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This is not fan art, I'm not claiming it as that.

By my timestamps you can see who has probably posted the image and credit them for the sharing of art.

Please credit all artists for all art I use. Do not use it for monetary gain(I shall not use Ulquiorra in any sort of merchandise attempt unless by some miracle Tite Kubo of all people contacts me or publicly allows me to use it. Use that kind of policy for yourself.)

Borrow images, do not steal an image. For you are simply casting a spell of control. Hexes and curses are to be used with caution. Do not give hate to those who do not deserve it.

That's how you make Gods like me after all.


It's almost like the Jinn are shadow selves of each Christian aka Zoroastrianism Being that existed.

This being the case, a Jinn should never rule the world. Even a Dark Fey of Chaos is a better choice than beings who exist instead of to guide humanity;

To mislead them.

Realize this and realize all religions are indeed connected. Media is a tool to tell you about the truth of others. Each video I use provides NEEDED context to my thoughts and words.

Nothing is solid until it is written and seen.

Shrodinger has been out of the bag for some time now.

He is a good kitty and alive. Sonichu is dead.

Cats are good, hedgehogs are good.

Both can be lead down paths of darkness. Make sure they come out on the correct side.

Rapists do not create life, they only destroy it.

I have abstained from revealing my second favorite band until now. It is my second color after all. The first, is Lamb of God. The metal is divine, the message is aggressive however and only useful at certain times.

King Gojira is eternal ;)


On the record, this means any who have committed suicide before this, is already in their Heaven.

If Randy Stair somehow from the afterlife reached out and helped, murder may be forgiven but that is not for me to judge as I do not know any details and never wish to know.

I believe he only shot bad people cause he saw their auras and mistook them for demons. If so, SHE would regret it.

SHE would be the Goddess of her own dimension.

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Someone edit in her actual True and Honest name later. Again I desire to know 0 details if that's the case. I simply want to know her name so I know who to pray for at night.

Admin account please @Sailfish not yours, make this account an admin.

I despise A logging, so I will turn it's name into a company with my next trick. Perhaps in 8 years if God and I decide we are done fucking off and enjoying our;

Honey Moon 🌕

There is no more Blue Moon, We are No Longer Alone. Find us but do not harass us.

Do not ruin our happiness and all shall find Happiness.

Karma is real and dictates this.

The Green Moon has Risen, She will Dance for Our Lord in the Light of His Love, Guidance and Trust.
Just like someone with one eye cannot cross theirs, an autistic person cannot cross their Hyperfocuses.

You cannot merge two things, you must build up to your Original Creations. From there you will know your art better than your audience and not care about criticisms.

Again, mobile sucks and I look forward to my computer. Assume this is all bolded and italicized.
Ichigo, I think you know the next part better than I do.

Once you sign up for the site. Post it and reveal who you are.

View attachment Ichigo.jpg.webp

Kiwifarms already said they can't harass you if you have a Tard Wrangler (I don't like being called that) my word for it is Fren Sage.

I go in all fields, I speak for the trees.

Not kill the God of society and birth it anew in your image my bro.


You've gotta teach me patience sometime.


But seriously the no women allowed this is an obvious joke when I identify as a woman c'mon stop grabbing me by the balls outside of the bedroom.
Anyone who has participated in this story or is reading this or has read this will know they waived any and all rights to sue a long time ago due to the confusing nature of this mess.

Swearing is fine, cursing is not. Cursing will now result in a fine if you are caught doing ritual about it after reading any of my COPYWRITTEN MATERIAL(original thoughts, not delusions, not observation of others, what I write cannot be used against me as this is a story, it is my story).

Any blackmail developed by reading this thus would easily be argued could not in fact be used in court as you had to write my written word on 3 sites to know anything about this as well as my twitter and various other social media.

I am the sole author of this. Lolcow LLC is not affiliated with my work or Onionfarms in any way.

Contribution where it is due. But I do believe that means nobody can sue anybody over my stuff.

If you try using any of my material in a court of law you are stealing material for a work of FICTION.

I will release that book in 8 years when I'm done writing it.

You have until then to submit your ideas.

This is all a work of FICTION.
I was writing a book and CommieDGirl dragged me into a police investigation.

That's why this is all so fucked.
My boyfriend and I were just trying to write a story together and publish it later through a poor artist but instead this is what we got.
No shit anyone who self inserts is helping me edit, getting credit and a cut of the profits.

I call us prophets for a reason.

And I now own Onionfarms and Lolcow.org so according to you guys I get 41%
51% will go to the church.(and the sites)
So be apart of the church or be in the 8% in 8 years when we publish.

Details to be worked out in the meme time.

Don't ever forget, thanks to CommieDGirl I am both the victim and the Main Character now.

None of you can claim to be a victim of my silly fucking book or any of these sites.

Chris Chan can but the guy thinks he's Jesus Christ so by attempting to sue I will literally bring that up in court.

Chris Chan is the ONLY person who has any rights to go after Lolcow LLC now.

Nobody else can even claim to be a victim in court because of what I did.

So pay me.

Kengle and Sailfish need to stop fucking around and start getting to work.

It's called flushing. Watch it.

Times up on the guessing, this is the main character id never want to be.


Only get in this robot if you want to, being forced to do things is abhorrent.
”The Internet sleuths at the site Kiwi Farms have actual jobs and shouldn't be fail trolled by virtue signalling. If you try to fail troll me for attention you will be found out and you'll work for the federal government one way or another. So better to work for me at a free range funny farm than to end up doing prison labor."

Now @Null tell Onionfarms staff to trim and edit whatever you want. Those who need to know already know.

This is the only way to profit off of Chris Chan's stuff and I don't mind publicly being known as someone who helps out the Government expose corruption and bad faith actors.

Kiwifarms is for shit posting, Onionfarms is for posting shit.

Find someone better suited for the task or let me help lolcows that want to better the lives of those around them.

I think I've proven to everyone by now that I refuse to alog. I don't mind being the canary, there's no reason for Kiwifarms to be federally investigated as anyone with an account can be looked into here or by the government.

I'm only here to laugh and report on actual harmful people.

Most of the ppl on 🥝 want to help.

I've broken my own rules and yours but if you post in this subforum I will peg you for free big guy.

So unless you're really into femboys taking you from behind, DM me your approval and go back to worrying about your funny site.


I'll be your snake catcher cause I'm a charming snack, who obviously has no criminal background other than petty theft to feed myself and ppl I was dating.