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PPP / Ashton Parks / Godwinson / Adam Edge

It's to dodge people giving him shit in chat. He's taking bunce from somewhere, btw.

Anyway, looky here...

View attachment 30476
ADS! During the fucking KC... I guess it had to happen. One of the reasons I watch the KC is there wasn't any ads. Next level grift guys. Looks like that mention in Mother Jones paid off.
So they can lean off the constant superchat farming right?
So they can lean off the constant superchat farming right?
Can? Of course. Will? Another question. I want to see this kind of thing, Hoffa jokes inc.
btw, I thought I might as well post this as I'm watching it

Jeeeeeeez. HG doesn't know who this mincing arab is.
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Is there a trend starting of nonces starting to turn up in Plodwinson's chat?

TBH, considering Nodwinson just makes up shit and stuff, and I (and everybody here) know her better than Snobwinson ever will, is there any point in watching this? She's already being a pick me on his twitter. btw, she's bald. And hates a tiddie streamer because joshy fancies her and not Elaine.

edit: Conclusion stream
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PPPski have moved in together. Soooooo....... Bets on the Dead Pool. I reckon PPP will kill Andy in least than 6 months.... What do you think?
It's almost like there's some last minute swerve like every other time.
TBH I think they were being 1. Ironically satirical and referencing Pig Clips 2. Lazy Grifters, placating the pay pigs by doing a "just for you stream". I'm curious to know what a Superchat free show would be like... I mean, that's half of what Megski says, and really enjoys saying. Anyway... someone in chat remembers the old days...
Tru Dat.
And another in an occasional series of Stuff that looks like PPP