That's weird I don't remember it that way and the screen caps I have
They say the same thing, but you'll misrepresent them to fulfill your narcissistic need to come out on top.
@Shadfan666xxx000 will gladly speak differently.
I've talked at length with Shadfan about you and he's like, "why the fuck do I keep being brought into this" without even trying to back you up. You should do him a favor and stop dragging him into your narcissistic shit flinging contest.
You acted like a paranoid suspicious fuckwit
You made a sock so you could try and double your chances at manipulating me into doing what you wanted, in a DM chain that I don't think was ever leaked (could be wrong). You failed to put any effort into the sock though and all it accomplished was making you look suspicious.
going so far as bothering me on this website
Why are you bothering me on this website,
because I wouldn't give you a bunch of personal information.
Your Kiwi Farms username is personal information? Mine is Gargamel.
Your post history here on Onion Farms at the time (90% mindless shit-flinging for 60 something pages in the Pippa thread, 5% LLM effortpost, 5% other) didn't give me much to go on as you continued to pressure me for a broom. Your unwillingness to reveal your Kiwi Farms username (so I could get a better idea of whether or not you deserve a broom) made me even more suspicious, because this is the typical behavior of someone who has something to hide. Ultimately you did not get a broom, your continued incessant bitching got you a ban, I did not ban furries outright, and Lounge 96 lives to see another day.
Now kindly keep your retardation to yourself. I have nothing further to say to you because you're a piece of shit.
Typical narcissistic response. Call 'em names, make it clear you're done with this conversation even though you aren't, and throw in another dirty word for good measure.
Perhaps that's the real reason you got kicked out of Kiwi Farms, because there wasn't enough room there for you and fellow narcissist (and lazy fat fuck)