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Suggestion Onionfarms and reaction stickers

I wish I could rate this dumb, autistic, sherlock homo, sick shit, TMI and bear computer all at once
Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
Sick Shit covers the Deviant and Islamic Content bases nicely IMHO.

I've been using bear computer in lieu of DRINK! Make of that what you will.

Sherlock Homo is still the best sticker ever. Way better than handing out an ironic Informative.

Dumb + Autistic + MATI = BoxerShorts ?

Our version of Semper Fidelis which is just the Star of David.
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.

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Way ahead of you fam:

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Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
Literally a god!
They're pretty cute, and look great!
I wish I could rate this dumb, autistic, -1 sherlock homo, sick shit, TMI and bear computer all at once
Not sure if you'll be able to use it officially, but that's never stopped anyone from using my Frankenmojis before.

I was making an onion with an American flag pattern when I realized that I couldn't get Hulk Hogan's theme song out of my head.
This was clearly a sign, so I switched gears and made a "Real American" reaction instead:
that looks like barneyfag aka Lee Goldson
Huh. Never knew he got doxed. Then again I only learned that SlugFucker has had a thread for years quite recently.
I say take off shocking, -1, and bear computer.
-1 is excellent. I have already fucked with someone by neutral rating all their posts with it and they thought I was tanking their score.
Not sure if you'll be able to use it officially, but that's never stopped anyone from using my Frankenmojis before.
View attachment 2132View attachment 2133
:chimera: is too powerful to be a real sticker, so I added it as an emoji instead, along with emoji versions of the stickers from last night.
I was making an onion with an American flag pattern when I realized that I couldn't get Hulk Hogan's theme song out of my head.
This was clearly a sign, so I switched gears and made a "Real American" reaction instead:
View attachment 2130View attachment 2131

my theory why butthurt peoples and newfags hate getting negative stickers is because when they were a kid, whenever their teacher cant reward them for being good students with candy or something, they give them either a pencil or a sticker. pencils arent special, but for some odd reason, a sticker is. for being bad, they get nothing but detention and time outs. as they grow older, they dont give a fuck about time outs no more because they grown accustomed to it. stickers are still special though for some odd reason.
since on forums and image boards, time outs and bans are something not many give enough of a shit about, negative stickers do the trick to send a quick and oddly effective message telling them they're stupid and thus is why they care so much about it...

that or they just have autism.
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.

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Way ahead of you fam:

View attachment 2110View attachment 2109
Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
Cool but Buffalo Cube rating is still missing.
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.

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Way ahead of you fam:

View attachment 2110View attachment 2109
Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
bear computer can be the onion variety of semper fi... or have it so that the bear computer is semper fi for shitposts only...
Islamic Content needs to be a Red Pill, as incels adore Islam's policies and traditions. Seems fitting.
i was gonna react with something disagreeing but... the more i think about it, you're not wrong... incels would truly fit well in an islamic society... minus the fact they cant eat bacon every breakfast lmao
Cool but Buffalo Cube rating is still missing.
Ah, I didn't realize you wanted me to make it. I figured it'd just be one of the original Buffalo Cube images. I'm not too familiar with the lore so I just did my best to mimic the colorful vibe of the originals.




I've been using bear computer in lieu of DRINK! Make of that what you will.
Good point, Bear Computer already fills the role of fun positive rating. I can't really see myself using DRINK! over Bear Computer either, and frankly I don't want to cater to any philistine who would.

bear computer can be the onion variety of semper fi... or have it so that the bear computer is semper fi for shitposts only...
Real American is the Semper Fi equivalent, as inspired by @Vex's suggestion here:
Our version of Semper Fidelis which is just the American flag.

Islamic Content needs to be a Red Pill, as incels adore Islam's policies and traditions. Seems fitting.
Do we actually need Islamic Content, though? Most of the time it just gets used as an oddball negrate, and the only purpose it serves outside of that is labelling posts that literally discuss Islam. We could just as easily have our own oddball negrate with some weirdly specific use, or a completely different negrate that's more generally applicable like Sherlock Homo.