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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

Can someone with far more autism and time on their hands than me explain what the fuck any of this is and who these people are? This is cultcow territory and the OP here does nothing to properly brief newbies on this faggotry. From what I know this is some chain of podcasts with people like Vordrak and Josh involved?
Based on first impressons I can't really tell what's funny about these people.

I'm gonna write a new OP for PPP tomorrow, because neither here nor kiwifarms has a decent outline of what actually fucking happened. If you want a long fun autistic read though, this could give you some idea, definitely use the highlight feature, as you can see this became a near 600 page thread in 10 days.

This OP is better than I remember

"Null get's tied into this because he recently had a run in with a couple of autistic newfag account spergs who got banned for annoying him. Godwinson took this as Null being apart of the coverup because as coincidence may have it Null also has a NewProject2. It is worth noting that Null offered to talked with PPP and Godwinson about this but didn't get a reply"

(das me)

These two are pretty good watches. The Nick one is especially hilarious, and is the catalyst for the whole event

Start at 1:08:00

After PPP Leaves, wait for based black man to deride Nick and Dick for their beta behavior

Than skip to about 3:50:00 when Zoom comes on and really hammers it in on Dick and doxes his "mansion"

The contrast from before PPP joins and afterwards is the best part. Goes from talking shit to calling Zoom for support, only to get shit on by him too lmao.

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I don't get it man. So you're mad that they are posting it in The Dick Thread? Which only is over 20 pages because of PPP, and pretty much everything that is talked about in that to this day is stuff that happened in the Simpspiracy running its course.

However, I agree with the point you've been making to these people lately. I don't mind them "gay op'ing" or whatever with PPP. The problem is they are trying so hard to Conjure up drama where none exists, and after they realized they have shit Conjuring skills They are now trying out their Necromancy by talking about the Dick pedo shit like it was new, or there was actually some kind of development.
I'm tired of the general pattern of them going into a cows thread and trying to derail it to be about PPP. Its been happening in a lot of threads not just dicks.
Can someone with far more autism and time on their hands than me explain what the fuck any of this is and who these people are? This is cultcow territory and the OP here does nothing to properly brief newbies on this faggotry. From what I know this is some chain of podcasts with people like Vordrak and Josh involved?
Based on first impressons I can't really tell what's funny about these people.
Ok so it all starts back in 2014 when the ex boyfriend of small time indie game developer zoe quin reveals she has been sleeping with games journalists in exchange for favorable reviews....

But the Simp Conspiracy OP is a good place to start.

Also at this point if you are asking me why you should care about Ethan Ralph, PPP, Godwinson, Dick Masterson, or any of the even less noteworthy retards involved in this, my answer would be "you shouldn't." IBS remnants drama is not worth following unless you were already following it when the actually funny stuff happened. I don't really care about any of them beyond keeping tabs occasionally, other than PPP/godwinson, who I care even less about other than the fact that they get inserted into drama involving actually interesting people like nick or woes.
Ok so it all starts back in 2014 when the ex boyfriend of small time indie game developer zoe quin reveals she has been sleeping with games journalists in exchange for favorable reviews....

But the Simp Conspiracy OP is a good place to start.

Also at this point if you are asking me why you should care about Ethan Ralph, PPP, Godwinson, Dick Masterson, or any of the even less noteworthy retards involved in this, my answer would be "you shouldn't." IBS remnants drama is not worth following unless you were already following it when the actually funny stuff happened. I don't really care about any of them beyond keeping tabs occasionally, other than PPP/godwinson, who I care even less about other than the fact that they get inserted into drama involving actually interesting people like nick or woes.

Yeah, it's not quite as fun going back and trying to put the threads back together as it is to actually follow along from the beginning and seeing it happen in real time PPP shitting on Dick is classic and definitely worth a shot. It's quite a ramble though.
I'm tired of the general pattern of them going into a cows thread and trying to derail it to be about PPP. Its been happening in a lot of threads not just dicks.
I wonder what Chris chan would think about this.
@Perspicacity is often taken out of context, if you read his posts in threads he writes similar to the cows. It's funny and informative.
I'm glad someone gets it!

Also I've never ever been a Masterson fan, and even during the events of the Simp arc it took effort to listen to his shit. He's your typical Californian Jew, obsessed with fame with a large trust fund keeping him afloat. All I hear is a man pushing 40 screaming into a microphone in a desperate bid to be relevant. Although I think PPP did an excellent job destroying him, ultimately Dick did 90% of the work for him when it came to that Racket's appearance and Twitter spergery. "I was homecoming king" and "I bang super models in my mansion in the Hollywood Hills" will forever be two of my all time favorite quotes. Peak irony, delusion, and lack of self-awareness.
I'm glad someone gets it!

Also I've never ever been a Masterson fan, and even during the events of the Simp arc it took effort to listen to his shit. He's your typical Californian Jew, obsessed with fame with a large trust fund keeping him afloat. All I hear is a man pushing 40 screaming into a microphone in a desperate bid to be relevant. Although I think PPP did an excellent job destroying him, ultimately Dick did 90% of the work for him when it came to that Racket's appearance and Twitter spergery. "I was homecoming king" and "I bang super models in my mansion in the Hollywood Hills" will forever be two of my all time favorite quotes. Peak irony, delusion, and lack of self-awareness.
I'm more a of a "LOOSE ASS CLEFT COCK MOTHERFUCKER" man myself.
