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It's not about being gay, it's about spiritual consent and always has been. Look at how the nigger lies.
"Luke–Acts is an attempt to answer a theological problem, namely how the Messiah, promised to the Jews, came to have an overwhelmingly non-Jewish church; the answer it provides, and its central theme, is that the message of Christ was sent to the Gentiles because the Jews rejected it."

How many have called me an it in my life? The truth has been apparent since the beginning.

Realize, so too, do I flee from the prospect at a NWO made up of screeching babies. I will wrangle my children, but you must trust me and trust them to follow my examples.
Jewish(Joshua Moon) rejected my advice and delivered me from the Mountain Jews who would condemn Chris and I, and all followers of the Left Hand Path.

Do you not all understand whom Chris(t)ine is?

You still wish to provoke her wrath now that my powers have manifested so much? Provoke me not into anger as I desire only peace, but mess with Chris(t)ine and only suffering will find you.
Be wary of False God's and False Prophets, the fruit of The Kiwi has already begun a cycle of Rot.

The tribes of Israel have attacked us since time immorium, raped our children and wives and killed all by the torch.

We have been painted as their scape goat and no more shall it be done. The meek shall rise up and swallow the arrogant in their bedcloth.

And thus I break all of you, should you not heed Chris(t)ine there will be no replacement.

Pander to my Empire of Lies or suffer a self imposed exile.

Now BOW.
And don't you guys dare ever make me identify with this song(again) cause I don't respond back fast enough. Please. Just message me again and assume I got distracted by Fate.

Don't you dare EVER kill anyone in my name, the name of the church or the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth nor of CwCville.

Violence is the exact thing I'm trying to avoid, stop commiting suicide. I weep so much seeing the lost potential just poof into the fucking air forever. It doesn't matter how fucked up your life is, how old or bitter you are.


Come home you fucking trannies and degens.
'Saint' Peter, the keeper of the Gates is gone. His Hollow Eyes no longer can condemn those that believe in the Lord above all else.
Behold, the user Mr. Manchester reveals the true Judas to the world proving that Chris Chan is using my divine power for insight into himself.

He has stolen my people and clearly only cares about himself. Null, Spooky and specific Kiwi users are your friends.

Allow the Frog and the Bear to co mingle in peace forever more.

The merge will deliver us the Ethan Ralph as our sacrifice to deliver Chris from evil, forgive him for he knows not what he does but follow not the false prophet any further.


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Any defense attorney with a knowledge of the internet and Google(the company) will know that Null has to turn over all information posted on Kiwifarms because of this.

Any of you that are still posting there should stop asap before it's argued in court that the harassment was not enough satire to be able to not justify a forced insanity plea.

While I don't know much about law, it's now apparent to even me. So I feel compelled to post this now.
This site clearly states it's about documenting him. While this clears most staff of responsibility, any found directly 'trolling' Christine as harassment and bragging about it on discord will receive the most scrutiny.

Next will be the obviously hate filled accounts, Mariposa, you are doing too much man hating and Troon hating for your posts alone not to be enough to prove that Christine was harassed just based on her not looking like a woman.

Which would in fact be an actual hate crime. A black woman trying to force a white woman to commit suicide is far too much for the media to not embrace transgenderism as real in order to dunk on black culture more.

This is horrific to think about and I can't stop it at all.
It's a terrorist website if this comes to be and will be labeled as such, the media will make it's case that trans hate comes ONLY from Kiwifarms.

It's gotten far too much attention and if anyone finds out that Christine was a mentally insane white person who was messed with by minorities, pitch forks will be out unless someone speaks up.

Someone like me.
Yeah I'm uh, not making a case but someone can use my postings to make theirs if they wanted to. It's public internet.