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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

I don't even understand what they are accusing me of to be honest. I think the fact that I was on a stream (which I have been a few times) is why people are so offended or the "gayop" is just me being present there? Seems just like a bunch of people desperately crying for attention at this point, makes no sense; I'm a literal who.
The issue is how PPP fans behave on the farms. Shilling his content and agendas, getting far too personally invested in him because you don't view him as a cow, so you defend/promote him when you shouldn't. The fact that you guys personally talk to him is just icing on the gay cake.
I couldn't resist poking the Pig but I freely admit I should have just ignored her.

It's not even just that though. It's that you guys have resorted to Plate Gang tactics (not surprising since PPP got fucked up with Heph and Earjuice early on) of just accusing people of being pedophiles and rapists and shit, and the shtick is getting really gay. It was fun would he would say ridiculously exaggerated things about people, but it's getting to the point where everything is so far removed from reality that it's not really funny anymore.

And his weird hateboner for Teaclips is just pathetic. She literally just does the same things you guys do, except she has a clip channel. All because she called PPP out for cucking out of arguing with JMK (probably because that mega hyper autist was right about PPP not going after Josh because he was paid off)
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Neat so the spurned lover slapfight is ON!
Short summary:
PPP fans shill a PPP video in the nick thread where 2 kiwis are co-hosts, APC calls them gay for interacting with a cow like that and shilling the cow's vide and they get mad. APC goes into the PPP thread and call out this behavior of PPP fans, they get mad at him there too. At this point I'm just happy that someone else feels this way and say something to APC in onion chat about it and drop it.

Then tea clips/fslur comes in and mentions past drama where squire, one of the 2 users who was streaming with PPP, had made a big post pushing one of PPP's talking points, claimed to be quitting posting on KF about ralph after it got mixed reception, then came back to post in her thread when PPP started talking about her thread.

She accuses Love Machine of being in/stalking her in a discord with her and squire, and accuses @Perspicacity of being in a dm group with PPP (he is) and coming here to bitch about her thread after PPP did (he did).

@Perspicacity accuses her of stalking him, I accuse him of stalking her and being obsessed with her. Me and APC also talk about how we don't like that PPP's fans run defense for him on the farms and how he will bring up any criticism he gets on Kiwi on stream and even target specific users.

Some more slapfighting, basically "you are a tea clips alt," "no you are a PPP shill".

AltisiticRight tells Perpicacity to calm down and basically says that APC is right and he should stop being a PPP shill. Some people comment on what happened, nothing really relevant beyond that.

I noticed that Love Machine confirmed that he was in a discord with squire and connect the dots that right as the drama with squire suddenly quitting the gunt forums and trying to convince people to ignore one of the biggest ralph leaks in a while (that PPP was also attacking the credibility of) Love machine had come into that thread and started casting doubt on the validity of the leaks himself. I point this out and ask what the fuck is going on, because now things look like a proper gay op.

APC mentions that PPP leaked the fact that PPP and love machine were dming on twitter, so now we have at least 3 people who have posted PPP's narratives/defended him in direct contact with PPP.

Love machine claims it was all above board, that he just really hates tea clips and that there is no coordination between him and squire and PPP and Perpicacity and whoever the fuck else is in private discords. I don't buy it and a bunch of people who normally don't post in the thread join to basically say "stop touching the poop."

TL;dr: Kiwifarms users are over-enthusiastic fans of a cow and some of them get personally involved. They end up annoying people in other threads, then an e-celeb they have drama with leaks that they are actually more personally involved than we knew publicly. They claim to be good boys, not everyone buys it and people tell them to stop being friends with lolcows.
I always thought that IBS was just a gayer, more autistic and more clusterfuck-y version of GamerGate, and this post more or less confirms this.
What the fuck is it about Kiwi Farms that attracts this kind of gay-op faggotry? How hard is it to just remain an unconcerned third party to all of the nonsense and just laugh at it? Why are people getting personally invested in lolcow orbits?

@Perspicacity just the fact that this lolcow bitch Fslur/TeaClips knows enough of you to namedrop you in her reply should be the red flag that you and LoveMachine/Losco/Squire are getting way too self-important about this shit. Nobody is going to trust anything you guys ever say if they're now convinced that you're coordinating on some gay Discord server to make sure everything is approved of first.

It's not snaking when you distance yourself from someone who keeps acting this gay for months. The worst thing PPP ever did was starting to listen way too much to people like you and Earjuice. PPP is at his best when he has Godwinson tard-wrangling for him. PPP is a force of autism that must be controlled and directed. On his own he has no direction and can't keep up with what's going on. If Godwinson is actually for real this time about leaving PPP, this is a very serious blow.
PPP is fat faggot with shit takes and Godwinson is fucking worse. Both of them could get hit by a truck and the world would lose nothing of value.
No the world would lose the workers, the police, and the medic's time. Oh and the soap and water to clean the truck off.
I don't even understand what they are accusing me of to be honest. I think the fact that I was on a stream (which I have been a few times) is why people are so offended or the "gayop" is just me being present there? Seems just like a bunch of people desperately crying for attention at this point, makes no sense; I'm a literal who.
You fool! Only Josh gets to mingle with ecelebs freely and however they choose! Everyone else must use alt accounts to avoid getting called out for the same behavior!
So dick masterson got brought up in the PPP thread, he called being against child abuse "cuckoldry". Naturally someone posted this without an archive in PPP's thread, so I archived it and then went to dick's thread to do the same.

So its pretty safe to say they learned absolutely nothing from this drama and will continue to insert PPP into every e-celeb thread they can.
So dick masterson got brought up in the PPP thread, he called being against child abuse "cuckoldry". Naturally someone posted this without an archive in PPP's thread, so I archived it and then went to dick's thread to do the same. View attachment 6524
So its pretty safe to say they learned absolutely nothing from this drama and will continue to insert PPP into every e-celeb thread they can.

I don't get it man. So you're mad that they are posting it in The Dick Thread? Which only is over 20 pages because of PPP, and pretty much everything that is talked about in that to this day is stuff that happened in the Simpspiracy running its course.

However, I agree with the point you've been making to these people lately. I don't mind them "gay op'ing" or whatever with PPP. The problem is they are trying so hard to Conjure up drama where none exists, and after they realized they have shit Conjuring skills They are now trying out their Necromancy by talking about the Dick pedo shit like it was new, or there was actually some kind of development.
Can someone with far more autism and time on their hands than me explain what the fuck any of this is and who these people are? This is cultcow territory and the OP here does nothing to properly brief newbies on this faggotry. From what I know this is some chain of podcasts with people like Vordrak and Josh involved?
Based on first impressons I can't really tell what's funny about these people.