I completely agree, and we're still bringing in new people. The registration rate isn't anywhere near what it was in early December, but I'd rather get a slow trickle of quality posters than a flood of terrible ones. What we really need right now is content that isn't already available on Kiwi Farms.
@Vex's threads are providing that, but we need more.
@cjöcker was going to work on a YandereDev thread, but I haven't heard anything about it in a while.
@Yandere has been churning out some quality OPs, and those threads could really use some engagement.
@Lunar made a really good thread about TheBitBlock, but a lot of the early discussion seems to have died down. He's also doing an OP on John Enter which looks very promising.
If there's a lolcow you want to make a thread for on Onion Farms, please go for it. Your OP doesn't have to meet the same standards that KF requires, just tell us why the person is funny/interesting, give us some background information, and you're good to go. We really can't afford to be picky about OPs right now, so contribute what you can.