: Patreon

But perhaps even more notable than his voice, if not iconic, is his appearance. But it's not as simple as him looking fugly or freakish, in fact, we don't actually know what he looks like. No, it's what he wears- whenever he's on camera, he dons his stunning Bartleby costume, made in 2012 out of boxes he found behind a Chinese restaurant for the body, toilet paper for the hair, and "special SU glue" to stick it all together. He considers it to be one of a kind and so won't release a tutorial on how to make it unlike his other DIY masterpieces, such as paper mache masks, a Knuckles plushie and an SU shirt. He also updated his costume from time to time, replacing the toilet paper with a proper wig just this year, and the same video shows just how awkward it is to wear, having to hold onto his "head" whenever he leans even slightly. He also made a Sonic costume and was making a Manic (Sonic's brother) costume at one point, but he rarely wears these. It's not clear if he's intentionally hiding his face for personal reasons and/or for the sake of privacy, or if he's just incredibly lucky that his love for Bartleby hides his true identity; he's claimed before that his costume is his true self and makes him feel like part of the SU universe, that it's just because it's cool and that he just doesn't think it's necessary to show his face. All we've seen so far is a small glimpse of his dead eyes, mangy mustache and crooked teeth.


His actual lifestyle leaves much to be desired, seeming to live much like your average white trash. He's most likely unemployed, makes regular visits to Dollar Tree, Dollar General, Taco Bell, etc., often to buy cheap store-brand products, he almost always ends his sentences with "bitch" or "and shit", and has voiced his frustrations with his parents more than once, to the point of screaming, threatening, and just general tard rage. He's not afraid to show off his rap skills too, sometimes accompanied by dancing and always accompanied by autism, though at least it isn't ear-grating like when he was younger, or monotonous like when he tries singing anything else. His computer is poorly maintained to the point that he sometimes records his screen with a camera just so his computer doesn't lag, and straight up broke apart very recently. He chews and slurps while next to his mic, has no shame in speaking with his mouth full or even spitting out food, thought chips were made of bread despite knowing they're called potato chips, and once ate what he believed to be a moldy piece of candy.

Naturally, his vlogs are mostly centered around Sonic Underground. He's shown off his collection a few times, and I have no idea if it's impressive or not since it seems to mostly consist of DVDs (though even then, he's picky about what he buys if it's not up to his standards), but it's worth mentioning he also has an SU shrine. He watches at least the first 3 episodes every morning, and flexes his knowledge every now and then, though I'm not sure how accurate he usually is. As you might expect, he's been a fan of SU since he was in elementary school, despite not recalling being a fan back then, and made a plethora of SU drawings and even comic books, claiming he drew exactly 247 issues. He even read through the first issue, which I'm not going to judge too harshly since he was around 10 years old when he drew it, but of course, he can't help but laugh at his own jokes from when he was just a kid. Interestingly, he didn't ship Bardonic as a kid, including Sonic in Bartleby's list of dislikes if you squint hard enough, but he also mentions being turned on by Uncle Chuck, so who knows what was (and is) going through his head. He hasn't done anything too embarrassing in public, but he's not ashamed of his love for Bardonic, drawing a huge doodle in the snow of the two of them (though he did hold back from drawing Bartleby naked), and going outside with his costume on at least once. He also claims to have had SU-themed lunch for at least the past 8 years, which is about as cheap as you'd expect, namely including an unidentified blue drink (probably cheap cordial) that represents Sonic, and the thickest, juiciest banana he can find that represents Bartleby. Take a wild guess what he does with the banana.

If you're still not convinced that this man genuinely lives and breathes Sonic Underground, his obsession with the show bleeds into all of his other interests too. If anything has a similar color scheme to at least two of the main SU cast, he will believe that it was inspired by SU, and in extreme cases, claim it's plagiarism. The best example is when he looked into a Teletubbies spinoff called Tiddlytubbies, and because the colors are the same between the characters, he alleges that it ripped off not only SU but his own channel, since he believes he essentially owns SU at this point. But that doesn't stop him from wanting to see the yellow and blue Tiddlytubbies fuck each other, to be spanked by the blue one in particular, and mistaking his knee for a butt cheek. He also recreates SU characters in cheap character makers such as pixies and dolls or in video games like The Sims and Soul Calibur, edits them into Power Ranger openings, and draws them as Overwatch, Death Note, DC, Undertale, Harry Potter, Fire Emblem, Teletubbies, Sailor Moon, and perhaps most horrifyingly, Cars characters. It's also not uncommon for him to act like he knows the characters in real life and that they're good friends. He even inserts himself into his own animations, with all the usual cringe inducing aspects that entails; he can resolve conflicts calmly and effortlessly but isn't afraid to enact vengeance if he's wronged, is powerful enough to destroy meteors and prevent the sun from "falling", is best friends with his favorite character Bartleby and is the only one Bartleby treats as an equal if not greater, his aura can rip time and space asunder, and of course, he's faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. Thankfully, he's surprisingly conservative with how often he puts himself in as a character, almost never appearing after 2015 unless it's important to the overarching plot (more on that later).



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