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Taylor Thread deleted and account tags removed

SIGSEGV is literally the only one holding ken’s leash and reining his autism. The site would he unusable without him.
Maybe, but if he is willing to abuse his admin privileges to out random people as lolcows because of a few circumstantial pieces of evidence, I do think their credibility needs to be called into question. The site is more about the people that come on here, like you fag0t and others, rather than the figureheads.

I mean do people go on Kiwi Farms because of Null?
Kiwi Farms you fucking retard, onion farms was a ghost town before december since no one wants to talk about celebrity’s or africa.
I wouldn't be so sure of that. Are you trying to say talking about dead lolcows is more entertaining than celebrities? There are entire websites dedicated to some of them, you know. Hell, even clothing brands. =J
anyway leek it's good to have you, now that kengle confirmed you're not taylor the disgustig tranny i guess we can be friends now :)
You probably didn't see it but I was complimenting your advice to that Marvin fellow not too long ago. Woof, that sure was a close call. =/
@RoseaPanthera what is this autism

>this conversation is closed for new replies
Pink Panther is an account on Kiwi Farms that made numerous posts in that lolcow thread. You didn't read it? =o

I binged the whole thing last night after Sig recommended it actually.