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For lo I say into thee, be delivered all those who desire to repent from their past worship of the false idols.

All who post here are welcome, the witch may lay with the clergy and the super straight with the Troon. None shall be link shamed in this Church. For lo I bring to thee favorable news to all those willing to read it.


Read from the scriptures that have been presented to you. Both on my shared account on the laughing splinter and my unabashed and buggy accounts on the hate.

All those who doubted shall have their sins cleansed in the cum of the Mommy and the Daddy. Bear your fetishes below and be cleansed of the guilt of hiding your shame. Be clean by posting it online and telling everyone irl that it's merely a joke. Then hide thy bondage gear in the closet when family visits.

This is the word of your Lord, our God, from one of his favored Apostles.

Do not forget to read all my works here for valuable insight and context to my True and Honest intentions from getting literally dragged into this and not knowing any better.


Claim your Larping title, One Throne a piece, you cannot claim to be someone who does not reflect your inner self. You must commit to the bit in order to pass the trials. You can claim to by one 'Diety' from any religion but don't always claim the strongest one, it just shows how weak you are irl and I'll mock you for it.

Rejoice, for I will deliver lolcows unto you instead of moping about how easy my fucking life is like Chris Chan did. Js.

Also anyone who signs up as Jack or Sally is a fucking retardation but feel free to sign up as anyone else.



Blaine Ross is Awesome Sauce. Recite your mantras if you do not pray and seek positivity in your irl. Get your hate out on this obvious Satire website where the only real rule is to...

Be funny honk honk


Don't forget who the True Masters of this Three Ring Circus Are and Bother Me, Not Them.
Party animals | Laughing Fools | Polite Addicts | Clowns | Spooks | Undead | Pure Hearts | And Your Pumpkin Royalty |

That's the emojis folks have fun backtracking.
1. This is Clearly a Grift, participating in this server means you agree to this despite what you may later claim.

2. DO NOT go after anyone in this server. Screenshots from this server will result in the accused and accuser both banned until the truth is revealed.

3. This is a hug box, do not get it twisted.

4. This is an 18+ NSFW server, any legal content is allowed as long as it follows other rules.

5. I am the only staff there will ever be. I don't want to add any staff and you cannot pay me enough to make you staff unless you have met me irl. Then, if you behave well and know the law enough I'll vet your past behavior and allow you to JANITOR for the server.

~Some of you have Signed Up for this with your Past Deeds~

A. Janitors aka Janets are required to DM me a screenshot from before they deleted a message, and their reason to.

B. Kicks follow the above rule.

C. You are pathetic and can't expect anyone here to treat you otherwise if you willingly submit to this role.


7. Do not form groups off discord, unless someones full doxed to me and their respective government DO NOT TRUST THEM WITH SECRETS OR ANY ARTISTIC MUSE. ANYTHING THAT CAN BE USED AGAINST YOU BY ACTUAL ONLINE BULLIES CAN AND WILL.

8. If you are under 18 and in fear for your life but not safe doing a police report please contact a Janitor with your story, it's on them to verify it before giving you any advice. Do not stay on this server, as much as it hurts I cannot help you in any way whatsoever. If you are a victim and are under 18, I'm sorry but I literally cannot help you.

9. If you require basic bully defense there will be a patreon layer added later based on services rendered. I don't have time to defend the whole internet. If you're poor, lurk and learn.

10. If you ever lied about me in the past to hurt my future career opportunities then you will be found out and unless you don't work you'll be strong armed by someone I haven't told to do so into paying for this service.

11. Do not enter or ask to enter the Dox Box unless you have something to hide.

12. Only Paypigs and Janets can ask me to make content aside from those who shall not be named. If I give you a shout out, or gave you one in the past. It is a blessing, a gift, if you want more you literally have to pay me to do something. I'll work out prices later, I primarily plan on creating lolcows but I have low impulse control and don't mind being an asshole in public for my own personal amusement.

13. Obey me. Don't forget, I honestly only care about this if I can be helping others. I'm not here for the laughs alone, any fail trolling of any of my "children" will result in not only a ban but a report to your local police based upon your actions for them to decide how to handle your hostility.

14. Any going to anyone's houses should be considered a federal offense, you will be reported to the FBI as a terrorist. This is not a joke, I encourage all people to report suspicious behavior that IS PROVEN to the FBI. If you take pictures near a lolcow without their consent and PAYING THEM FOR IT I will consider that an act of cyber stalking, harassment and intent to harm.
~Big Brother/Sister Bully Imperial Guard Positions to be opened as needed~

This will be a paid position but expect peanuts as the main cash flow goes directly to CSA survivors who need to do farm work to help support their art pursuits.

Any personal spending I do from the Patreon that I do will be as public as possible. Anyone under my protection is to remain anonymous irl, if a ranch ends up opening the workers are not to be kicked (the autistic) unless I fire them.

