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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Null and Mad at the Internet

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
Mad at the Internet (August 11th, 2023), 8,064 views

Rumble is so secondary to him, he doesn't even bother to update the date of his Livestream:


https://rumble.com/v36jvcp-mad-at-the-internet-august-8th-2023.html (15,3k views)

Let's have a look at this though (time stamp):


"West Virginia Average Humidity City Rank"?

Why is someone living in Serbia looking up the humidity level in West Virginia cities? 🤨

I also wonder what this is, but I couldn't gain access to it:

I guess this is the file-sharing website that Null is using to share/store video files?

Null explains to his enemy Graf why he doesn't have to get a dayjob thanks to his masochistic KF paypigs:

"I don't write fly off at the handle and write rants about every single person", you mean like this lying rant you left on my profile page after you banned me, Null?

Null claims that Graf is spending $4500 to keep Poast up, and claims he spends only half of that to keep KF up.

Then Null says that if he had to get a job to support KF because people stopped giving him bitchycoins, he'd quit:

"If I had to, like, get a job to keep paying for the KiwiFarms, That's not happening. Imma tell you right now. If something happened and people were just not gonna send me anymore, like, month-to-month support over, like, crypto-currency and shit, I'm not... like, I already sacrifice so much of my fucking time and personal peace and day-to-day abilities to go out and do shit, I can't do because I'm the KiwiFarms guy, so no fucking way."

Then Null says that if he had to get a job to support KF because people stopped giving him bitchycoins, he'd quit:
Anything but get a normal job, even embarrass oneself almost daily on the internet. Classic lolcow trait.

“I already sacrifice so much of my fucking time and personal peace and day-to-day abilities…”
His time?! What does he do all day besides occasionally do low-effort livestreams, eat pizza and play Minecraft??
His time?! What does he do all day besides occasionally do low-effort livestreams, eat pizza and play Minecraft??
He really has morphed into Ethan Ralph, but less successful with women.

Edit: He's just a piss away from DSP too come to think of it.
The HDI (Human Development Index) for Serbia compared to the rest of Europe is at the lower end. Even our poorest state Mississippi is much better than Serbia.
Sailfish, what do you think about the fact that in the drop-down menu I screen-grabbed above, Null was checking out the average humidity levels in West Virginian cities? I find this a little too specific to just gloss over. Do you think there's a possibility Null might have already gone back to the States or is perhaps considering going back and is considering to re-settle in West Virginia... or is perhaps already there? He joked in this latest MATI about retiring in the Serbian mountains... but perhaps "the Serbian mountains" are actually a code word for Appalachia? 🤔

What about you, @thefrogninja ? Do you think Null was checking out West Virginian cities' humidity levels because he might have gone back or is considering doing so?


Or was this entry just something he deliberately placed in his drop-down menu as a misdirection tactic?

I checked the procedure for a legal name change in West Virginia, and it's one of the States that requires a public advertisement of the new name, which doesn't sound ideal for someone like Null:

Place a legal advertisement. This advertisement must run at least a week and a half before your hearing in the county of your hearing. You must include the time and place of your hearing, as well as your old name and the new name you are requesting. You must also state the purpose of the hearing and that the hearing can be rescheduled without notice. The one exception is you can exclude your new name if you are requesting a name change to protect yourself from harm.[7]
The reason for this advertisement is people may appear in court and object to your name change.[8] You will only need to publish the advertisement one time.[9]
You can choose any newspaper you wish in the correct county, as long as it is published at least 50 weeks out of the year, has been in circulation at least 1 year, has a wide enough range to provide notice to most of the people in the area, and is more than four pages long.[10]

What about you, @thefrogninja ? Do you think Null was checking out West Virginian cities' humidity levels because he might have gone back or is considering doing so?

View attachment 38086
It's possible he's already there. There's no other reason to look for it. He doesn't seem the type to lay out red herrings. Also he's an awful liar like the time he blamed clear cat meows on sickness (cat noises I've previously heard when he wasn't sick) and had a severe sickness next stream with cat noises entirely absent.
Also he's an awful liar like the time he blamed clear cat meows on sickness (cat noises I've previously heard when he wasn't sick) and had a severe sickness next stream with cat noises entirely absent.
LMAO, yeah, I still remember that incident. I literally had to post the picture of his cat from his desktop avatar here on OF to prove to Kiwis that he really does have a cat, but they still believed the bullcrap about the meowing being coughing.
I also wonder what this is, but I couldn't gain access to it:
Catbox is a file-hosting site mainly used by chan users, as it was made by an /a/nime poster.
They will take down content and will ban you if it's reported, it's not an archive site.
It's mainly just for lurkers and posters to collaborate mods and projects with each other.

His time?! What does he do all day besides occasionally do low-effort livestreams, eat pizza and play Minecraft??
Reading comprehension, rather reading in general, must be difficult for him.
Maybe its just me, but does anyone ever check the humidity? especially in WV where its not close enough to a body of water for it to be a big deal.

My first guess is him trying to bring up talking points to keep up good relations with his man in WV, or even chris chan who's fairly close to WV right now too.

