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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

More fuckwittery from the Plodwinson thread...
No, moron sock. Cowboy was asking Plodders for a while to work with Elaine (he also suggested that Elaine team up with SJ James). Then plod tweeted that there was a scourge blah blah, please do my home work... Why do they keep getting that wrong?
Elaine fired up a stream. Now. Plodwinson sniped the actual stream, until the comments of her chat popped up. And Elaine doesn't know how to ban people.

Wonder what comments he didn't want his dick suckers to see?plodchat.pngplodchat1.pngplodchat2.pngplodchat3cringe.pngplodchat4.pngplodchat5.pngplodchat6.pngplodchat7.pngplodchat8elaine.pngplodchat9.pngplodchat10.pngplodchat11.pngplodchat12.pngplodchat13.pngtrollchat.pngtrollchat2.pngtrollchat3.pngtrollchat4.png

it was a real team effort to get him the mega folder

Fuck godwinsons face while looking at naked Lainey

yeah i know that face

didnt want to see that either
gws dying listening to elaine.gif

Godwinson sounds deeply unsettled and uncomfortable and said she should be sectioned

Godwinson doesn't give a fuck

you can see his brain cells dying off
The Golden shower was enough for him. I was listening to him while shitting up Elaine's chat. Her story about how the CP of her got out is laughable. She's adding on at least 3 years to her age. THe bollocks about not wanting to have her bf prosecuted for distributing it.
Some more chat
Accuse your enemy of your own crimes... Ham has been in certain Chats for a while. FL is a sock.

That stream is proof positive she's NPD. And she's thick as shit. So. Another normal stream.

nfn, KF is down.
DLN seeking attention.
"I had to deep clean chat so much last night over the Sven etc thing, TTNF"
Over all, it was "Lo-NRG", felt like a "contractual obligation" stream. On the plus side, he showed a bit better taste in Filum. Carpenter is a Don. Interestingly he chooses BTILC as one of his favorites, and he never even mentioned Halloween. Not expecting him to mention the shelved PSA film he made... into a surreal horror film, but still.
Remember when I posted the link to the old Plodwinson? Where he was still trying to con people into believing it was some great social comment? He's one of them now...
QUick critique on ELaine's comment here
1. She doesn't have a genuine view, other than "ME ME ME ME". Tho, with Kino Dogme 2007(tm) genuine here, is like that old line "These are my principles, if you don't like them... I have others." 2. Yes, you are meant to hate them. This is why you don't have an "genuine" view, you know don't know anything about the sektur, it's built on spite, a spite distilled through repressed sexuality.

She had the chance to put an arrow in Fopwinson's eye, but no... shameful.

