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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky


Has anyone talked to either of them? I'm curious if the feds actually took the site down, their hosting told them to get lost, cjocker decided he was tired of dealing with it, or some combo of the three.
Also sig is a giant idiot but I'm kind of worried about him and hope he's okay. For someone who has already dealt with this type of thing it seemed really self destructive and outside the realm of ironic shitposting to put that message up.
SIG is okay, cockjocker is shitting his pants lmao.
Go easy on cj I know he's just a baby in over his head. He did his best to be big and bwave. Thank you buddy ily and I'm glad everyone is ok
cockjocker is currently in the process handing over the site to j666. he's apparently taking his time tho.

also should probably give context that the fbi actually phoned cockjockey about the fedposts.
cockjocker is currently in the process handing over the site to j666. he's apparently taking his time tho.

also should probably give context that the fbi actually phoned cockjockey about the fedposts.
The United States, UK, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia are known as the five eyes in the intelligence world. They take crap like this very seriously. Anyway, I hope CJocker can take a rest and move on. This is nothing a 17 year old should have to handle.
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His parents need to get him in therapy to curb the dysfunctional behavior he's learned from deranged imageboards and stalker websites. What the fuck were "SIGSEGV" or any of those other losers doing hanging out with and communicating with someone who'd be a Junior in high school when they're all well into their 20's at least? Sigsegv was posting Elaine Miller's underaged nudes and taunting her on there, too.
The United States, UK, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia are known as the five eyes in the intelligence world. They take crap like this very seriously. Anyway, I hope CJocker can take a rest and move on. This is nothing a 17 year old should have to handle.
You need to remove my name from your awful looking creepy website.
His parents need to get him in therapy to curb the dysfunctional behavior he's learned from deranged imageboards and stalker websites. What the fuck were "SIGSEGV" or any of those other losers doing hanging out with and communicating with someone who'd be a Junior in high school when they're all well into their 20's at least? Sigsegv was posting Elaine Miller's underaged nudes and taunting her on there, too.
based ashley!
first stop derailing threads like a jewish loser
shut up n1gger ashley is funny, something that cant be said about you.