Also maybe its me, but especially with all the photos from Chris-chan being out and about in the area, its pretty fucking clear that even in the most rural poor area of the US, he's going to be found out fairly quick, at some point some fan will be like "i recognize that voice!" and snap a pic. If anything WV and the area surrounding it is probably more heavily full of people that know of Null than most places on the globe, i know at least a half dozen lolcows with threads that used to live in or on the border of it. And that doesn't take into account the weirdos that would travel across the country to meet him as well.

i'd say its straight up only a matter of time before he gets recognized. might as well start cold calling counties and asking to pay a utility bill for a Joshua moon/james potter. Beyond that is that if its a small enough town people will be talking about the new fat man that doesn't have a job but is always buying pizza. "hey frosty whats the name of that guy who you always deliver to and never tips?" "Joshua moon, he looks like he weighs more than me and i'm 6.5 feet tall" "Joshua moon? i bet he's got tons of other drivers bitching about him, let's look him up. oh no...."

Then someone posts about josh on social media and boom, we got him. Especially in rural areas, because there's always that one white trash woman who's a proud leftist and studied in school and will know exactly who the fat man from florida is.

Beyond all that, wasn't Mr.moon originally from maryland? whats the chance he has some extended family in WV he's talking to who's doing his dirty work, picking up the mail and shit like that. shouldn't we have a county this supposed LLC was filed in?
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Null is Live right now, bragging about ban-evading on Twitter/X:


"You might also like"

@JontentG https://twitter.com/JontentG (Some Jesus freak)
@roseveniceallan https://twitter.com/roseveniceallan (Some British TERF)
@BoozeAndFagz https://twitter.com/BoozeAndFagz ("Writer, fighter, fun-loving rad-fem, Christian Zionist")

So Twitter/X associates Null's account with Jesus freaks and TERFs... pretty accurate!
Null on MATI claims to have been messaging with Youtube movie reviewer Adam/Your Movie Sucks - which inevitably leads to Null ranting about Adam being gay and not believing in conspiracy theories while having a beef with a conservative movie reviewer by the name of Critical Drinker which resulted in this 2+ hour Livestream from Adam:

Adam, if you ever see this: This is why you never never never send Null any private messages.
Because Null will use any interaction he has with anyone as fodder on MATI.

I remember Null talking to Destiny about Adam, and saying that he can "almost respect" Adam... if it weren't for Adam being gay.

Null then claims that you can interpret reality - where shit is always unpredictable to a certain degree - the exact same way you interpret a movie where everything has been very deliberately and intentionally staged and framed. Null claims that Adam infantilizes conservatives because can't accept the fact that conservatives interpret reality in a different way, and speculates that Adam is unable to admit being wrong because he would inevitably have to denounce his homosexuality if he did.
I remember Null talking to Destiny about Adam, and saying that he can "almost respect" Adam... if it weren't for Adam being gay.
Odd coming from a guy who has metaphorical sex with Dyn.
MATIArchiver got nuked on Youtube:

Doesn't really matter, as there are other MATI archive channels on Odysee and Rumble, they just haven't been updated yet:

This one appears to be up to date:

Tanuki lost his Youtube account full of MATI clips and is now ban-evading on Youtube under a new alias:

"Tanuki Robert House"

Instead of making ban-evasion accounts on YT, Tanuki should go back to Rumble and update his MATI clips mirror here:

Sailfish, what do you think about the fact that in the drop-down menu I screen-grabbed above, Null was checking out the average humidity levels in West Virginian cities? I find this a little too specific to just gloss over. Do you think there's a possibility Null might have already gone back to the States or is perhaps considering going back and is considering to re-settle in West Virginia... or is perhaps already there? He joked in this latest MATI about retiring in the Serbian mountains... but perhaps "the Serbian mountains" are actually a code word for Appalachia? 🤔

What about you, @thefrogninja ? Do you think Null was checking out West Virginian cities' humidity levels because he might have gone back or is considering doing so?

View attachment 38086

Or was this entry just something he deliberately placed in his drop-down menu as a misdirection tactic?

I checked the procedure for a legal name change in West Virginia, and it's one of the States that requires a public advertisement of the new name, which doesn't sound ideal for someone like Null:
It may be that he is just idly curious considering the videos about West Virginia.
Sailfish, what do you think about the fact that in the drop-down menu I screen-grabbed above, Null was checking out the average humidity levels in West Virginian cities? I find this a little too specific to just gloss over. Do you think there's a possibility Null might have already gone back to the States or is perhaps considering going back and is considering to re-settle in West Virginia... or is perhaps already there? He joked in this latest MATI about retiring in the Serbian mountains... but perhaps "the Serbian mountains" are actually a code word for Appalachia? 🤔

What about you, @thefrogninja ? Do you think Null was checking out West Virginian cities' humidity levels because he might have gone back or is considering doing so?

Or was this entry just something he deliberately placed in his drop-down menu as a misdirection tactic?

I checked the procedure for a legal name change in West Virginia, and it's one of the States that requires a public advertisement of the new name, which doesn't sound ideal for someone like Null:
It could be idle curiosity but it also be that if he wants to move back to the states, he wants to do so under the radar where rainbow mob isn't raising a stink and WV is actually a pretty good choice. There is also another factor as well. Null has long wanted a Bachelors Degree, and compared to many other states, in-state tuition at WV public universities is a bargain.