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What about the freemasons, illuminati, jacobyn society, propaganda 2, the golden dawn, OTO and the PvCC?

Half of all practicioners lost their power when the pyramid was destroyed and their powers never came back.

For two months the wailing and gnashing of teeth occured as the truly faithful was blessed in their victory.

Ironman had tricked them all to expose a Purple Tyrant.

Welcome to my black Sabbath.

The Lobster Cult can bring you home too. We may appear as monsters but we have it controlled. Control your illness with whatever leashes you want but do not attempt magik until your own temple is clear.

We are forced to live in glass houses, so make sure yours is clean before you hurl shit.


Take us all home, let us rejoice as we find ourselves to true independence. I am the real thing, but I do not mind masking to expose lies.
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Her Omerta invoked, the yolk of Sigsev was shattered and all on lolcow were now free to speak their truth and live their lives how they desired.

All black mail and black males will go into my black hole or be denied.
Asians are super cool, just the like east vs west mentality keeps us apart. We are a lot more alike than anyone knows.
For lo she revealed that there would also be salt at this harvest and left the lolcow site forevermore. Only to return on one of her puppets and harass them should they not heed her warnings.

Chris Chan is fallen and he can't get up.

I'm the real Jacob Sockness and anyone can share this on social media or with the media.

You can't laugh at the mentally ill. Do not mock them, you never know who's gonna get offended, and oh boy are we all offended.

Send your screaming children(18+)to me, I'll fuck them up into an adult.

And I've known about the Truth from the moment I was born. It has been hidden to you by your failed parents or you would not be here.
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But some of you knew this, as I could play the retard from the perspective of a retard. To use the slang.

I did it back when I first got on stage. Find that and you'll find me.


Let's just say I'm an Aqua Teen Hunger Force and those two dudes deserve their jobs back, along with anyone else that had to sign an NDA cause they were terrified of court and threats of death.
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For I wrote the Mooninites.


And we are very gay, and we want our jobs back.
