• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge


`he who laughs last laughs best`
Registered Member
PPP Ashton Parks

PPP is a funny fat sperg who went from taking The /cow/ board as gospel to treating KF as if it were heresy.
It's said Ashton wasn't always fat, supposedly he injured himself while playing football and proceeded to get fat later on.

Godwinson / Adam Edge / black adam of the multiverse
Yet to fully understand Ashton we must look at Godwinson or Black Adam of the Multiverse as he was known.

Godwinson & PPP, teamed up on a site called Stream.me before Ashton exposed himself quite literally.

The pair went on to create TWIN a breakdown of internet happenings (and a parody of Sargon of Akkad).
You see Esoteric Jahanism is the precursor to Esoteric PPPism.
(Same energy)


(Same energy)

Yet with Jahanists it was understood there was a level of humor and irony seemingly lost in current times. And of course the guidance of Lord Adam Edge.
Post-Jahans video on WarCorpse666 or Adams NEET Samurai video followed by Clean Your Room vs NEETs rise up along with a stream on Radio NEET.
Godwinson even wrote an Article(archive)on being a NEET.


Some say internet bloodsports began with the tale of trout and tea soon to be a member of the 4 horsemen with Godwinson null and PPP.

Ibs commentary
Ibs aftermath
These events extended over to kilroy the pinnacle of internet skepticism.

Playlist: The Krautism saga
The Individual Rises: The Cult of Liberalisticistism
Carl's BEED CV
Archived Threads
Godwinson video analysis
This leads to the liberalist movement led by Sargon of Akkad and where Godwinson & Co gained infamy and confronted the liberalists in a pub on their own turf.
Godwinson & Co. confronted the liberalists in a pub.
Peoples populist press rose to prominence on stream.me a platform said to be funded in part by keemstar and Gfuel, Yet "the cult of vordrak" summoned by patebin anon decided to kill it using Vordrakian tactics as described by null.
(archive of /cow/ killing stream me)

PPP has also appeared on the ralph retort with gator (said to be Shannon Gaines by most of /cow/ and some of kiwi farms yet now known to be Brian Holloman) many believe this is why PPP isn't fond of Ralph when in truth he'd been preaching against false idols in the form of Jordan Peterson and even lower pundits.
Ashton Parks and RJ Finley affectionately named surfer have even been arrested while out trying to preach, once they became disaffected they began their careers as a door-to-door salesman.

Ashton has Alogged and been Alogged by Ethan Ralph, Ethan even went so far as to call PPP's church as well as a wellness check after he showed his pristine starfish to all of /cow/ & stream.me but that was towards the end of chapter 1 in their love affair.
Before that, he was making stream after stream about Ethan Ralph no longer making /ibs/ videos,
This was at the height of the Killstream Healstream with a brief appearance by Sam Hyde.


PPP was also a member of the four horsemen,
PPP returned with a vengeance going after Dax Herrera on a podcast helmed by Nick Rekieta (video). This dovetails into the Simpspiracy and new project 2 debacle.
PPP and LeoPirate finally got their wish and spoke to daddy gym amidst the pandemic to address the Simpsiracy and np2.
Godwinson and PPP went hard against jannie jewsh until he joined them and decided Ralph should be sacrificed to the corn.

Since PPP and Godwinson have an affinity for saying people host and disseminate cp they chose to interview Vordrak the boogeyman of kiwi farms,
LeoPirate plays the obs bitch as with TWIN (and proto TWIN where LeoPirate had a slightly larger hand in shaping the show.)
PPP and Godwinson have been going after Nick the knife Fuentes who currently is under investigation and has all assets and accounts frozen, So Godwinson won.

In accordance with the kino dogme PPP made a documentary on Hollywood God.

Update: PPP and surfer have broken up kiwi farms most affected, without Godwinson around to do damage control PPP and Surfer went at one another the way a couple breaks up on realty t.v. or worse at crackhouse during the wee hours of the morning.
PPP is now streaming with Andy Warski they've revived the Kinodrome concept into the kino casino.
Now that PPP and Mister Metokur have reconciled PPP and Mister Metokur streamed together on Kino Casino with PPP and Andy Warski as hosts. (For more info on Jim Check here.)
During a stream between Mister Metokur and Nick Fuentes the Catboy repeatedly invoked the name of the Kino Casino and their streams as "trying to destroy their movement".
This in and of itself is hilarious since PPP and Godwinson have debunked Nick Fuentes plus his "connections" years ago.

