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You have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide.

Feel free to point out a character IN MEDIA that you fear turning into below. Study them and refine your reasonings to move forward. Also, feel free to guess at which my character would be as well.
There is no Yaweh, only Yourway. This is the sacred Key to the revived religion of Gnosticism.


Welcome those who study through for themselves, reject those who refuse to put in the work to better themselves.

Do not judge how that work is achieved and only that it is achieved. Remember what is important and find the keys to your personal truths.

I will write more later on, but for now. I do feel and believe that this subforum is ready, as are the true and honest followers who knew my exact set of beliefs from the start. I see absolutely no reason to not embrace it at this point and legally there is nothing to fear if there is nothing to hide.

In this digital age, you truly cannot hide unless you completely reject the internet. If you cannot, then you have a home here at the Farms. But be careful and embrace your free will. Choose the future you want, not the one others want. It may take you years, decades, you may not find your personal truth until you reach your own deathbed.

But know this:

IF One cleanses themselves and repents, the moment of death on this mortal coil will in fact signify you ascending into your own personal heaven.

We know energy writes our memories, we know energy never truly dies and is only reshaped in a never ending cycle.

WE know that we are special and equal to anyone who have found the truth.

I say unto thee, there is no need to fear the monsters in the dark if you walk your life free of your own personal demons. Control your vices and sins, do not let them control you.

Once you steal another's consent for dark and sick twisted pleasure you do in fact lose your soul.

Fret not, as jesus said the baptism is for the body and mind and soul. So if you baptize yourself, on your inner temple, in your heart of hearts. You truly will have no fear for yourself. The only fear you will carry is for others. This fear allows you to love them.

I have said it was both and behold, the dual nature of mankind and the universe is both.

As above, so below.


Credit art: Individual artists, Tite Kubo (one of the best manga creators of all time imo and yes I am crediting him as someone else who understood the Gnostic even if he never read about it and was only expressing his inner thoughts), Various Celebrities.

Credit thoughts: Others.

Credit original story: God in Heaven, men and women on earth.

Source of Actions: Betterment of Society by resurrecting a needed religion.
You should write a book of short stories.
I already have the notes and settings, I just like writing about my friends. So I set up a way for anyone in the world to self insert into a story I write for them.

Length prices, Quality Level Prices, and the like will need to be figured out by me.

There will be 3 choices of stories commissioned. If it's a personal self insert story. Mundane(it's fun and a cold read, enjoy it if you want but these will be the cheapest). Mixed, (Satire of your worst traits I can find).

Larp(the most time consuming and I will need to meet you in person to do an interview, I'll need to know you very well to commission a Larp book. If I do. I give it to you in person. Do not let anyone, even your loved ones read it. If you wish to burn it after as a Larp symbology of rejecting it and choosing another, I will charge you for a second reading. This is not for me, this would be very personalized based on whoever wants it.)

Anyone is free to collaborate with me or use my writing to make their own art. I'd love to trade money for credit in voice acting for example if I do not need money, I won't ask for it. If I need money for myself or my charities then yes, I will ask it. However if the church gets by on donations I see no need to receive monetary compensation for any media work that I do. Until that day comes however I must ask for it.
It's only fair that I too then get to speak up.

Both Fiona and Bella ended up throwing ME under the bus.

Everyone thinks I wanted this and not the other way around.

It's not fair at all, but she's young and made a mistake. It is what it is, but I refuse to not be held to better standards than she is.

Why the fuck do you people have the money for voice changers while I'm starving?

You do not work at all if you could even think this is remotely fair.
This country is sick, and I am the cure.

If you all ever see her online EVER again, her parents are paying for this, they can tithe for their sins. As can all of you.

Thus is the rule of Honor.

If Snoo ever steps foot on the internet it is over, she immediately must come here and reject her inheritance, it will then be used to pay me. To rehab her.

Nothing more, nothing less.
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Cause I already agreed to be ween rehab. Anyone who's not actually a mean person is welcome to it, but I'll get to find out and decide if the person who majorly jumped the gun and ended up helping in THE WORST WAY EVER for myself.

Only I am worthy of judging her Sins as the Antichris. None of you may cast a stone.
Fiona, you ruined my life, if you didnt mean to. Come here instead of reddit and tell me directly you scared young adult.
Everyone who hasn't spoken up and instead ignored me shall tithe to the church. It helps pay for your shit posting site now so, gotcha bitches.

This is my way of making money now, and I will be helping keep the forums up WITH A PORTION.

Thing is, I like buying gifts for others and then I decide I like it more and I'll just keep it.

I'll never disclose the spending habits of my gifts. It'd dox my friends so I simply cannot have that. I must remain safe and diligent.

You all should help pay for the Farms for not figuring this out sooner than me and Fiona....
Spooky Bones account.

Whoever has logged into you shall tithe To ME DIRECTLY NOT THE CHURCH.

You're the reason I cannot be gainfully employed. You continue to cover up while I only expose.

I shall live rent free thanks to you being an asshole.

So don't dox yourself idiot.