• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Joshua Conner Moon - Kiwi Farms Null and Mad at the Internet

Joshua Moon the owner of Kiwifarms
A Kiwi asks if he can download MATI somewhere as an audio file:

Why is the podcast feed always behind? I don't have unbroken stretches of time to finish the whole thing at once, I just want to download it and listen to it over a couple of days while I do yardwork or some other menial task, sometimes while lifting weights. No I don't want to stream it on yet another app to add to my phone, yes I am being autistic but also my mobile data coverage is spotty while out doing things.

But no one on the MATI thread can tell him that this exists:

look at these goys

That is beyond lame man.

love how corny it is.
The mods and some of the T&H users have been seeming really desperate to get a few threads going recently. I'm thinking now this is so Null has something, anything to talk about on MATI.

Ever since he banned me on KF, Null has been coming over here to OF to read all my posts, including the ones that aren't about him, looking for something to talk about. I'll give him something to talk about below, when I rip into his misrepresentation of that PalladiumMag.com article.

MATI Archiver insists on getting his Youtube channel banned alongside Null's:

Null played an AI version of himself singing Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and turned the screen grayscale, with a tiny slobbermutt and hamster in the far distance. I guess he's not feeling so well.


I vaguely remember Null saying something along the lines of "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass", in one of the MATIs I heard in May or June. Perhaps Null has broken up with his girlfriend, and he said that because he was feeling bitter about the breakup?

Kiwis are asking Null about his upcoming paper version of the KiwiFarms:


Null says here that he watched a TEDtalk about the Competency Crisis:

I can't find a TEDtalk of that name, only an article which is what Null is actually referring to:


And of course the author entirely ignores the fact that the educational system in American has been gutted and replaced by company advertisements and blames everything on "diversity hires". Not on the fact that America sold out its education and is now reaping the fruits of that devolvement.

By the 1960s, the systematic selection for competence came into direct conflict with the political imperatives of the civil rights movement. During the period from 1961 to 1972, a series of Supreme Court rulings, executive orders, and laws—most critically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964—put meritocracy and the new political imperative of protected-group diversity on a collision course. Administrative law judges have accepted statistically observable disparities in outcomes between groups as prima facie evidence of illegal discrimination. The result has been clear: any time meritocracy and diversity come into direct conflict, diversity must take priority.

Promoting diversity over competency does not simply affect new hires and promotion decisions. It also affects the people already working inside of America’s systems. Morale and competency inside U.S. organizations are declining. Those who understand that the new system makes it hard or impossible for them to advance are demoralized, affecting their performance. Even individuals poised to benefit from diversity preferences notice that better people are being passed over and the average quality of their team is declining. High performers want to be on a high-performing team. When the priorities of their organizations shift away from performance, high performers respond negatively.
As older men with tacit knowledge either retire or are pushed out, the burden of maintaining America’s complex systems will fall on the young. Lower-performing young men angry at the toxic mix of affirmative action (hurting their chances of admission to a “good school”) and credentialism (limiting the “good jobs” to graduates of “good schools”) are turning their backs on college and white-collar work altogether.

So he claims that American men are refusing to perform well at their jobs because they're angry at affirmative action - not because wages are shit, most jobs are dead-end and not worth investing in, and on top of this they're expected to be on the clock 24/7 and to work "flexible" and hence unpredictable hours making it impossible to plan anything or maintain a social/love/family life. Nope, none of these are a reason men are under-performing and divesting from their jobs or the idea of a long-term career.

I hate the left but I also hate the right so fucking much sometimes, the way they'll go out of their way to ignore economic reasons is so disingenuousAF.

This is Robertson's bio at the end of the article:

Harold Robertson is an asset class head and institutional investor at a multi-billion dollar pool of capital.

This who Null trusts to explain reality to him. Someone whose job is to deal in ghostmoney. Yeah, just trust this elite fucker to moneysplain why poor people are underperforming at their shitty dead-end jobs. It's obviously just because they have to work next to dumbfuck blacks.

Let me explain to mr. Harold Robertson what a modern workplace is actually like today, and the real reason no one knows how to do their job properly anymore (this based on my personal experience over a couple of different workplaces over the past two decades, none of which shall be named):

Seniors within a company with specialist knowledge are encouraged to keep their knowledge to themselves to make themsevles indispensable. This means they have no motivation to skill-share with any of the new/junior employees. If a new/junior employee shows up, they are immediately tossed in the deep and expected to learn everything on the job as quickly as possible, with no time off for actual study to really learn how to work the tools/software properly. Almost all instruction I've ever received at various job was over the shoulder or based on a single one hour introduction into some entirely new software no one had ever used before. Senior employees with no didactic experience or pedagogic skills are expected by management to work (read: educate) junior employees up to speed on their own as they see fit and are not offered extra compensation for "playing teacher". Senior workers expected to instruct juniors amongst their regular daily tasks, and thus come to see this task as a burder distracting them from their regular workflow or tasks. Some Seniors view any new junior as a potential competitor who will push them into early retirement and are thus motivated to miseducate them in order to have them fail in order to get rid of potential competition.

