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Last Update January 21, 2025

The Return Of Gonzalo Lira

I briefly went looking for stuff from Lira's pick-up artist days but it appears no one cared about it while it was happening to save any of it.

Lira has no actual political beliefs and was probably just in Ukraine for pussy. But that was boring so now he wants to be seen as the center of the largest international conflict in the world so is offering himself as a sacrificial lamb to get attention. He could have just stayed in Ukraine and continued to get easy pussy but no he had to fuck it up with his fake politico sperging.
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his only value as a person is his ability to make micro e-celebs seethe by his existence.
And that audio clip of him losing his shit at KOP during Killstream, I listen to that from time to time for a laugh.

The guy was a PUA once, right?
REALLY?! How?! He’s so goddamn hideous, LOL.

Plenty of unconventionally attractive or even ugly dudes get women but usually they have to be (at least) somewhat charismatic, funny and/or have some other good qualities. CRP…does not have any good qualities.

AFAIC his only “good” quality is he’s like a perfect lolcow; dude has all the quintessential qualities down to a T.
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nice archives, faggot. just use ghostarchive.org if you want to archive YouTube videos. ghostarchive.org offers direct upload for archiving YouTube videos