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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

New fag Rapin Carlton digs up some old Plodwinson, on the HAtebus podcast (never heard of, therefore never heard this). Hatebus is, to me, like a Muppet Babies version of the Myth of the 20th Century podcast*. Here we hear the "Alt-Rite" Plodwinson, pre PPP, just of the back of the first Sargon stuff. He's still in his BBC RP bit, not yet slumming it with JDLE.

He shows his usual lack of understanding on the politic etc. But he's only 22 (citation needed).

*I'm curious to know if anyone has heard of that podcast, listened a lot back in about 2015.
This guy's got the Moxy to take a swing. Plodwinson's thread is over 200 pages. Not one mention. But if you watch the stream that he turns up in chat... you'll know the important effect he's had on Plodders.
This guy's got the Moxy to take a swing. Plodwinson's thread is over 200 pages. Not one mention. But if you watch the stream that he turns up in chat... you'll know the important effect he's had on Plodders.
That guy has a video titled "Book Review while playing a Croatian Zombie simulator"

Instant subscribe.
Instant subscribe.
Fortean Words tonight. Believe it or not, he was a bit of a celeb on a forum about 10 years ago or so. I reminded him of this (this means a semi face dox is out there), and he was surprised to say the least. It was the love of a mixed grill that gave him away*. I can recommend the Fire Day vids.

*I wonder if he thinks I'm some glowie (check out Hemmy and PPPwinson Anglo WIgnat civil war vid, and Hemmy's JDLE stuff (this is stuff that will never be mentioned on Plodwinson's thread, one stream highlights Plodwinson's lack of research), but he's prolly got reason to think the Spooks might be watching in)
The anti-E celeb league was War Hammer and his loser friends run by DJ Axle and Grossly.
Thought they broke up til I found out I was considered an e-celeb and we were all fighting.
Could you post interactions between you and the anti e celeb guys?
No idea, I thought it was something to do with the Whale (she is cozy with Moowinson) all I know is: Turned up around the gay op against the KC, shilling for Buncewinson. Prolly been stroking Autistic Spite, considering. Seriously something cringe about them.

I've been asked to collect intel on Mincewinson by someone who knew him a couple of years ago. So... any tit bits, post them here. Thanks in advance.
lets be fair who hasn't used altistic right before? its like 100 dollars and he will do what you ask. lots of buncewinson intel can be found if you looked in his old contacts. he used to be very liberal with the information he shared pre ibs stuff. also you can find his friends on facebook if you check back
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Jfc the autism practically radiates off this post. "Godwinson is just like Sherlock Holmes!" I know we're talking about a guy that larps as anonymous but for E-Celebs, but this is just sad.
Or it could be comparing him to a drug addict who would commit suicide? I can say that post was rather odd, and it was clearly the other anti e-celeb poster (you can tell they are at least two people probably three writing the posts on that account).
"Stupid Person's Idea Of An Intelligent Person". It's actually sad, if Auntie E is sincere in what they write. Yeah, it's high school fart huffin prose, it's a post waiting for Duke Nukem to reply, but beyond the cringe, it's smacks of "I never knew my dad". They project so much on him, take the Baronet bit. Title created in 1937. It means he is nouveau riche, actual posh people (whose history is in Burke's, not wiki-fucking-pedia) hate people like Adam. But Auntie E and all the other Adfags need that, for whatever reason. They need this "Godwinson" (historically referring to Harold, the one who got it in the eye), even if it's a lie.

How far are these people from Heaven's Gate marks?
>aunti E is sincere
Imagine being this retarded
The Slobwinson thread has finally discovered Mycroft... Toto to Winnie's Wizard, if you recall...

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AuntieE comes along
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But remember, AuntieE is a shill, and a hypocrite, let's see them cope this one out
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Only a simp or janny would write something as fuckwitted.

Anyway, inspiration struck and I fired up the 808em
No way that is real.... aunti e didnt say that. That is just blantant hypocrisy and pure Godwinson guarding. Its more fair to call Godwinson a clone of Asa and Liquid Chris than Metokur, but its all the same sort of character.
Could you post interactions between you and the anti e celeb guys?

lets be fair who hasn't used altistic right before? its like 100 dollars and he will do what you ask. lots of buncewinson intel can be found if you looked in his old contacts. he used to be very liberal with the information he shared pre ibs stuff. also you can find his friends on facebook if you check back

Or it could be comparing him to a drug addict who would commit suicide? I can say that post was rather odd, and it was clearly the other anti e-celeb poster (you can tell they are at least two people probably three writing the posts on that account).

>aunti E is sincere
Imagine being this retarded

No way that is real.... aunti e didnt say that. That is just blantant hypocrisy and pure Godwinson guarding. Its more fair to call Godwinson a clone of Asa and Liquid Chris than Metokur, but its all the same sort of character.
Get banned from Commie Farms, did you?