I can only speak for myself and my own professional experience, but I suspect that the reasons I have listed above are closer to the reason why no one is doing their job properly anymore. None of these reasons have anything to do with diversity hires, and everything to do with upper management fostering a toxic work environment on the where everyone views everyone else with suspicion or as a burden distracting them from their workflow. No one is going to learn to work properly under such circumstances, be they black or white or purple.

It's subeducated American morons like Null who don't even have to work a normal job and just make money on the internet pandering to their fellow racists, that are drawn to such misleading monocausal articles by the likes of Harold Robertson.

Here is the most ridiculous and alarmist part of Robertson's article: if the US Army doesn't get rid of all the blacks and women, China will win the war with the US.

Given the sheer size of the U.S. military in both manpower and budget dollars, it should not come as a surprise that the diversity push has also affected the readiness of this institution. Following three completely avoidable collisions of U.S. Navy warships in 2017 and a fire in 2020 that resulted in the scuttling of USS Bonhomme Richard, a $750 million amphibious assault craft, two retired marines conducted off-the-record interviews with 77 current and retired Navy officers. One recurring theme was the prioritization of diversity training over ship handling and warfighting preparedness. Many of them openly admit that, given current issues, the U.S. would likely lose an open naval engagement with China. Instead of taking the criticism to heart, the Navy commissioned “Task Force One Navy,” which recommended deemphasizing or eliminating meritocratic tests like the Officer Aptitude Rating to boost diversity. Absent an existential challenge, U.S. military preparedness is likely to continue to degrade.

I thought Null was on the side of China, so isn't this supposed to make him cheer for China even more? I thought Null wanted to move to China because he's certain that China is better, bigger, stronger than the US.

This part is especially infuriating:

Boeing, one of only two firms globally capable of mass-producing large airliners, has a particularly striking crisis unfolding in its institutional culture. Shortly after releasing the 737 MAX, 346 people died in two nearly identical 737 MAX crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia. The cause of the crashes was a complex interaction between design choices, cost-cutting led by MBAs, FAA issues, the MCAS flight-control system, a faulty sensor, and pilot training. Meanwhile, on the defense side of the business, Boeing’s new fuel tanker, the KC-46A Pegasus is years behind on deliveries due to serious technical flaws with the fueling system along with multiple cases of Foreign Object Debris left inside the plane during construction: tools, a red plastic cap, and in one case, even trash. Between the issues at ATC and Boeing, damage to the U.S.’s phenomenal aviation safety record seems almost inevitable.

Compare the above to this video by an airplane mechanic with decades of experience describing what his work is actually like:

In the the US in 2023, you make a mere $15 an hour as an experienced airplane mechanic with decades of experience under your belt. In case you missed it, the above person is a white American male.
Ever since he banned me on KF, Null has been coming over here to OF to read all my posts, including the ones that aren't about him, looking for something to talk about. I'll give him something to talk about below, when I rip into his misrepresentation of that PalladiumMag.com article.

MATI Archiver insists on getting his Youtube channel banned alongside Null's:

Null played an AI version of himself singing Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and turned the screen grayscale, with a tiny slobbermutt and hamster in the far distance. I guess he's not feeling so well.

View attachment 37912

I vaguely remember Null saying something along the lines of "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass", in one of the MATIs I heard in May or June. Perhaps Null has broken up with his girlfriend, and he said that because he was feeling bitter about the breakup?

Kiwis are asking Null about his upcoming paper version of the KiwiFarms:

View attachment 37911

Null says here that he watched a TEDtalk about the Competency Crisis:

I can't find a TEDtalk of that name, only an article which is what Null is actually referring to:


And of course the author entirely ignores the fact that the educational system in American has been gutted and replaced by company advertisements and blames everything on "diversity hires". Not on the fact that America sold out its education and is now reaping the fruits of that devolvement.

So he claims that American men are refusing to perform well at their jobs because they're angry at affirmative action - not because wages are shit, most jobs are dead-end and not worth investing in, and on top of this they're expected to be on the clock 24/7 and to work "flexible" and hence unpredictable hours making it impossible to plan anything or maintain a social/love/family life. Nope, none of these are a reason men are under-performing and divesting from their jobs or the idea of a long-term career.

I hate the left but I also hate the right so fucking much sometimes, the way they'll go out of their way to ignore economic reasons is so disingenuousAF.

This is Robertson's bio at the end of the article:

This who Null trusts to explain reality to him. Someone whose job is to deal in ghostmoney. Yeah, just trust this elite fucker to moneysplain why poor people are underperforming at their shitty dead-end jobs. It's obviously just because they have to work next to dumbfuck blacks.

