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Suggestion Suggestion Box

Considering how much you complained about new users on KF, that’s surprising to hear to from you.
I think over the course of my entire account history there was only one person I genuinely complained about being a newfag and thats because he came into threads acting like he new what he was talking about regarding cows, site culture, or popular users when he so obviously didn't have a clue. That was String Boy/High Prophet of Truth and I stand by calling him a massive autistic faggot.

I really do not care to gatekeep or point out people being new unless they are being a dipshit. People who do it unnecessarily are annoying and are often doing it just to dunk on someone and feel validated by the guaranteed stickers they'll get for it.
I think over the course of my entire account history there was only one person I genuinely complained about being a newfag and thats because he came into threads acting like he new what he was talking about regarding cows, site culture, or popular users when he so obviously didn't have a clue. That was String Boy/High Prophet of Truth and I stand by calling him a massive autistic faggot.

I really do not care to gatekeep or point out people being new unless they are being a dipshit. People who do it unnecessarily are annoying and are often doing it just to dunk on someone and feel validated by the guaranteed stickers they'll get for it.
I saw all that. So are you making this place your new spot?
I have a huge list of resources that I posted that will help with the more indepth coverage.
That thread also wasn't formatted well at all. I talked to @SIGSEGV and made a new one with info on thread creation in R&D. It also has the links you put in your old resources list.

So it uses your resource list, added with some I know of, stuff to use for archival and it's pinned in the thread development area!

I did it for free... ?
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I'm in the midst of working on a draft and then I see this:

Can I get an explanation on what these are about before I continue with my draft?
(this seems a bit excessive, but 10/10 on theme)
I'm in the midst of working on a draft and then I see this:
View attachment 3089

Can I get an explanation on what these are about exactly, before I continue with my draft?
(this seems a bit excessive, but 10/10 on theme)
Seems like the new proving grounds. Each is a different stage of thread development with the first step being a completely new thread with only the most minimum of information to the fourth step which is a thread just about ready to go live. It conflicts with the currently unorganized threads, so they should just be moved into the right categories.
I think its a good idea, actually. Kiwifarms has a "request" thread, but it seems rarely effective unless its Josh who makes the post or if a post alone is worthy of being a thread. Most of the posts are "Hey, I heard of X person! Be my personal army and look into them will ya?" With these four different categories/states of development people can make basic threads that can grow into full discussions instead of some extremely rigorous and stringent PG standards.
I'm in the midst of working on a draft and then I see this:
View attachment 3089

Can I get an explanation on what these are about before I continue with my draft?
(this seems a bit excessive, but 10/10 on theme)
Basically Seedlings are starter threads with little or no background information. Scallions are threads that have a small amount of development (a few of the links are developed). Small bulbs are threads that are moderately developed but could use more information. Large Bulbs are fully developed threads that are written up and ready to be moved out of the proving grounds. I thought it was a good theme idea for Onionfarms.
Seems like the new proving grounds. Each is a different stage of thread development with the first step being a completely new thread with only the most minimum of information to the fourth step which is a thread just about ready to go live. It conflicts with the currently unorganized threads, so they should just be moved into the right categories.
I think its a good idea, actually. Kiwifarms has a "request" thread, but it seems rarely effective unless its Josh who makes the post or if a post alone is worthy of being a thread. Most of the posts are "Hey, I heard of X person! Be my personal army and look into them will ya?" With these four different categories/states of development people can make basic threads that can grow into full discussions instead of some extremely rigorous and stringent PG standards.
It's based on how extensively developed they are. Rather than just judging someone for a "good" or "bad" thread, we can stick it in one of these categories and then anyone can decide what thread is worth developing. Staff can move it up the ladder as it becomes more developed.