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Sexuality Drama What Is Transgender? Have we gotten it wrong?

Sexuality related drama
I'm about to start arguing with you like you're a child by mimicking how they argue on the playground since you are not mentally mature enough for a real slap fight, I'm just going to go low effort shit posting.

>My reaction to you unironically believing this
This was made by an feminine black gay man in Los Angeles. He doesn't believe in transgenderism at all, and says even feminine gay men who decide to become transwoman aren't really trans:

He's in the comments underneath this video debating people, and he seems to have really thought this through.

I used to watch Blaire White before I learned the truth about trans ideology so this was around 2014 to about 2017 but once I hit my "peak trans", I could no longer unsee and unlearn what I did. Blaire is no exception to the delusion and he still lacks self awareness in the sense of him believing that he is anything but a man with chest implants. And that him acting out stereotypes of a California valley-girl (which is really just flamboyant gay man in his case) doesn't make him any more of a woman or a kind of woman than those he calls out. Whether it's Dylan Mulvaney or Contrapoints or even Riley Dennis, they are all men who believe in the same ideology of believing they have become the opposite sex.
Because people can bringing this up, yes I already am aware of Blaire's recent story post where he said that "transwomen are a category of men" and I'm sorry but that statement is absolute bulsh-t. "Transwomen" are not a "category of men",𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐧. The term "transwoman" is a literal oxymoron because the only way to be a woman is to be 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 which trans-identified men are not and never will be. Women are not a subclass of their own sex. The frank truth about this is that Blaire can say that BS all he likes and say that he acknowledges that he's male but it's all moot because he still refers to himself as a "transwoman" and that is the problem. Because he is still insinuating that he a kind of woman, a type of woman and that just isn't true at all and until the he stops calling himself a woman anything and starts calling himself what he really is, he can shove it with this nonsense. It's just another one of his manipulative covert TRA tactics where he says something that sounds reasonable when it really isn't and still exposes his delusional.

He's just making this preposterous claim so he can be seen as one of the "true trans" and get special treatment being seen as an "exception" to use and access women-only spaces. If you want women and girls to have their spaces free of men, you must be critical of ALL trans-identified people because the simple fact of the matter is that it's not about whether these people are "good" or "bad", it's about the principle. and in this push back for the fight of truth, you make no exception period. Bullsh-t is bullsh-t in this topic and it doesn't matter if it's coming fro ma loud unhinged TRA like Dylan Mulvaney or a covert TRA like Blaire White.

He also goes after ShapeShifter, a detransitioner who has talked in the MSM and to Youtuber about his botched SRS:

@nightwatch770 Yeah I was surprised that he talked with ShapeShifter but I feel the only reason he did is because ShapeShifter is in a state of limbo at this time. No hate to ShapeShifter, I appreciate that he spoke candidly about his experience (and apologized to TT Exulansic for playing a part in getting her original channel terminated) but he's been going through a lot and he's said that he sometimes wishes he never learned the truth about trans. He also still refers to trans-identifying men as "transwomen" and uses she/her prounouns for them.

So he's not exactly fully out of the ideology just yet and I think Blaire honed in on that fact thinking that ShapeShifter wouldn't question him the way someone like me or Mr. Menno would. In short, ShapeShifter was a safe bet for him to bring on compared to say Isaac Uncooked, a detransitioned man who fully got out of the mentality. .

@nightwatch770 Yes. He said a few months ago when he had a breakdown that he sometimes wished that he never learned the reality of trans and how sex change is impossible. That sometimes it felt more comfortable living a lie or something along those lines, it was awhile back during the holidays.

I started reading the comments underneath, and someone commented insisting that goths shouldn't discuss TRAs:

@ShadePuppet Be that as that may,
But Kai has built his channel on goth culture and goth culture alone especially with the gaming on the side. To see a shift like that comes off kinda cheap in a way if you really think about it….Which is why I say he’s not built for that kind of audience because that’s a rabbit hole he can’t get himself out of.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing inherently wrong about speaking on societal issues however, hopping on a trend to shit on other people because other folks did it and got big is weird and sus ….

When TRAs have thoroughly infiltrated the goth scene, have manipulated goth Youtubers into joining their cult (Cemetery Confessions) or becoming uncritical cult mouth-pieces (Angela Benedict), have tried to shut down goth events over petty TRA issues (as detailed by Pythos de Gothos in this video) - I say that the goth scene, as a bastion of and safe-space for gender non-conformity for decades, is EXACTLY the subculture that needs to be calling out TRA while defending GNC against TRA appropriation and eventual extinction. TRA is not just about transing the gay away, it's about transing the GNC away in any person, be they straight or gay.

TRAs themselves forced goths into taking a stance against them by infiltrating our spaces and recruiting goths to either trans or to do their bidding for them.