Let me explain to mr. Harold Robertson what a modern workplace is actually like today, and the real reason no one knows how to do their job properly anymore (this based on my personal experience over a couple of different workplaces over the past two decades, none of which shall be named):

Seniors within a company with specialist knowledge are encouraged to keep their knowledge to themselves to make themsevles indispensable. This means they have no motivation to skill-share with any of the new/junior employees. If a new/junior employee shows up, they are immediately tossed in the deep and expected to learn everything on the job as quickly as possible, with no time off for actual study to really learn how to work the tools/software properly. Almost all instruction I've ever received at various job was over the shoulder or based on a single one hour introduction into some entirely new software no one had ever used before. Senior employees with no didactic experience or pedagogic skills are expected by management to work (read: educate) junior employees up to speed on their own as they see fit and are not offered extra compensation for "playing teacher". Senior workers expected to instruct juniors amongst their regular daily tasks, and thus come to see this task as a burder distracting them from their regular workflow or tasks. Some Seniors view any new junior as a potential competitor who will push them into early retirement and are thus motivated to miseducate them in order to have them fail in order to get rid of potential competition.

I can only speak for myself and my own professional experience, but I suspect that the reasons I have listed above are closer to the reason why no one is doing their job properly anymore. None of these reasons have anything to do with diversity hires, and everything to do with upper management fostering a toxic work environment on the where everyone views everyone else with suspicion or as a burden distracting them from their workflow. No one is going to learn to work properly under such circumstances, be they black or white or purple.

It's subeducated American morons like Null who don't even have to work a normal job and just make money on the internet pandering to their fellow racists, that are drawn to such misleading monocausal articles by the likes of Harold Robertson.

Here is the most ridiculous and alarmist part of Robertson's article: if the US Army doesn't get rid of all the blacks and women, China will win the war with the US.

I thought Null was on the side of China, so isn't this supposed to make him cheer for China even more? I thought Null wanted to move to China because he's certain that China is better, bigger, stronger than the US.

This part is especially infuriating:

Compare the above to this video by an airplane mechanic with decades of experience describing what his work is actually like:

In the the US in 2023, you make a mere $15 an hour as an experienced airplane mechanic with decades of experience under your belt. In case you missed it, the above person is a white American male.
Though I don't really support diversity hire and object to certain schools' measurements in lowering standards for minorities, this is only a very recent happening. Nothing is stopping white men (like many, many of my friends) in America from working hard and learning in higher institutes, and they still make up the greater majority in terms of economic power. Perhaps its the complacency of the general public and outdate expectations by the higher ups that are causing decline if any.
MATI has been particularly awful the past few weeks and Josh has resorted to using filler content every show. Oh boy, reading reddit posts? What a unique concept. There aren't already hundreds of channels using this format already. wow
meanwhile nick rekita has been destroying his reputation hard and because josh has been defending him for so long theres about a years worth of shit he could cover, he could have made it a special summer thing. MATI presents: rekita summer even beyond that the main reason his show will suck is him fucking over powerusers like our Kflay and Nykisnottrans. forums thrive on powerusers, they're the whales of it, without some 'tists doing the heavily lifting of reporting on our cows the other 99% of the userbase would have nothing to give a hot take on

the Ethan ralph subforum is a pitch perfect example of this, an entire subforum to a guy who no one bothers keeping track of because the fat fuck streams an average of 9 hours a day and its mostly boring nonsense, an entire subforum for a guy you can not pay attention to for months at a time and have nothing particularly exciting to read when you catch up with his antics. back in the stream.me days or even the d.live days you'd have multiple people not only keeping track of the show but also his finances and those of his surrounding band of idiots.

now that its TOR based the only people on kiwifarms are the A&H spergs and josh ballwashers. even the happenings the last 12 months have been subpar outside of rekita and Fuentes. our lolcows for the most part have been able to breath normal now that their watchers are stuck in TOR land, when as the rekita thread shows, just knowing people are obsessively watching you makes lolcows go apeshit.
Ever since he banned me on KF, Null has been coming over here to OF to read all my posts, including the ones that aren't about him, looking for something to talk about. I'll give him something to talk about below, when I rip into his misrepresentation of that PalladiumMag.com article.

MATI Archiver insists on getting his Youtube channel banned alongside Null's:

Null played an AI version of himself singing Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams and turned the screen grayscale, with a tiny slobbermutt and hamster in the far distance. I guess he's not feeling so well.

View attachment 37912

I vaguely remember Null saying something along the lines of "Don't date Slavic women, they'll kick your ass", in one of the MATIs I heard in May or June. Perhaps Null has broken up with his girlfriend, and he said that because he was feeling bitter about the breakup?

