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Public Figure - Niche Bryan Dunnce - Angry Man on the internet (an cut&paste from Commie Farms type thread)

Public figures in internet culture that are predominately seen as part of the cowsphere community
The "Sektur" Pete Best
In the voice of Irene Handl "I'm sorry, ducky, but I think you've confused me with someone who gives a shit".

Again... this is your opinion. It's an opinion you share with Dunnce. I would say this to Dunnce (so... y'know "don't forget to tell Sid"): Go into a Bar, where average blue collar people hang out and ask if they feel the same. You going to suggest THAT to Dunnce? Do an IRL stream with normal people talking about the dumb shit he does. See how that goes.
It was a video of a guy having a snowball fight with his kid while telling people to fuck off unless you got money for work. People post shit like this on instagram everyday. My opinion is that of a normies perspective. Nobody would give a fuck at some blue collar bar. Overall I dont see anything from the video other then Bryan being Bryan. Thats my opinion
People post shit like this on instagram everyday
Yes. Wasn't really the point I was making, was it? If you are going to deflect...
My opinion is that of a normies perspective.
X. You are posting here. btw, have you ever read Descartes? Kant?
Bryan being Bryan
In his "reflective" mood. The other side is the rage piglet, gurning into the camera, screaming abuse at the randos. Don't forget that side.
Thats my opinion
Yup. ANd MY opinion is: Bryan Dunnce is a mentally/emotionally retarded male. He's bitter at the fact that some people in the "sektur" managed to translate their talents (because one or two DO have talent) into a decent grift. He thinks that the ladder was lifted, before he could get a leg up.

But. That's. Just. My. Opinion.
Yes. Wasn't really the point I was making, was it? If you are going to deflect...

X. You are posting here. btw, have you ever read Descartes? Kant?

In his "reflective" mood. The other side is the rage piglet, gurning into the camera, screaming abuse at the randos. Don't forget that side.

Yup. ANd MY opinion is: Bryan Dunnce is a mentally/emotionally retarded male. He's bitter at the fact that some people in the "sektur" managed to translate their talents (because one or two DO have talent) into a decent grift. He thinks that the ladder was lifted, before he could get a leg up.

But. That's. Just. My. Opinion.
Well you are in luck. Elaine is now in his corner wanting him back as well. For a guy who wants to not be bothered unless people pay him. A sure ton of people keep getting on there knees groveling for his “return”.

Well you are in luck.
PLease explain the logic underlying that conclusion.
Elaine is now in his corner wanting him back as well.
Annnnnd? She's a piss minge nonce. Are you going to tell me Gary Glitter is a fan of Dunnce.
A sure ton of people keep getting on there knees groveling for his “return”.
Ton= 100. There isn't anywhere near that. Most of the "positive response" is going to be DUnnces socks. Isn't it?

"Elaine is now in his corner" FFS. Give yer head a shake there, buddy.
It's an opinion you share with Dunnce.
Geeze that's not Bryan Dunn, disregard that when he forgets to turn his VPN on he lives in Lansing Michigan just like Bryan, and acts like Bryan, posts videos of Bryan's kids like Bryan does. I wonder if he sits on VC in an incest server all fucking day like Bryan (Zombie Dad discord ID 856199136604454943).
Geeze that's not Bryan Dunn, disregard that when he forgets to turn his VPN on he lives in Lansing Michigan just like Bryan, and acts like Bryan, posts videos of Bryan's kids like Bryan does. I wonder if he sits on VC in an incest server all fucking day like Bryan (Zombie Dad discord ID 856199136604454943).
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What kind of janny larps like this and tries to halal randoms? Here ya go retard. my location. Go sit in a corner. Nobody is going to come to this site if you try to scare off users with fail dox shit for saying a lolcow is a lolcow. Have fun.

Bryan Dunnce, "sektur also ran", exploited a child for updoots. Whether Dunnce understands that or not... is not my problem. When Dunnce's kid disowns him (which is going to happen, if he doesn't stroke out first), I hope he returns to this thread, he might just figure out why it happened.
Hence. Just hence. Oh, and the usual lack of self awareness.
Yes. Dunnce has spent Easter (since 8am-ish his time) chained to the rock of Squitter, while Kinoshit pecks away at his emotions... Sure the kid will be telling their class mates about this at school... "So, what did you do for Easter... oh wait... it's going to be watched Dad shake his fist at the internet... it's always that, isn't it?"
Dunnce might what to take the time, y'know, to reflect on the weekend just past. The events, the meaning of those events... maybe use this time, to be a better Father. Might.

ANyway, how many Squitter accounts is that now? Mentalist.