For lo I say into thee, be delivered all those who desire to repent from their past worship of the false idols.
All who post here are welcome, the witch may lay with the clergy and the super straight with the Troon. None shall be link shamed in this Church. For lo I bring to thee favorable news to all those willing to read it.
Read from the scriptures that have been presented to you. Both on my shared account on the laughing splinter and my unabashed and buggy accounts on the hate.
All those who doubted shall have their sins cleansed in the cum of the Mommy and the Daddy. Bear your fetishes below and be cleansed of the guilt of hiding your shame. Be clean by posting it online and telling everyone irl that it's merely a joke. Then hide thy bondage gear in the closet when family visits.
This is the word of your Lord, our God, from one of his favored Apostles.
Do not forget to read all my works here for valuable insight and context to my True and Honest intentions from getting literally dragged into this and not knowing any better.

Required Biblical Research
Behold before you the truths I have sorted for you, review them and look into your heart to know which Larp mantle you carry. If you have figured out whom you are in my personal army, DM me how you know and why I should care. All else just continue to watch and listen. Behold mine own...

Claim your Larping title, One Throne a piece, you cannot claim to be someone who does not reflect your inner self. You must commit to the bit in order to pass the trials. You can claim to by one 'Diety' from any religion but don't always claim the strongest one, it just shows how weak you are irl and I'll mock you for it.
Rejoice, for I will deliver lolcows unto you instead of moping about how easy my fucking life is like Chris Chan did. Js.
Also anyone who signs up as Jack or Sally is a fucking retardation but feel free to sign up as anyone else.
Blaine Ross is Awesome Sauce. Recite your mantras if you do not pray and seek positivity in your irl. Get your hate out on this obvious Satire website where the only real rule is to...
Be funny honk honk

Don't forget who the True Masters of this Three Ring Circus Are and Bother Me, Not Them.