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Suggestion Onionfarms and reaction stickers

BarneyTwink aka Twinkjak Lee Goldson.png

Make this a sticker
I'm so glad people have mostly forgotten about that cunt already.
I love how much she triggers people, especially American conservatives.
This girl looks so retarded and creepy.
That is a common feature of the social reality of autists, and based Greta is one.
Anyway, you get used to see her get shit-talked by journos and by randos in social media, but she's absolutely based and just another incarnation of the Scandinavian Zeigeist of environmentalism like Naess.
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.







If you make an horrified/deviant sticker a
puking onion would be cool
Way ahead of you fam:
Still considering designs for the Disgusting reaction. The forerunner so far is a barfing poop emoji called "Sick Shit." I'll probably crank out some type of Informative reaction soon as well.

Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.

View attachment 2112View attachment 2116
View attachment 2117View attachment 2115
View attachment 2108View attachment 2106
View attachment 2107View attachment 2105
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View attachment 2113View attachment 2114

Way ahead of you fam:

View attachment 2110View attachment 2109
Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
:winner: once it gets added of course
Made Onion Farms versions of several more Kiwi Farms reactions as welcoming gift for the Kiwi refugees.

View attachment 2112View attachment 2116
View attachment 2117View attachment 2115
View attachment 2108View attachment 2106
View attachment 2107View attachment 2105
View attachment 2104View attachment 2103
View attachment 2113View attachment 2114

Way ahead of you fam:

View attachment 2110View attachment 2109
Lastly, here's a list of the KF reactions I haven't duplicated yet along with my thoughts on each:
  • Deviant — Sick Shit partially covers this, but I could do one of onion guy with a gimp mask and ball gag if we want a reaction specifically for sexually deviant shit.
  • Drink — Definitely doing this.
  • Horrifying — Not planning to do this since Shocking and Sick Shit cover it.
  • Islamic Content — Apathetic about this, think I'd rather do a original suggestion for Onion Farms instead.
  • Lunacy — Apathetic about this, same as above.
  • Semper Fi — Definitely doing this.
I'm open to suggestions so let me know if there's something you really want.
I like them all. I need a deviant rating so I can spam it incessantly. I think we shouldn't port all the KF reactions and instead try to brainstorm a good set of reactions unique to OF.