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Lounge96 Lounge 96

Gossip and drama in Gargamel's splinter forum
I went on a deleting spree because the issue of spam bots or deadwood accounts (people who registered and then had no further interest) was long overdue. The accounts that were zapped had three things in common (first there were no avatars or banner pictures, second the accounts were over a year old, third the date of registration and date of latest activity were the same). It may not be perfect, but it's all we have and it's better than no system at all.
Nobody gives a fuck about dormant accounts. They don't hurt anybody.

How about you restore post 976 on the KF moderators thread and stop censoring the truth.
Did you see the posts Daniel made about a guy in his apartment jumping off a balcony and before the cops got there Dan scooped up some of the soil for some gay satanic rituals he learned off 4chan?
Messing with the Devil, it always ends well. Look at Jimmy Page, plagued with "health issues" and the cunt has to live next door to Robbie Williams.
I feel like aspect of him being a disgusting loser has not been covered enough.
Did it happen, tho? Really? I can believe Lopez would lie about it, but admitting to something that effects a police investigation, that's something else. That would be stupid. Considering. Considering the oiks who lurk here. Sektur(tm) is rife with people who will drop a dime on you, just for shits n giggles.
I went on a deleting spree because
BORING! BORING! BORING! BORING! Did you like my Hollywood God impression?
censoring the truth.
"Nothing is true, everything is merely permitted". Stop acting like a Tom Cruise fag and tend your own hugbox.
I feel like aspect of him being a disgusting loser has not been covered enough.
I agree.
I can believe Lopez would lie about it, but admitting to something that effects a police investigation, that's something else.
Yeah, I was probably lying. In fact everything I post here is a work of fiction and only a fool would believe any of it
I post here is of zero value
you're not going to do shit Trashley
You can't maintain relationships, can you? But you're right, you don't have a job, so "Trashley" (whomever they moight be) can't do shit about your employment status. They might be mental enough to ring the feds, and accuse you of shit. Ashley is as mental as that. She made terroristic communications to government officials.

I'm saying that, primarily to remind you: You maybe Ash's dept, but you still have a ways to go, before you are as Dagenham as her. And you'll probably be murdered due to raping via deception by some swarthy heathen before you get there.
I went on a deleting spree because the issue of spam bots or deadwood accounts (people who registered and then had no further interest) was long overdue. The accounts that were zapped had three things in common (first there were no avatars or banner pictures, second the accounts were over a year old, third the date of registration and date of latest activity were the same). It may not be perfect, but it's all we have and it's better than no system at all.
"LI appreciate it, Ken. People creating sock accounts is probably a full-time headache for you, and it definitely contributes to the ongoing fighting and flame wars between users. This behavior also creates a great deal of suspicion and apprehension when interacting with users, especially new ones. As a result, it hinders the growth of the forum, which I know is something you've expressed frustrations about.
Gargamel strikes again:

You do know broski here is what you call gainfully unemployed. Will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future.
I'm sure whatever scam he's got going is a lot better than working graveyard shift at a gas station.
You do know broski here is what you call gainfully unemployed. Will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future.
Been working my current job for a while now, pedofur.
@Gargamel the bromance is over within 24 hours 😔
It's original purpose was for @Time 4 Guillotines to gloat about Lounge 96's supposed death and how I'm supposedly a failure, or something.
Naw, I just like stirring the pot but those are nice perks
This behavior also creates a great deal of suspicion and apprehension when interacting with users, especially new ones.
Yes 😈
Everyone is one of my socks and everyone should immediately attack and call them out
They might be mental enough to ring the feds, and accuse you of shit.
Why would I care about that? The FBI would give me a ring, I'd inform them I don't speak to the law and they'd fuck off. It'd put a bigger spotlight on Ashley than it would me