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Suggestion Suggestion Box

Basically Seedlings are starter threads with little or no background information. Scallions are threads that have a small amount of development (a few of the links are developed). Small bulbs are threads that are moderately developed but could use more information. Large Bulbs are fully developed threads that are written up and ready to be moved out of the proving grounds. I thought it was a good theme idea for Onionfarms.
So how exactly does this process start then? Do we still post directly to the PG/R&D area and after that the threads get moved to one of the subsequent sub threads?
So how exactly does this process start then? Do we still post directly to the PG/R&D area and after that the threads get moved to one of the subsequent sub threads?
You can just post it where you have been posting before and staff will move them into the proper category or you can post it directly in the seedlings or scallions and if needed staff can move it to the proper subforum. Nothing to lose any sleep over if it needs to be moved.
You can just post it where you have been posting before and staff will move them into the proper category or you can post it directly in the seedlings or scallions and if needed staff can move it to the proper subforum. Nothing to lose any sleep over if it needs to be moved.
The four step system for PG is an extremely based idea, but I'm a bit confused by the fourth step. If a thread is ready to move from step three to step four, wouldn't it also be ready to move out of Prospering Grounds? The best use I can think of for Large Bulbs is for giving finished threads a place to get one last phase of peer review before it leaves PG.
The four step system for PG is an extremely based idea, but I'm a bit confused by the fourth step. If a thread is ready to move from step three to step four, wouldn't it also be ready to move out of Prospering Grounds? The best use I can think of for Large Bulbs is for giving finished threads a place to get one last phase of peer review before it leaves PG.
That is basically what Step 4 is for. I wii clarify that.
check this on the styles
It's hard to tell when I've highlighted text on this site. Not sure if its just my monitor being shitty or something but I thought I'd mention it.