2nd Update: Godwinson is back! Adam has dropped 2 videos on PPP.
It's no surprise null of kiwi farms uses a dodgy payment processor as he has been banned from every other service, im not certain why PPP used it.
Adam said he gave PPP an easy out he didn't take and instead tried to dox Adam.
Jim went to the kino casino and used his soft voice to play nice since the Kino Casino Alogs Ralph.

Godwinson AMA
Recent AMA:
PPP: (twitter)
godwinson : (old twitter)
godwinson: (current twitter)
(channel they stream from)
Archive channels:
Yet two men at the rally said they felt unfairly targeted.

R.J. Finley, 24, and Ashton Parks, 21, wore suits and sat on the Cenotaph. They were confronted by several people who apparently mistook them for supporters of the Nationalist Front.

Parks described himself as a Conservative who is against both fascism and communism. He said he attracted the attention of Peterborough Against Fascism simply because he was wearing a suit.

"Suddenly there were 10 guys with bandannas in my face," he said. "They turned the whole crowd on me "¦ I was trying to preach love." https://archive.md/zjc94
UPDATE PPP and surfer have broken up kiwi farms most affected, without Godwinson around to do damage control PPP and Surfer went at one another the way a couple breaks up on realty t.v. or worse at crackhouse during the wee hours of the morning.
Gahooles GuntSpiracy video was a taste of things to come with PPP and his quest to turn into a bigger cow than Jahans.
Channel: https://youtube.com/c/Gahoole archive: https://archive.ph/C8Y3J

The channel ESOTERIC PPPism covers PPP's turn the break-up and subsequent Kino Casino scandal.
channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCop0VFe-RFu3LNGoYr6m10g archive: https://archive.ph/OYwbU

This was followed by the Kino Casino powerchat debacle which Godwinson covered upon his return proper before leaving as he does. Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCZ3asAom12uvDiLWxSSzKAg archive: https://archive.ph/Fk1pE
Adam said he gave PPP an easy out he didn't take and instead tried to dox Adam.
PPP is now streaming with Andy Warski they've tried to revive the Kinodrome concept into the kino casino. Yet as they are both lolcows they were doomed to implode from the start.
Since PPP and Mister Metokur have reconciled PPP and Mister Metokur streamed together on Kino Casino with PPP and Andy Warski as hosts. (For more info on Jim Check here.)
During a stream between Mister Metokur and Nick Fuentes the Catboy repeatedly invoked the name of the Kino Casino and their streams as "trying to destroy their movement".
This in and of itself is hilarious since PPP and Godwinson have debunked Nick Fuentes plus his "connections" years ago.

His explanation about how spreading your asshole to the internet fits into Christianity is pretty telling lmao. He's very good at selling bullshit and has no qualms about lying or using manipulative language to convince people of whatever he wants. It makes sense that he was employed both as a preacher in some weird spinoff sect of Christianity and as a traveling salesman as both those professions require you to be a very convincing speaker regardless of the validity of what you are trying to say (not to get too fedora tippy there lmao).

I don't for a second think he believes any of what he says at this point. There is too much inconsistencies, changing definitions, provably false statements, and personal drama in what he says. Him going after grifters and being best friends with kraut is probably the best example of this. Him turning on mundane matt the second matt had a successful stream without him is another example. His hatred of toad for "betraying" ralph was just nonsensical, his points about NP2 being a blackmail mafia instead of just faggotry at the time seemed like just hyperbole but his fans seem to actually believe it was proven to be more than just a patreon alternative made in wordpress.

On that last point, I honestly think his fans are more interesting from a lolcow perspective than he is. He's already settled into a rather predictable rhythm with his content. He introduces some e-celeb in the midst of drama, talks about every single rumor (and invents some of his own) surrounding them as if its some giant damning smoking gun while, talks about how this person is going to get destroyed or otherwise take some major L, then eventually the drama dies down and the person is still around and he declares victory.

