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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

Rules and Ethics in Flouncing 101:
When you say you are never going to mention anyone again...
Sweeping it up for Sniffwinson, admitted to fucking up a stream due to being high AF. Aaaannnd, I got swept from Plodders chat (multiple times) ages ago, for mentioning the police... Sven is a recent happening... strange, put a pip in this, we'll come back to it later... more flouncing fails...
My name, your who-er mouth again. Rent free. Pissin' in the sink. Why doesn't Worm want Plodz looking into Sven? Why doesn't anyone know who this guy is/ Very important in MODwinson lore.
See? Note: Worm didn't want to do a pic of Plodz supposed gf. Told an outright lie by saying they couldn't do anything with it (to imply they look too normal, meh boring). And the photo hasn't been post on the thread. Y'know... it's like the thread isn't about alawggin' this cow... just griftin' it.

Dude, why do they do it? Cap shit "out of context", people are just going to come over here, read up and go "Hmmmmm, that is strange, Adam has banned someone for asking about an incident involving the police... and no one is talking about it... oh and Asa was in the same server as the Penguin... oh, not for long... woah what's this esoteric soundscape happening, let me get the bong?"

And anyway, if Adam wanted to look into me... he already would have. Maybe offer him a monkey. He likes those. He'd get it all mixed up, muddled up, shook up way... Evelyn relates to Clint. Lilith... an esoteric reading of Genesis (the book, not the band).

Read this next bit in the voice of Hollywood God

Adam has been touched by the SHOG, whether he understands that or not. That's what I said.


  • wormswhoremouth.png
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A channel got renamed and...

And to save time. The Lerds on Commie Farms are trying to bait me into spelling things out to them. Well, if you're too thick to work it out (and Scwurm did cap the answer, still up for (looks at clock) 2 hours) then you are too stupid to understand, right?

Tell you what, quid pro quo: You say that you are just some useless NEET who is a drain on society, without the intellectual ability to read at a 5th grade level, post that, and that you need me to spell it out to you. Say that and I'll tell you.

But the socks will prolly just assume that no one is going to read this thread and go "hmmmm, my walnuts are awhirlin', why does this thread actually have info about PPPwinson and the Commie Farms one is just dick suckers?"

I'm sure joshy will be happy you are steering traffic this way... Some of you are curious and not griftin'.
If you were smart you would attack Adam over his hatred of the Penguin Man. Alister MyCroft has gotten into Adam's mind and lives rent free, Adam fears the penguin man. Calling him an Elaine simp is a decent angel. The same way ABG and I'm Just a Worm lives rent free in @Nektar Geist head.
"Hello Kwiffar, do you know who I am? Of course not, you're too thick and lazy... Why don't you ask Adam? Remember that post in Adam's thread... about him sweeping people mentioning police... why did everyone ignore that?"



And again Auntie E copying my bit... and pretending they can't read (or maybe not pretending). I guess going back ONE WHOLE PAGE, or even reading Juan's reply to me... just too much hard work to do, to see I have been using the lil pisher Toto for awhile to mock Mincewinson. But hey, exhibit that feminine energy by just posting uneducated opinions hoping that people will believe you really are going to "take down Plodwinson".

That's why you have spent so much time doing that... oh wait, no you haven't. You're just a pointless gay opper. You're just the same as CX, Kinoshit etc. You haven't called out the sweepy squad for posting "I don't think he's been using drugs during the stream, even tho he tweeted he was high af during one..." Aren't you (as someone so teeth gnashingly opposed to Eschlebs)

tl/dr This is Sven (not his real name, but the name he used when associated with Adam). Auntie E, like all the other socks, doesn't know what they are talking about... but then... they are Kwiffar. And expect "I know you are, you said you are..." response from Auntie E to be disappointing, and copying my bit.

"Following a trial at [Redacted you lazy cunts], Judge [Already posted the article read it for yourself] told the self-proclaimed “avowed racist” and Adolf Hitler supporter that he faces a prison sentence measured in years not months"

Gutlesswinson is streaming at the same time as the better stream. How these guys turned HNHwinson on...
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"Between the Velvet Lies... there is a truth as hard as steel" Dio. That's for Elaine, but feel free to use it if you want.

Well, for some strange reason I'm unbanned. Which is nice. What happened in the past 24hrs that prompted that... I guess we'll never know.

This is actually why I mentioned Sven... He didn't in the Q&A. However, no one else did... so there's that. Maybe there is something in it, or something else*. Lot of talk about Sci Fi (Nerdwinson, no really). But he's aware of the Ipcress Files, and that's good. DePalma... he really loves, and that's a very Kermode thing. Middle class gonna middle class.

I think the Q&A may be longer than the actual stream... Maybe he's lonely. His favorite FF9 character... he fielded that question. And that's about when I checked out.

nfn He's changed (or who ever channel it is) the channel name back to Godwinson and using a pic of himself.

*The rabbit hole goes deeper. November. Guess the day... win a prize.
Don't forget to water the plant... These things are usually a test to see if you can be "nurturing". Sitting striking matches (what, are you doing a trick for Jack Benny? No. You don't even know what that means), while doing poor stand up bits (wimmin' eh? What do they use so much toilet paper, eh? Although, none of it was as good as that bit).

It was a bit sad really, I mean, Plodz stayed online for way longer than he said he would. All alone in his undecorated home. With a plant with flowers, unwatered... letting people ask you the most asinine questions, and answering them. And the Casino drags on...

Maybe Adam is the flower...

Some say love, it is a flower...
Ok then...


  • nbp.png
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After deleting the previous "Q&A"*, we see a more business-like like Plodwinson (had a shave n all). I guess the tl/dr would be "Nonces maybe in the AF, but PPP broke my heart, even tho I knew what he was like all along... catchphrase"

*Did he "already say too much"?
@Nektar Geist Gayopwinson has sold out again. Listening to foxdick farmers, as we speak he sells out to that crowd to join his glowie lover Ashton Parks. Your research on Sven was most helpful and will be what the League needs to deal with the matter. Thank you for your cooperation. Perspicacity and the Squire run this operation, and their reign of terror must come to an end. If Adam wishes to engage in IBS and bring us back to the golden age of 2018, we can accept those terms. Can he?