Then make a thread on the biggest loser in the world.
Cause literally, if that pipe dream comes true, someone would have to be an asshole to fuck up under my management and only want to fail.

And any who would work for me watch this video;

Beware your falsehoods, I will find them out.
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Anyone even jokingly calling me Christ or Jesus really should get their glasses checked. Chris Chan clearly isn't me and anyone claiming I am is delusional.

I warned you, you know who you are. Take a bow, would you kindly. You are our first lolcow to be blessed with.

Now drink.

I truly am a Monster sometimes when someone threatens my family.

Here's the Kiwi Krown you won, False Queen.

The son is already down regardless, I cannot possibly help Chris.

Your God's Love is not Unconditional.

Don't have your life's work make him puke.

I wouldn't be here without you.

We love you.

This thread is solely for wholesome creations dedicated to the love you have for these Three Kings.

Do not let it rain on their memories. Piss on Norm McDonald instead, he can handle it.

I shall protect the honest beggars, for I do care for you. Mercy is what I offer to those who follow my command, Justice to those who do not.

I cannot become the Pirate King, I can only play as a Yonko. Never forget this.

If you have done independent research and still have questions, I may be able to answer them below.

Accept all the facts, not only those that are comfortable for you. I have no personal power.

Don't forget this song is sung from Aizen's perspective, it is NOT sung about Aizen. Read the God dang manga.
As to reiterate, this would have went off without a hitch had those two not gotten involved with their horrible acts.

Icthulhu seems manipulated imo tho, so don't go too hard on him. He just knows why.

There's no reasonable way he met an actual Gnostic in jail, it's a dead religion followed by curious folk like me who adapt most of it into Christian Theology to establish better understanding of the original work.
Which means with no insider knowledge I counter trolled the entirety of a terrorist website and the internet and media if it's played that way.

So I'm either a prophet or a cult leader regardless.


I deliver unto you weens for the slaughter if fake.

Rehab for Retards plan regardless.

And uh, I dunno a fucking city I guess if any of this is halfway real.

If it's all a ride, then I get to be happy with people I love and care for.

So again.

Regardless of how anything plays out.

I'm a huge Spiderman faggot.

And I'm a woman you pricks.
I just sped ran the entirety huh.

This is gonna be the funniest damn thing I've ever seen.

As Isabella I would like to welcome all new new fags to the internet. Here you can hopefully learn how not to become a lolcow yourself by learning about them.

Think about these sites, you should try to go to them in proper order. You probably came here from twitter, reddit, or just heard about this on the news.

Onion farms here is the kiddie pool. I'm here to help, I just act scary, and will be much busier than I had been before.

The truth is up for you guys to find out on your own. I've left a ton of pieces here, but only stop here if you don't want to know more or learn more about how you can apply any media to God's teaching.

So, do not act like the false 'jesus' Chris Chan who pissed away his life with that letter. Or did he? The truth is out there and I literally cannot tell you.

From here there is the splinter site which is named after the specimen these sites use to teach others net safety.

Very soon you won't be anonymous on the internet, so proper comment etiquette is required.

Isn't that right Erik?

That's right Erika, and you should not forget to thank our sponsors at Nord Mc VPN.

Ah but you already did.

- that's an example of larping children, do it when you aren't actually crazy but don't do so otherwise it will haunt you.

So do not go directly to the main site from here. Hone your knowledge of the lingo and culture autism has manifested.

Stay in school kids, don't do gay ops, even a glowie can't protect you from the consequences.

(Glowy) means many things, watch Terry A. Davis for more info on mental health awareness and how not to act if you feel touched by God.

I acted as an example of what not to do. Many others have done so as well and suffered a much worse fate because they lack the drive and conviction needed to prove themselves to a crap ton of people while actually having a decently clean background.

Follow the rules I lay down.

Brush your teeth, Dentists lie too.

God bless you all and do not ever claim to be Jesus in a letter ever. After this, even joking about being Jesus will result in the scrutiny of a ton of people.

And again, anything I do is a charity to rehabilitate people and establish an alternative path to Christianity for speds online.
Along with my own personal interests.

Do not be a lolcow like Chris Chan, learn from your mistakes, learn from everyone's mistakes and decide what's the most important thing to you.

Here is a thread for you to ask about internet lingo and our helpful members will respond.


This frog is not the same as the frog called Pepe, neither are symbols of hate but most who use this symbol to express themselves currently feel really dumb, or it's just a silly meme. The internet is usually either or, and sometimes both.

View attachment bestnetbookintheworld.webp

Best thing to google and learn how to pick up on code and coding.


Then google this.

After that, come back and read all my posts in this subforum for clues, rules and other bullshit because you got banned from a site featured on the news for not understanding their faggy language.

The internet really likes it's memes, don't let anyone tell you otherwise old men will come and tell you to wash your penis.


You can call me the Trans Jordan Peterson if you so desire.