On the other hand, his fans are the ones who (usually at his direction) go onto various drama forums and boards like KF or cow and try to push his narratives, promote him, and attack anyone critical of him. And since his content is targeted at the type of people who are susceptible to traveling salesmen, his fans tend to do all these things in rather retarded ways. A lot of the bullshit in the Fuentes thread is an example of that, you saw it to a lesser extent during the dick masterson simp drama because he wasn't as established, you see it with kraut now where people promote kraut content for no reason other than PPP approves of kraut, ect.

Would it be worth it to include his fan's retardation in this thread too? They are probably going to come here to play defend for him and accuse you of being tea clips or one of her simps anyway so we really have nothing to lose.
His explanation about how spreading your asshole to the internet fits into Christianity is pretty telling lmao. He's very good at selling bullshit and has no qualms about lying or using manipulative language to convince people of whatever he wants. It makes sense that he was employed both as a preacher in some weird spinoff sect of Christianity and as a traveling salesman as both those professions require you to be a very convincing speaker regardless of the validity of what you are trying to say (not to get too fedora tippy there lmao).

I don't for a second think he believes any of what he says at this point. There is too much inconsistencies, changing definitions, provably false statements, and personal drama in what he says. Him going after grifters and being best friends with kraut is probably the best example of this. Him turning on mundane matt the second matt had a successful stream without him is another example. His hatred of toad for "betraying" ralph was just nonsensical, his points about NP2 being a blackmail mafia instead of just faggotry at the time seemed like just hyperbole but his fans seem to actually believe it was proven to be more than just a patreon alternative made in wordpress.

On that last point, I honestly think his fans are more interesting from a lolcow perspective than he is. He's already settled into a rather predictable rhythm with his content. He introduces some e-celeb in the midst of drama, talks about every single rumor (and invents some of his own) surrounding them as if its some giant damning smoking gun while, talks about how this person is going to get destroyed or otherwise take some major L, then eventually the drama dies down and the person is still around and he declares victory.

On the other hand, his fans are the ones who (usually at his direction) go onto various drama forums and boards like KF or cow and try to push his narratives, promote him, and attack anyone critical of him. And since his content is targeted at the type of people who are susceptible to traveling salesmen, his fans tend to do all these things in rather retarded ways. A lot of the bullshit in the Fuentes thread is an example of that, you saw it to a lesser extent during the dick masterson simp drama because he wasn't as established, you see it with kraut now where people promote kraut content for no reason other than PPP approves of kraut, ect.

Would it be worth it to include his fan's retardation in this thread too? They are probably going to come here to play defend for him and accuse you of being tea clips or one of her simps anyway so we really have nothing to lose.
Yes, bring the cringe.
Same way the sweetie squad or dsps fans are fair game.
You see a lot of posts like this in an e-celeb's thread:

They aren't actually live with his mom, its just some gay bullshit. If you find that funny, ok, but its not really relevant to nick and then derails the thread for a bit:

You see this stuff constantly whenever he starts talking about an e-celeb. He's not a reliable source on the celeb at all but his fans feel the need to shill his videos in that celeb's thread, and then due to the inaccurate nature of the video the thread gets derailed to be about PPP.

You see this happening on /cow/ too but it usually just goes like this:


There's plenty of examples of this shit, but I don't feel like searching it out. I'll post examples of it when I see it though.

Oh and back when I was still following PPP closely, I had some fun in the PPP thread shitting up their circle jerk. They ended up really fucking hating me and there were some moments I found funny. I was being a bit of an aggressive asshole though,
@Perspicacity responding to obvious bait (ok I was also having a bit too much fun with the fact that godwinson gave all the "let's outgrift ralph" money to ralph) by accusing me of being a tea clips sock since we have the same misspellings (which is apparently nothing because I spelled everything correctly in that post):

Kenobi @ing me randomly to bitch about tea clips negrating him, because I for some reason should care. A common thread you see with them is that they will accuse anyone critical of them of being tea clips or in league with her on discord:

More sperging over a woman negrating posts:

Additional sperging about "revenge rating" because I rated a post quoting me I found dumb "dislike":

"Is it noteworthy that a eceleb reacted agree to a post":

High Tea in general is a massive newfag. I kindof have a soft spot for him because he tends to admit that he doesn't really know much vs the rest of them who are much more arrogant.

