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Public Figure - Niche GreenEyesWhiteTiger / Andri Tadrith Matryshka / Etrius VanRandr

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
I'm starting to internally debate the legitimacy of my superiority complex on the basis of people's posts here, holy shit some of you are goddamn retarded as fuck, and I'm saying that as someone with autism
XDDDDDDDD I'm not pissed off, just amazed by your stupidity.

You enjoy being retarded? Pity.
yeah, you seem jovial lel.
Good point! That's why I said "have displayed the ability to".
You're very insecure about your intelligence, is it cause you're self-taught and never went to school? Or just a general inferiority complex?
I'm starting to internally debate the legitimacy of my superiority complex on the basis of people's posts here, holy shit some of you are goddamn retarded as fuck, and I'm saying that as someone with autism
See my above comment.
yeah, you seem jovial lel.

Nah I'm always like this, hit me up in the VC in Forza or LFD2. My "Angry" title is there for a reason

You're very insecure about your intelligence, is it cause you're self-taught and never went to school? Or just a general inferiority complex?

I couldn't tell ya! That's autism for ya. Insecurity is natural for normal people though, which is strange because you seem very confident in fucking children
My post was a clarification of yours, the information could be parsed but only on assumption thus requiring the question.

As such I'm rather confused as to how that displays your mental superiority, rather it shows you rushing your thoughts and decreasing your intelligence.

The hostile assumptions on others contributes to that. You probably are smart, it hasn't been displayed anywhere here however.

Most people with Asperger's have specialties where they excel. Understanding of language is not one of mine. I parse language in a black and white linear manner and often completely miss things.

I'm very good with creating and building things. Built my own PC, do plenty of PC mods, and have only gotten better to the point of boring myself with how easy hardware modding has become.

I get bored very easily. I probably have ADHD but it's never been officially diagnosed. If I am not actively being challenged or learning new things, I get bored and become manic. This is where my negative attention seeking behavior comes from, and I've made great strides in reducing it. I've heard that Kengle was also quite persistent with attention seeking which is what led to him being doxed.

Due to thyroid disease I have memory retention issues which led to being bullied a lot and seeming "stupid" or unintelligent to others.

You are right - I am smart, just in the typical "different" way many people on the autistic spectrum are. I know how to build and maintain many firearms. I can build an AK or MG42 from scratch if I have the tools. I have a Toyota CHR that was a salvage title and I completely rebuilt it (front was totaled).

I can go back and forth with people all day on forums, which is part of sating my boredom.
The hostile assumptions on others contributes to that
My thyroid disease leads to an excess of testosterone which is what contributes to my anger and hostility. Of course, I choose to be angry, especially on the Internet. It's a good outlet and better than holding onto everything. Just look at current US male politicians.

Literally I do not give a fuck about my dox. It doesn't affect my bottom line or my day to day. Arguing with people on the Internet doesn't bother me and only serves to alleviate boredom.
I mean when I was jazzed up on testosterone I lifted big plates at the gym. Can't blame ya too much and what you describe perfectly explains your posting behavior.

That's a great outlet for a lot of people, but the lack of interaction bores me and working out ends up fruitless.

I do go hiking when weather allows it, nature is always something that interests me. My current job at PGS keeps me occupied as does my social life of being an alcoholic.
I couldn't tell ya! That's autism for ya. Insecurity is natural for normal people though, which is strange because you seem very confident in fucking children
I know what I am, i know what i enjoy. Can you say the same?
The hostile assumptions on others contributes to that. You probably are smart, it hasn't been displayed anywhere here however.
Idk bout that, he came to KF to brag about falsely filing a dmca over fucking screenshots. Doesn't seem very smart.
Most people with Asperger's have specialties where they excel. Understanding of language is not one of mine. I parse language in a black and white linear manner and often completely miss things.

I'm very good with creating and building things. Built my own PC, do plenty of PC mods, and have only gotten better to the point of boring myself with how easy hardware modding has become.

