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Taylor Thread deleted and account tags removed

@ImpassionateLeek4 why did you photoshop those pictures?
I'd be surprised if Sig stays on as an admin after pulling this stunt. Kengle wants people to join and enjoy the website. Having people with administrative privileges act like children doesn't give off a good image.

But we are discussing it, don't worry. Onion Farms does not want to be another Kiwi Farms, I think Kengle has made that abundantly clear.
I think it's safe to say there's a little bit of cow in all of us. What differentiates us, is how easily we expose our inner cows. I keep mine close to the chest barring extreme circumstances like an admin's abuse of power.
Sig the power abusing admin confirmed BTFO
how will our local tranny janny ever recover?
I love how this retard decided to confirm it was them by talking about Goose Farms in the middle of trying to disprove people.
I don't know how you even get this mentally ill.
No no no, you don't understand. Taylor has never had anything to do with Goose Farms, it's been an impostor all along!
what I would give to based a famous cringe and make his life a living based. I would force him to dress up in based and cringe outfits and subject him to pure cringe and based. just terrible cringe and cringe based. it would be so easy to cringe his based and drive him to cringe, but I wouldn't let him do it. if I could train a based to cringe on command then I would totally do that as well. a based cringe based like a cringe. he would be so completely and utterly based to cringe it, not to mention based. a big ass cringe is even scary and life-threatening to a based cringe but to a cringe? might as well be based. I'd keep him in a cringe and what's more is that I would actually cringe to based inside with him but cringe it in a based place. not extremely based but just ever so slightly out of cringe. it would drive him based. I would cringe him like a based and based cringe cringe based based reddit based cringe