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Suggestion Suggestion Box

I assume the site logo is currently being reworked and boy it sure needs it. This is something I would outsource.
The logo is aright but null was able to get the KF logo made by a Sri Lankan for $5. Might wanna do that
Fuck outsourcing and fuck Sri Lanka. USA! USA! USA!
I can make some stickers/emojis of the little onion dude too, it's all on layers so changing his expression is easy.
I don't know what the desktop site looks like, but right now the mobile layout is kind of ass. I hate the baby shit green and pastel blue with the eggplant accents, and the bright red is jarring as hell. Stick with one or two colors tops as accents and then neutrals for the majority of the forum.

That said, I commend you and everyone working on the site for making this attempt to give us a space online.
Start hosting a weekly livestream where you discuss lolcows and the news because those two things clearly mix well.

Please get rid of the spinning globe gif. It's bad looking and I hate and it makes me an angry gamer having to scroll past it every time I'm on the front page.
I got rid of the globe. I thought it was two big and distracting. The next order of business I want to do is to try and resolve the errors in this website such as fixing the chat and server and template errors that I see in the back end. I will handle some of the shitposting after.
I got rid of the globe. I thought it was two big and distracting. The next order of business I want to do is to try and resolve the errors in this website such as fixing the chat and server and template errors that I see in the back end. I will handle some of the shitposting after.
The front page is starting to look better now that a lot of subforums are not scattered into their own little section sections and are starting to get better organized. Taking off the globe was a good move since it seemed kinda out of place.

Honestly though you shouldn't be the one dealing with the shitpost that is your jannies. You should be focusing more on the site and improving it since that is what requires immediate attention. I don't know if Mods have the ability to remove move post into their own thread or moving threads into the low rent district but if they don't you should give it to them. This way they can clean threads but keep important little things that are not worth deleting.
Ironic politisperging is still politisperging

I have taken to a gossip fourm to tell you why black people and jews don’t deserve human rights.