I get bored very easily. I probably have ADHD but it's never been officially diagnosed. If I am not actively being challenged or learning new things, I get bored and become manic. This is where my negative attention seeking behavior comes from, and I've made great strides in reducing it. I've heard that Kengle was also quite persistent with attention seeking which is what led to him being doxed.

Due to thyroid disease I have memory retention issues which led to being bullied a lot and seeming "stupid" or unintelligent to others.

You are right - I am smart, just in the typical "different" way many people on the autistic spectrum are. I know how to build and maintain many firearms. I can build an AK or MG42 from scratch if I have the tools. I have a Toyota CHR that was a salvage title and I completely rebuilt it (front was totaled).

I can go back and forth with people all day on forums, which is part of sating my boredom.
All this cope.
My thyroid disease leads to an excess of testosterone which is what contributes to my anger and hostility. Of course, I choose to be angry, especially on the Internet. It's a good outlet and better than holding onto everything. Just look at current US male politicians.

Literally I do not give a fuck about my dox. It doesn't affect my bottom line or my day to day. Arguing with people on the Internet doesn't bother me and only serves to alleviate boredom.
Filed under exscuses.
That's a great outlet for a lot of people, but the lack of interaction bores me and working out ends up fruitless.

I do go hiking when weather allows it, nature is always something that interests me. My current job at PGS keeps me occupied as does my social life of being an alcoholic.
This explains a lot.
Here come the revenge ratings.

All this cope.
You don't know what cope means, again proving that you're stupid.

Idk bout that, he came to KF to brag about falsely filing a dmca over fucking screenshots. Doesn't seem very smart.
Well that's wrong and I was right about you gaslighting. I filed a DMCA because someone had stolen my screenshots and I got banned for, well, ban evasion.

I've said this before, the moderators at KF have completely edited all of the posts I put there.

Filed under exscuses.
Learn to spell

This explains a lot.
Yeah turns out alcoholism alters your behaviour, who would have thought

Here come the revenge ratings.
Waaaaaaaaaa. The entire Like system is designed to rile people up. Just one more thing I can work on forgetting about
Right well I have to do actual work, unlike you inbred puglings. Have fun theorycrafting about me. I'll be laughing at your cope in 18 hours
You don't know what cope means, again proving that you're stupid.
Deflection, stop trying to like how I speak you control freak.
Well that's wrong and I was right about you gaslighting. I filed a DMCA because someone had stolen my screenshots and I got banned for, well, ban evasion.
Even gayer.
I've said this before, the moderators at KF have completely edited all of the posts I put there.
If you said lolcow.org I'd believe you.
Learn to spell
No, you knew what I meant.
Yeah turns out alcoholism alters your behaviour, who would have thought
Cute, that's what you thought I meant.
Right well I have to do actual work, unlike you inbred puglings. Have fun theorycrafting about me. I'll be laughing at your cope in 18 hours
In which @GreenEyesWhiteTiger tries to get onion farms to dox people who say mean (but true) things about him, in a thread he practically begged for.

Hypocritical shitbag with no life, likes to steal 3d models and take credit for them

Knows nothing about 3D modeling, and tries to make fun of people who actually do

Got his (publicly self-published) Facebook posted to a forum, cried like a retard about getting "doxxed", then participates in others' dox threads on Kiwi, posts doxxes to NexusMods, and gets a 7 day ban for it

the autism in this post is at an all time high
This quote explains a lot.
Joke's on you, I didn't go to school. Almost 30 btw

I forgot since @GreenEyesWhiteTiger is inept he provided no dox
Probably goes without saying that trying to "summon a PA" against random people who are mean to him with zero justification is basically his mistake, both here and on Kiwi.

"Where's the funny" really comes to mind, and while none of the people he's tried to request are even remotely funny, he is the single largest contributor of humor here it seems.
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