Kiwis are asking Null about his upcoming paper version of the KiwiFarms:

View attachment 37911

Null says here that he watched a TEDtalk about the Competency Crisis:

I can't find a TEDtalk of that name, only an article which is what Null is actually referring to:


And of course the author entirely ignores the fact that the educational system in American has been gutted and replaced by company advertisements and blames everything on "diversity hires". Not on the fact that America sold out its education and is now reaping the fruits of that devolvement.

So he claims that American men are refusing to perform well at their jobs because they're angry at affirmative action - not because wages are shit, most jobs are dead-end and not worth investing in, and on top of this they're expected to be on the clock 24/7 and to work "flexible" and hence unpredictable hours making it impossible to plan anything or maintain a social/love/family life. Nope, none of these are a reason men are under-performing and divesting from their jobs or the idea of a long-term career.

I hate the left but I also hate the right so fucking much sometimes, the way they'll go out of their way to ignore economic reasons is so disingenuousAF.

This is Robertson's bio at the end of the article:

This who Null trusts to explain reality to him. Someone whose job is to deal in ghostmoney. Yeah, just trust this elite fucker to moneysplain why poor people are underperforming at their shitty dead-end jobs. It's obviously just because they have to work next to dumbfuck blacks.

Let me explain to mr. Harold Robertson what a modern workplace is actually like today, and the real reason no one knows how to do their job properly anymore (this based on my personal experience over a couple of different workplaces over the past two decades, none of which shall be named):

Seniors within a company with specialist knowledge are encouraged to keep their knowledge to themselves to make themsevles indispensable. This means they have no motivation to skill-share with any of the new/junior employees. If a new/junior employee shows up, they are immediately tossed in the deep and expected to learn everything on the job as quickly as possible, with no time off for actual study to really learn how to work the tools/software properly. Almost all instruction I've ever received at various job was over the shoulder or based on a single one hour introduction into some entirely new software no one had ever used before. Senior employees with no didactic experience or pedagogic skills are expected by management to work (read: educate) junior employees up to speed on their own as they see fit and are not offered extra compensation for "playing teacher". Senior workers expected to instruct juniors amongst their regular daily tasks, and thus come to see this task as a burder distracting them from their regular workflow or tasks. Some Seniors view any new junior as a potential competitor who will push them into early retirement and are thus motivated to miseducate them in order to have them fail in order to get rid of potential competition.

I can only speak for myself and my own professional experience, but I suspect that the reasons I have listed above are closer to the reason why no one is doing their job properly anymore. None of these reasons have anything to do with diversity hires, and everything to do with upper management fostering a toxic work environment on the where everyone views everyone else with suspicion or as a burden distracting them from their workflow. No one is going to learn to work properly under such circumstances, be they black or white or purple.

It's subeducated American morons like Null who don't even have to work a normal job and just make money on the internet pandering to their fellow racists, that are drawn to such misleading monocausal articles by the likes of Harold Robertson.

Here is the most ridiculous and alarmist part of Robertson's article: if the US Army doesn't get rid of all the blacks and women, China will win the war with the US.

I thought Null was on the side of China, so isn't this supposed to make him cheer for China even more? I thought Null wanted to move to China because he's certain that China is better, bigger, stronger than the US.

This part is especially infuriating:

Compare the above to this video by an airplane mechanic with decades of experience describing what his work is actually like:

In the the US in 2023, you make a mere $15 an hour as an experienced airplane mechanic with decades of experience under your belt. In case you missed it, the above person is a white American male.
As much as he pretends to not give a fuck about the people documenting his lolcow antics he can't help but show he does just like every other lolcow. His whole site at this point is to draw attention away from himself by pointing at others as a distraction. Which is failing now because he fucked over most of his users and can't keep the site up for more than a week.
As much as he pretends to not give a fuck about the people documenting his lolcow antics he can't help but show he does just like every other lolcow. His whole site at this point is to draw attention away from himself by pointing at others as a distraction. Which is failing now because he fucked over most of his users and can't keep the site up for more than a week.
Apparently he's filed some type of paperwork with the Washington Office of the Attorney General, complaining about being blocked by Hurricane Electric... but he won't share what that paperwork is?

He also shared this, which I'm sure the average tech-ignorant judge or AG is totally gonna look at and understand the severity of Null's predicament, LMAO:

Archived: https://archive.is/L7dD4
Apparently he's filed some type of paperwork with the Washington Office of the Attorney General, complaining about being blocked by Hurricane Electric... but he won't share what that paperwork is?

He also shared this, which I'm sure the average tech-ignorant judge or AG is totally gonna look at and understand the severity of Null's predicament, LMAO:

Archived: https://archive.is/L7dD4
what in the ever-loving fuck am i looking at? holy shit, even I don't understand what all of these shits are :haha:.