If Elaine thinks she's going to be able to use the sektur more than it uses her... NGMI.
Auntie E has been at it again.
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Why don't you get a blog, dude?
Why dont you? You complained that the Anti E-Celeb League was being too nice to an e-celeb, Adam. So we made the fool who ran that account correct his error. He may not have a way with words but its a passable write up. Others in the League would have phrased it differently. You hate Godwinson and think we were too soft, but now that we attack him you find this to be unacceptable. Why? Are you perhaps a fan of Mister Metokur?
1.Retard. He cannot deliver the coup de grace, because, and you'd know this if you actually knew yer onions, PPPwinson dies: PPPwinson dies, but funnily enough, AuntieE and her ilk have only the "Kwiffar" version of PPPwinson
1. He cant fully deliver for a variety of reasons. He is soft, Perspic is soft, and PPP is soft. The Kino Casino audience is larger than Godwinson's/cow/the gunt board so even when they all turned on PPP he still has Andy's fans. If he went far as Dispatch did in the old days he could have made a bigger impact.
2.Hmmmm. Known that for over a year, haven't we? And if we go back to the time Adam revealed he'd taken money to be on the KC... what did AuntieE have to say about the matter? NOTHING.
2. Was the league even in operations during that period? We have taken hiatuses before and shall do so again. Further saving information for later is a valid tactic. Also there the Flamenco pedophile scandal during this time and the full frontal assault on the Kino Casino, so we had other targets at that time.
3. Adam has always been a smugwinson. Prolly cuz he has plentyo faggots like Auntie (and CG/DH etc) who ignore (at best, like how he made digs at Cokeski, boasted he was clean... before the slip and slide into those dead, dead eyes and admitted on twitter he was too high to function) or (usually) rationalize why it's ok for Adam to be a hypocrite (must be ironybros, bros)
Yes he has always been smug, and to a degree it was apart of his character. But its gone off the charts this past month, you know its gotten worse.
4. Plodwinson only goes after low hanging fruit? Gosh(!) Imean, after the faggiest stream about a woman (DoA), then another, misrepresentng the facts, again Auntie fails to mention this.
Not everything can be mentioned all the time. If you have valid evidence against Fraudwinson we can take it and post it. If you are going to make vague claims with no details then no one shall take you seriously. Adam plays to his base and takes fights he can win. Which is why he is afraid of the League, but not of you.
5. B-b-but, NP2 was made up, right? Also lol at boy (considering Adams interest in pederasty), and "sperg", Leo is a normie compared to Boppwinson.
No the League is not tied down to any group other than itself. Not what you would consider the League a Kwiffar in any respect, we hold that Josh was sweeping it up during the NP2 scandal. When /cow/ was the hub for IBS we were there, and when it became the farms we were there.
6. Someone just told Auntie about the Vordrak stream. Jenny come tardy.
No? We were in this sector for a long time, far longer than you. The League witnessed Godwinson snake on LeoPirate live, its all archived on one of the Gayopwinson archive channels. You ever hear of playing your cards close to your chest? There is information on Plodwinson that is perfectly public, but if explained would be most destructive to him.
7. Admits to being a sock. Funny thing is about this comment. Adam knew who Ashton was/is, all along. Considering the things Ashton has done (and Adam witnessed)
Yes Adam knew what PPP was a vile creature. Back then not on the farms mind you, but on /cow/ and other platforms the founders what is now termed the Anti E-Celeb League told the fool Adam to not make that choice. But he did, and if you listen to the video he made after recruiting PPP he refrenced people telling him to not take him on as his cohost, he defended PPP saying he was "funny" and "entertaining". The League will not confirm or deny that its kiwifarms or onion farms account are A. socks B. actually accounts ran by members of the league. Adam's time will come and that time nears, once he serves his purpose.
8. Bro. I mean, really. Bro... Have you, like, never heard of Plodwinson, that's like the thing about it, isn't it? Blimey Lerk moar faarg.
Everyone here knows Plodwinson is lazy, the point was simple. He was posting on twitter about his video ideas he drafted with PPP. The point was he could do that today and also put to good use for once. Your condensation and irony show your hand, you seethe at league. Many such cases!
9. "The first cut is the deepest

Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to being lucky, she's cursed
When it comes to loving me, she's worst
But when it comes to being loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest"

And the tl/dr...
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Seriously Auntie E: GET A JOB.
So you spend hours on here complaining about Fraudwinson then when someone shares concerns about him on the kiwifarms, your reply is to side with Godwinson's Guard? For all you know this account could be run by Perspic in some deep level OP to make you a GWS fanboy.
lol i really dont know i just pop in there sporadically or when it gets going.
I didn't watch this part of the Plodz stream. But Mycroft replied to it. It's amusing to see how much the lil pisher has gotten under Plodders skin. I assume Adam has seen the pic associated with Totocroft... and has developed a little crush.
probably if he keeps bringing her around at this point.
I'm pretty sure he meant that Mr Mycroft and his penguin like curves are the object of Godwinson's desire
For all you know this account could be run by Perspic in some deep level OP to make you a GWS fanboy.
Ah, Persip the Persian Snake, famous for being the most subtle operator, and most masterful at subterfuge, within the Sektor. He pioneered such revolutionary underhanded techniques as angrily arguing with people under his own username/account in livechats, and pouring his heart out while hosting livestreams. If only we all could be so Machiavellian
He pioneered such revolutionary underhanded techniques as angrily arguing with people under his own username/account in livechats
I remember a stream where he finally met his heart throb idol PPP... and it didn't go well. The fact that the hair dresser stuck around so long, and surely must have endured much abuse (assuredly all deserved), you have to wonder... what did his mother do to him?
AWC were in Plodz chat, and said they would upload a video with pertinent info. Looks like they did. Looks like it got yeeted.

nfn The stream was a bit of a soapy tit wank for Elaine, considering how little Plodwinson delved into lore about her. Still, joshy AND Vordrak come out looking a little foolish. And Adam already had a discord set up to talk to Elaine... no awkward comments about people that Adam once knew and a certain thread will never mention.

Oh and from the meds and symptoms Elaine admitted to: Paranoid Schizophrenia with NPD (not the first ginger PSNPDer to "appear on my radar"). Seriously, one of the meds was an anti-psychotic that was given to someone I knew. A PSNPDer... ginger (they are more likely to be nuts, the gingers).