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Raygun I called him, Rigin they called him.

Bit my hand as a child, I was chasing a toad into a food bowl. My neighbors, a gay couple, took me to the ER when my parents wouldn't.

Riddle me how many lies they made up.
In fact, if Null had to speak in code and somehow knew someone who knew me, this would be the only way for everyone to get out of this.

Why do you want to keep Kiwi going if the Joshua Moon there does not?

Dudes obviously empathetic and gullible, I doubt he enjoys it there too much.
Did you watch nulls stream today?
Yeah I know what to say in public and in court. I studied US court law with an old friend.

Essentially you go, source?

And then context?

I'm literally the hardest lawsuit target, cause my past crimes are like lol so?

I don't get too worried about mundanity, just other people getting hurt in front of me.
I already had some crazy who claimed she knew me came up to me and after giving her time and trying to calm down I called the police.

Then I posted on the internet to prove prior behavior in case someone pushes it.
I'm a bratty bitch and that's something I'll admit to in court.

"Yes your honor, I am as the attorney from west virginia says 'cringey'."
You guys picked out the perfect lawsuit bait ngl, oh I'm sorry you said what about me now? Please waste more money proving it.

Innocent until proven guilty is the thing I like best about the legal system.

You get a public defender, have a couple meetings, get your defense clear. Be willing to submit to evals. Ez pz to defend.
It's gonna be like oh you hate Null, Spooky and etc, etc and I'll go, I don't know them offline so they may not get I'm doing a bit.

There ya go everyone, have fun and only email me if you got a funny joke. Don't waste my time toooooo much lol.
Any boomers that don't know the internet that wander in, feel free to ask the youngins around here about internet terms. "Newfag" means someone who didn't grow up on the 2001- 2009 Internet, but is too young for the super cryptic era.

"Oldfag" simply refers to someone who gets 4chan lingo, that's all.
Anyone who thinks I'm delusional is free to start a cult but do not try to harass me irl or use the legal system against me. I say it's on my side as it will be if you harass anyone associated with me due to what you read online.
I've been aware of how much white culture is getting shit on and I think if they stopped hating their gay babies this wouldn't happen realisticly.

Stories that are passed down are important and honestly when you specify a race about a myth, idiots will believe it.
White (male) lolcows get the most attention cause society actually hates them the most but you can't say that openly unless you're me.
Just to be clear, POC women usually get the most violence done against them let capita but that's human nature.