With the tea clips stuff I'll admit that after a certain point I was just antagonizing them. The turning point was when PPP started crying about me in particular posting in his thread, and the fact that I kept trying to point towards issues I had with him that were unrelated to tea clips (like how he went after matt for equally petty reasons, how he's friends with kraut despite kraut being easily worse than most of the people he tries to condemn, how obviously false his lies are, ect) but they kept trying to bring the conversation back to tea clips.


This basically sums up their argument style when you really press them on PPP. They will admit that every criticism is true and then pull a whataboutism for whatever eceleb he is currently feuding with. If you want to see what its like to actually argue with them you can go to around page 140 of his thread, I'm much less inflammatory then.

When someone isn't bashing their head against the wall to seriously argue in that thread or making low effort shitposts about PPP, it quickly goes back to one of the most reddit tier circle jerks I have seen. Its just boring "wow ppp is so great, he really btfo matt jarbo with this stream" shit though, nothing really worth posting here.
In other news. Lots of attention whore Kiwifarm users are shitting up the KF PPP/Godwinson thread and @Perspicacity along with @Leg Pit Cream and afew other namefags are sperging nonstop about some gay ops discord they are in with PPP/Godwinson. Also random namedrops of other cows like Ralph, Teaclips and Bryan. Not sure wtf is going on but due to the sheer volume of seething autism in the KF PPP thread atm. Maybe one of you two can explain exactly why everyone is mad at you?
In other news. Lots of attention whore Kiwifarm users are shitting up the KF PPP/Godwinson thread and @Perspicacity along with @Leg Pit Cream and afew other namefags are sperging nonstop about some gay ops discord they are in with PPP/Godwinson. Also random namedrops of other cows like Ralph, Teaclips and Bryan. Not sure wtf is going on but due to the sheer volume of seething autism in the KF PPP thread atm. Maybe one of you two can explain exactly why everyone is mad at you?
the only thing i'm doing is pointing out gayops of the users of the thread lol
the only thing i'm doing is pointing out gayops of the users of the thread lol
Apologies. I just skimmed the PPP thread. Alot of asshurt and autism was being spilled between @Perspicacity and Fslur(teaclips) with random jabs from random namefags(prominent active attention whore kf users) like instythot, you, some others I always see constantly posting. Then like two mods with grey names starting calling out you guys about gay ops and discord drama so I was hoping one longpost format of the TLDR of the PPP discord gay ops stuff and KF autism.
i get i'm being a bit aggressive but thats because the entire situation strikes me as so painfully cringe, and i'm not the only one that feels that way about the thread
Ya it was really fucking gay to even look over. As soon as Persip vs Flsur started and mods came in with random users suddenly knowing about PPP discords and gay ops and whatever the fuck else they claimed with zero screencaps or proofs it got turbo cringe.

It seemed interesting enough to give this thread alittle bump since it had lots of different zceleb names and random namedrops of cows though. Hopefully @Perspicacity can give the TLDR then
Short summary:
PPP fans shill a PPP video in the nick thread where 2 kiwis are co-hosts, APC calls them gay for interacting with a cow like that and shilling the cow's vide and they get mad. APC goes into the PPP thread and call out this behavior of PPP fans, they get mad at him there too. At this point I'm just happy that someone else feels this way and say something to APC in onion chat about it and drop it.

Then tea clips/fslur comes in and mentions past drama where squire, one of the 2 users who was streaming with PPP, had made a big post pushing one of PPP's talking points, claimed to be quitting posting on KF about ralph after it got mixed reception, then came back to post in her thread when PPP started talking about her thread.

She accuses Love Machine of being in/stalking her in a discord with her and squire, and accuses @Perspicacity of being in a dm group with PPP (he is) and coming here to bitch about her thread after PPP did (he did).

@Perspicacity accuses her of stalking him, I accuse him of stalking her and being obsessed with her. Me and APC also talk about how we don't like that PPP's fans run defense for him on the farms and how he will bring up any criticism he gets on Kiwi on stream and even target specific users.

Some more slapfighting, basically "you are a tea clips alt," "no you are a PPP shill".

AltisiticRight tells Perpicacity to calm down and basically says that APC is right and he should stop being a PPP shill. Some people comment on what happened, nothing really relevant beyond that.

