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Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
  • I am seeing an increase on new topics and content being generated by the rank and file in the community, and a lot of peeps on our Online Statistics. Two thumbs up to all of you.

I miss the beige computer towers with loud hard drives. Feels like computers today are too "flashy" and don't give you the curiousity of old computers.

Would've been fun to post on Newgrounds back in the very early 2000s with an overly bloated IE and some flash animations in your filesystem.

Late 90's hardware, CRT screens, zip drives, Windows 98
Geocities web pages
CRT screens
I use a CRT for my vidya. I have a Saturn/PS2/GameCube/N64 hooked up to it. I also have a Wii (hacked that can emulate NES/Gens/SNES games on it) hooked up to it as well.

The cool thing about my CRT is that it has Component (R/G/B) so i can get a better picture with my PS2/Wii/GameCube stuff. The Saturn I'm using S-Video, and the N64 I'm using basic composite cables.
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I remember seeing this a lot
View attachment 585
My high school had a computer room specifically for macs and this was the one I worked on when i took computer programming. and by "Programming" i mean we just fucked around with a program called "Hyper Card" (I think thats what it was called, it was such a long time ago). One of our first lessons was to make a Wheel of Fortune game by following the instructor's directions.

When we didn't have anything to do, half the class played Quake with each other. I wasn't into that, so I just played this game that came with the computer
I'm not a doomprepper, but I do believe in giving myself options and maintaining a reasonable level of preparedness just in case things do go to shit.

My pronouns are I/me/mine.

Real estate. When I'm bored, I look at other people's houses for sale on Redfin and sneer at their decorating choices.
I'm not a doomprepper, but I do believe in giving myself options and maintaining a reasonable level of preparedness just in case things do go to shit.

My pronouns are I/me/mine.
The survivors would envy the dead due to mass starvation and radiation poisoning and even then humanity in northern hemisphere would be extinct within 50 years anyway due to prolonged effects of a nuclear winter