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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

What do you mean? It's obviously Teaclips!!!!
Lmfao nah she doesnt write like that at all. Its not the wording of a catty fat girl living on her parents couch.

it comes off with pure venom and only Gator and Ralph have always typed in this kind of manner. Chaggot was recently in a bloodsports screaming at PPP and Godwinson in the same manner as well. Its just a state of deduction tbh. I dont like PPP or Godwinson but I dont want them brutally tortured or dead by vehicle like @Stilgar of Troon they are just loser shitlords.

edit: also Ralph repeatedly shows off Josh threads from here on his show and in the screencaps hes logged in.
Lmfao nah she doesnt write like that at all. Its not the wording of a catty fat girl living on her parents couch.

it comes off with pure venom and only Gator and Ralph have always typed in this kind of manner. Chaggot was recently in a bloodsports screaming at PPP and Godwinson in the same manner as well. Its just a state of deduction tbh. I dont like PPP or Godwinson but I dont want them brutally tortured or dead by vehicle like @Stilgar of Troon they are just loser shitlords.

edit: also Ralph repeatedly shows off Josh threads from here on his show and in the screencaps hes logged in.
Oh no.

He's seriously retarded.
Lmfao nah she doesnt write like that at all. Its not the wording of a catty fat girl living on her parents couch.

it comes off with pure venom and only Gator and Ralph have always typed in this kind of manner. Chaggot was recently in a bloodsports screaming at PPP and Godwinson in the same manner as well. Its just a state of deduction tbh. I dont like PPP or Godwinson but I dont want them brutally tortured or dead by vehicle like @Stilgar of Troon they are just loser shitlords.

edit: also Ralph repeatedly shows off Josh threads from here on his show and in the screencaps hes logged in.

Can you show this? I mean I don't blame you if you don't wanna look, no one should be forced to have to sit through the Killstream.

Wow, PPP's natural Sheep-like Canadian instincts are kicking.

"Guys, just don't go outside the country, there's a pandemic."

It's weird watching him go from sucking himself off for him and Surfer not wearing masks to shitting on someone doing investigative journalism on Covid jails - something he's against, but is acting like is normal just so he can shit on this person who he basically agrees with. Good job, retard. Go suck Tradeau's cock some more, Ashton, while you support anti-constitution (does Canada even have a constitution? doubtful), Draconian policies brought on by your cucked government.

It's like watching Nick Fuentes and Ralph act like Trump is the new Prime Evil because he doesn't hate Jews.

What a fucking Sheep.

Can you show this? I mean I don't blame you if you don't wanna look, no one should be forced to have to sit through the Killstream.
Cant find a ralph archive stream to find he flags them all down but in general reference he covered the Roblox entire OP on his show showing the OF off a few weeks ago.
Here's what ralph tweeted.
Although he's a Twitter addict he could've shown another.
Edit: oh you said on stream, lemme check the archives.
Here's what ralph tweeted.
Although he's a Twitter addict he could've shown another.
Edit: oh you said on stream, lemme check the archives.
View attachment 6651
Ya ralph makes archiving difficult because he flags everyone like a douche. It was around the timeframe of that tweet and the broke dick farms shirts. He claimed he was just gonna expose more on josh. I dont watch the gunt often but I do watch when kiwifags get their jimmies rustled and this was one of them
This lemon heist stream has been referenced in recent times, yet the context of place time and the people involved has been forgotten.
Godwinson, PPP, Kraut, Jeff Holiday where he addresses the paedo tattoo and many more skeptics and gamergaters appear, the time was odd people were fucking with Ralph even trying to swat him and Ashton and Adam enjoy being seen as superior so they pulled this scheme.
Updated the Op added some content and context.
Here's a video from chaggot vs PPP with the impartial moderator lol.
View attachment 6655
Almost wish I would've continued watching the Chaggot stream just for this part lmao. Tapped out pretty early because it was kinda a shitshow and I don't know or give a shit about Chaggot. Only thing I know of him is he was on the Baked Alaska stream where Metokur popped up and he was hellbound and intent on being the biggest faggot there.
@cjöcker @SIGSEGV jannie you should feature one of my threads.
Almost wish I would've continued watching the Chaggot stream just for this part lmao. Tapped out pretty early because it was kinda a shitshow and I don't know or give a shit about Chaggot. Only thing I know of him is he was on the Baked Alaska stream where Metokur popped up and he was hellbound and intent on being the biggest faggot there.
He's a character, son of a state senator maced his younger sister, arrested for meth possession and making a bomb threat going on to hangout with the ip2 ice Poseidon and baked alaska crowd supposedly almost sexually assaulted, then AFpac with Nick Fuentes and the groypers.
What do you mean? It's obviously Teaclips!!!!

read it you niggers
Godwinson / Adam Edge

<note: as he was doxed by subversive elements within Jahanism word spread which said Godwinson is a journo and friends with people wrote hit pieces on Andy Pieres / Adam Warski & people who said /ibs/ was an Alt right 'movement'