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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
I've noticed now days that the pooptube comment section is mainly full of Centennials/Gen Z with some stupid comments like No one: or "Who's watching this in 2020?". The comments used to be funnier when I first started going on the website in 2008-2009. Also, you can actually see the downvoted comments and there would be "this comment received too many downvotes"
Fat Fuck Frank/Senor Cardgage/Frank D'arbo on KF

I made an account just in case I got banned from KF and wanted to talk elsewhere, but I don't want to let this account go dormant so I'll post when I can tbhwyf

For whatever reason I feel like I might get banned within the next year if nulls mood as of recent is to go by
No we can't. The site is behind a reverse proxy and the HTTP server doesn't have mod_remoteip so it just shows the IP of the reverse proxy when checking.

Really funny Mr. Privacy Nut Josh could've had this implemented and never had a leak, and still yet continues to log IPs for a month. I think he's said before he keeps them to maintain his Bans.

What a faggot. Doesn't even work since most people use VPNs. What a fucking moron lol.

(But let's be real, Josh just wants that there so he can dox his users.)
He can check the IP's of people averse to using VPN and his golden broom allows him to ban people sitewide. His broom had grown exponentially since he revived it.
I tried to warn him but {o}p got {o}peeeeeed
I didn't realize until a moment ago that our new hosting provider doesn't reverse proxy all of the connections, so I posted his actual IP address. I'm not removing it.
He has the power to clean it up

Oops I knocked over this bin. Clean up on aisle 410 page 2 @SIGSEGV