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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

if only he could see these off topic posts
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Oh no, Turkey is gonna get involved with the war in Israel, LMAO: "How long does it take for everyone in the region to jump in?"

"We know they[Turks] are preparing for the contigency of fighting against Israel and US[America]."

I bet Israel are just shaking in their boots at the thought of Turkey's involvement. Turkey just lost 41k people in a massive earthquake they've still not recovered from, but hey, let's make even more martyrs. I love how Erdogan has gone full mask-off during this conflict.

"Strongest Military in the Middle East" - Turkey’s Erdogan Threatens War Against Israel

All the people you see here support Hamas and Islamist terrorism. Friendly reminder that Turkey still wants to join the EU, but if they go to war wit Israel that will be the end of their EU candidacy:

All you people insisting that he was gonna normalize his relationships to this and that country, LMAO. Once an Islamist always an Islamist. These people hate us, they just want to outbreed us and kill us. They don't care if you're progressive or conservative, they only see a Westerner and they hate us all.
Another hospital full of refugees, amputated patients and corpses, with scenes of carnage:

Private| A journalist monitors the situation from inside the Indonesian hospital besieged by the occupation forces
خاص| صحفي يرصد الأوضاع من داخل المستشفى الإندونيسي المحاصر من قبل قوات الاحتلال

"They fire their guns" but Israel needs to agree to a ceasefire? Nope!

Look at this, this is literally who these people are:

Literally too stupid to just set that garbage on fire and burn it themselves. Like, who's gonna stop them? You're in a fucking warzone, everything is gone, there are no rules anymore, you can burn a fucking garbage bag heap on your own, you don't need permission to do so. Who gives a shit? Just burn it and get rid of it. But no, they are so used to someone else picking up their trash behind them, they can't even think ahead when they put down that trash bag, where everyone else has already dumped theirs, expecting someone else to take care of it all. Now they complain about the outbreak of diseases.

I am endlessly fascinated by this utterly retarded lack of forethought. Even in a warzone, they expect their trash to be picked up. Even in a warzone they can't bring themselves to break the rules, break their habits, and try something else. Even in a warzone they expect to be taken care of, and can't think of having to take care of themselves.

Remember, these are trained doctors, they should know not to stick around where there's smoke:

This is the self-destruction of honour-based cultures that you constantly see in these Palestinian doctors:

His answer, to a journalist asking him the perfectly reasonably question of why he won't leave, is literally: "How dare you insult my honour by suggesting I'd get myself and my family to safety?".

A sane, rational doctor would think to himself: "I went to school for 14 years, I have saved all these people, if I get myself to safety, I can spend another 14 years saving even more people. I cannot save people if I am not safe myself. I have an obligation to my wife and kids to get them to safety, even if I don't care about myself."

But he didn't save himself, because he was brainwashed that wasting your life for the sake of honour is worthwhile. He could've agreed to move South just to bring his family to safety, but no, a wife and her children are nothing more than a man's possessions in that culture, so when he dies, they have to die too due to his selfish, stupid decisions. Who is going to take care of his wife and 2 kids now? They are left to their own devices.

This is how wasteful and disposable a single human life is to these people.
How can any feel sorry for those who refuse to help themselves?
If Israel wants a permanent solution to Hamas, it has to show the Gaza residents it has something better to offer than Hamas. Israel should incorporate whatever part of Gaza it occupies into the Israeli state and offer asylum and a new life to the refugees.
The only solution to Israel Palestine is a joint state that grants both Jews and Arabs equal rights. The U.S needs to stop supporting Israel for this to happen however.