Whether you are or not the kosher Auntie E, you're going to be just as much of a ZVP over here, aren't you? Rhetorical question.
You're a phone poster, aren't you? You probably mean nobody. LIQZVP. If they CAN see through him, then why do they rarely point it out? Why do you get ABG and their sock(s) shitting up a thread that is low talent grifters trying to grift. I remember an Auntie E post saying that Plodders was going to get the same treatment as the KC... that never happened.
The league is very much against phone posting, why do you ask such a question? Gayopwinson will get the anti e-celeb league treatment, the only reason it was delayed was due to his Jimwalker arc which was beneficial to us. Metokur's thread is far worse than Godwinson's. We had issues with a member that broke the creed and was dealt with. Fraudwinson keeping his channel active and sweeping the chat has shown he is attempting to become an e-celeb. Like Jim, Adam knows he can no longer delete and make new channels while retaining his audience. Due to that fact he will face ire. Many things occur behind the scenes.
The league is very much against phone posting,
Stop doing it then
Gayopwinson will get the anti e-celeb league treatment,
Chinny reckon
the only reason it was delayed was due to his Jimwalker arc which was beneficial to us
Big ol' X there buddy. This is Kwiffar talk.
We had issues with a member that broke the creed and was dealt with
Hmmmm, yeah... really? No, go on...
Fraudwinson keeping his channel active and sweeping the chat has shown he is attempting to become an e-celeb
And you've mentioned this, you've posted proof of this to his thread? What is your evidence Gumbywinson has been sweeping chat? Your opinion on the sweeping by Autistic Spite, removing evidence of years old gay ops?
Like Jim, Adam knows he can no longer delete and make new channels while retaining his audience. Due to that fact he will face ire
Kinda a non sequitur there.
Many things occur behind the scenes.
You read like Kinoshit, Blaine, CX. You think you're LARPing, but you're living in hell... only time will time.
PPPwinson stuff, huh?
The Larry Lurex version, because Adam is that gay.

And an update from PPPski
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Which "Josh" is he talking about? Can't be joshy the broom. He never built a forum. Changed the name of someone elses. And ran into the ground.

Yes. Plodwinson does have awful taste in film.
Perhaps in his next stream Shudowinson will talk about this...
"The Samurai referred to the ritualistic practice of taking a young boy as a lover as “Shudō,” or, “The Way of the Young.”

The purpose of the union was to allow young men to form an apprentice-like bond with a warrior and learn from him everything there was to know about becoming a warrior. The Samurai would teach the young boy about martial arts, warrior etiquette, and the code of honor shared amongst the Samurai. The union would often continue past adulthood, and turn into a form of friendship inspired by loyalty.

Until the boy came of age, the bond was sexual in nature. The warriors believed that sexual relations with women weakened the mind, body, and spirit, and thus turned to men instead, seeing the union as sharing each other’s battle spirits."

It wasn't Elaine that groomed Cowboy...
Auntie E has been at it again.
Why don't you get a blog, dude?
1.Retard. He cannot deliver the coup de grace, because, and you'd know this if you actually knew yer onions, PPPwinson dies: PPPwinson dies, but funnily enough, AuntieE and her ilk have only the "Kwiffar" version of PPPwinson

2.Hmmmm. Known that for over a year, haven't we? And if we go back to the time Adam revealed he'd taken money to be on the KC... what did AuntieE have to say about the matter? NOTHING.

3. Adam has always been a smugwinson. Prolly cuz he has plentyo faggots like Auntie (and CG/DH etc) who ignore (at best, like how he made digs at Cokeski, boasted he was clean... before the slip and slide into those dead, dead eyes and admitted on twitter he was too high to function) or (usually) rationalize why it's ok for Adam to be a hypocrite (must be ironybros, bros)

4. Plodwinson only goes after low hanging fruit? Gosh(!) Imean, after the faggiest stream about a woman (DoA), then another, misrepresentng the facts, again Auntie fails to mention this.

5. B-b-but, NP2 was made up, right? Also lol at boy (considering Adams interest in pederasty), and "sperg", Leo is a normie compared to Boppwinson.

6. Someone just told Auntie about the Vordrak stream. Jenny come tardy.

7. Admits to being a sock. Funny thing is about this comment. Adam knew who Ashton was/is, all along. Considering the things Ashton has done (and Adam witnessed)

8. Bro. I mean, really. Bro... Have you, like, never heard of Plodwinson, that's like the thing about it, isn't it? Blimey Lerk moar faarg.

9. "The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest
'Cause when it comes to being lucky, she's cursed
When it comes to loving me, she's worst
But when it comes to being loved, she's first
That's how I know
The first cut is the deepest
Baby, I know the first cut is the deepest"

And the tl/dr...
Seriously Auntie E: GET A JOB.