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Taylor Thread deleted and account tags removed

I suppose it's a little funny, yeah. Giving Null two different IP Addresses to sift through is a decent middle finger. 5/10

It was funny.
Leek why do you love next to this cow?
Honestly I think your question is genuinely a good one to pose... also I'll assume you meant "live" and not love because I don't know the cow, personally.

All I can say is, we don't choose where we're born and where we end up. I live close to this lolcow now, but years from now I could move and, somehow, be living close to another cow. Life is unpredictable like that.
Honestly I think your question is genuinely a good one to pose... also I'll assume you meant "live" and not love because I don't know the cow, personally.

All I can say is, we don't choose where we're born and where we end up. I live close to this lolcow now, but years from now I could move and, somehow, be living close to another cow. Life is unpredictable like that.
That’s a lot of words for an excuse no one believes.