I noticed that Love Machine confirmed that he was in a discord with squire and connect the dots that right as the drama with squire suddenly quitting the gunt forums and trying to convince people to ignore one of the biggest ralph leaks in a while (that PPP was also attacking the credibility of) Love machine had come into that thread and started casting doubt on the validity of the leaks himself. I point this out and ask what the fuck is going on, because now things look like a proper gay op.

APC mentions that PPP leaked the fact that PPP and love machine were dming on twitter, so now we have at least 3 people who have posted PPP's narratives/defended him in direct contact with PPP.

Love machine claims it was all above board, that he just really hates tea clips and that there is no coordination between him and squire and PPP and Perpicacity and whoever the fuck else is in private discords. I don't buy it and a bunch of people who normally don't post in the thread join to basically say "stop touching the poop."

TL;dr: Kiwifarms users are over-enthusiastic fans of a cow and some of them get personally involved. They end up annoying people in other threads, then an e-celeb they have drama with leaks that they are actually more personally involved than we knew publicly. They claim to be good boys, not everyone buys it and people tell them to stop being friends with lolcows.
Short summary:
PPP fans shill a PPP video in the nick thread where 2 kiwis are co-hosts, APC calls them gay for interacting with a cow like that and shilling the cow's vide and they get mad. APC goes into the PPP thread and call out this behavior of PPP fans, they get mad at him there too. At this point I'm just happy that someone else feels this way and say something to APC in onion chat about it and drop it.

Then tea clips/fslur comes in and mentions past drama where squire, one of the 2 users who was streaming with PPP, had made a big post pushing one of PPP's talking points, claimed to be quitting posting on KF about ralph after it got mixed reception, then came back to post in her thread when PPP started talking about her thread.

She accuses Love Machine of being in/stalking her in a discord with her and squire, and accuses @Perspicacity of being in a dm group with PPP (he is) and coming here to bitch about her thread after PPP did (he did).

@Perspicacity accuses her of stalking him, I accuse him of stalking her and being obsessed with her. Me and APC also talk about how we don't like that PPP's fans run defense for him on the farms and how he will bring up any criticism he gets on Kiwi on stream and even target specific users.

Some more slapfighting, basically "you are a tea clips alt," "no you are a PPP shill".

AltisiticRight tells Perpicacity to calm down and basically says that APC is right and he should stop being a PPP shill. Some people comment on what happened, nothing really relevant beyond that.

I noticed that Love Machine confirmed that he was in a discord with squire and connect the dots that right as the drama with squire suddenly quitting the gunt forums and trying to convince people to ignore one of the biggest ralph leaks in a while (that PPP was also attacking the credibility of) Love machine had come into that thread and started casting doubt on the validity of the leaks himself. I point this out and ask what the fuck is going on, because now things look like a proper gay op.

APC mentions that PPP leaked the fact that PPP and love machine were dming on twitter, so now we have at least 3 people who have posted PPP's narratives/defended him in direct contact with PPP.

Love machine claims it was all above board, that he just really hates tea clips and that there is no coordination between him and squire and PPP and Perpicacity and whoever the fuck else is in private discords. I don't buy it and a bunch of people who normally don't post in the thread join to basically say "stop touching the poop."

TL;dr: Kiwifarms users are over-enthusiastic fans of a cow and some of them get personally involved. They end up annoying people in other threads, then an e-celeb they have drama with leaks that they are actually more personally involved than we knew publicly. They claim to be good boys, not everyone buys it and people tell them to stop being friends with lolcows.
So I was right. They all gay lol
TLDR Pigclips and her best friend Bob Barker/Whale Forever are in a frenzy, following me around and calling me in a liar in every post (You can check here or Kiwifarms). Apparently it's a "gayop" that I appeared on a PPP stream to laugh at random shit related to Fuentes. It's gotten hilarious! Let the autism flow.
Was it though?
I don't even understand what they are accusing me of to be honest. I think the fact that I was on a stream (which I have been a few times) is why people are so offended or the "gayop" is just me being present there? Seems just like a bunch of people desperately crying for attention at this point, makes no sense; I'm a literal who.

I think the biggest problem you have is that you and PPP still give a single solitary fuck about Teaclips and what she's doing. PPP going after Teaclips has been the cringiest shit. But I guess he was just desperate for a new target after being paid off to not criticize Josh anymore.

Or are you still retarded to still push the "LEMON HEIST" story that PPP tries to sell. Fuck off faggot.