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Suggestion Onionfarms and reaction stickers

Do we actually need Islamic Content, though? Most of the time it just gets used as an oddball negrate, and the only purpose it serves outside of that is labelling posts that literally discuss Islam. We could just as easily have our own oddball negrate with some weirdly specific use, or a completely different negrate that's more generally applicable like Sherlock Homo.
I personally feel like :sickshit: covers both Islamic Content and Horrifying so maybe something for schizoposts like a moon or a onion in a straitjacket. Also maybe something for feels because I've been using :love: for that
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Ah, I didn't realize you wanted me to make it. I figured it'd just be one of the original Buffalo Cube images. I'm not too familiar with the lore so I just did my best to mimic the colorful vibe of the originals.
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Good point, Bear Computer already fills the role of fun positive rating. I can't really see myself using DRINK! over Bear Computer either, and frankly I don't want to cater to any philistine who would.

Real American is the Semper Fi equivalent, as inspired by @Vex's suggestion here:

Do we actually need Islamic Content, though? Most of the time it just gets used as an oddball negrate, and the only purpose it serves outside of that is labelling posts that literally discuss Islam. We could just as easily have our own oddball negrate with some weirdly specific use, or a completely different negrate that's more generally applicable like Sherlock Homo.
Honestly I'm thinking of getting rid of late because Sherlock Homo already covers that reaction anyway: "yeah no shit Sherlock, we already know."
Do we actually need Islamic Content, though? Most of the time it just gets used as an oddball negrate, and the only purpose it serves outside of that is labelling posts that literally discuss Islam. We could just as easily have our own oddball negrate with some weirdly specific use, or a completely different negrate that's more generally applicable like Sherlock Homo.
Islamic Content to me is either something that's more deviant than deviant, or literally Islamic Content. Sick Shit could cover the former. How relevant is the latter to OF?

Honestly I'm thinking of getting rid of late because Sherlock Homo already covers that reaction anyway: "yeah no shit Sherlock, we already know."
True, Sherlock Homo isn't just for posts where someone has stated the bleeding obvious (a post may be late without stating the bleeding obvious). It's also funnier than Late.
We need a lunacy rating. This could be very useful when kengle adds a new subfourm or for posts like this