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  • Retraction: The Mystery Ashley is not the Original Ashley Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

is siggy active anywhere? he glew too hard
I tried to see if there was anything in the news about any recent arrests for threatening the president and there was nothing that I ran across. He is probably maintaining a very low profile since I'm sure now they've let him know they are going to keep an eye on him.
lol, @Cjocker used to try and run a proper splinter, but @SIGSEGV and his pet retard @{o}P II beat him down with Nicky Avocados asshole.
LMAO at that.
Sea Jerker is another retard that takes himself and his website too seriously, if things went his way, the place would have been a mix of doxbin and a pedia, a /baph/ of sorts, I'm sure you would have loved that Naught, that would been as engaging and riveting for sophisticated individuals like I as your average thread.
This is what he posted that got lolcow taken down

lolcow screengrab.jpg
LMAO at that.
Sea Jerker is another retard that takes himself and his website too seriously, if things went his way, the place would have been a mix of doxbin and a pedia, a /baph/ of sorts, I'm sure you would have loved that Naught, that would been as engaging and riveting for sophisticated individuals like I as your average thread.
ily2 bb
Has anyone talked to either of them? I'm curious if the feds actually took the site down, their hosting told them to get lost, cjocker decided he was tired of dealing with it, or some combo of the three.
Also sig is a giant idiot but I'm kind of worried about him and hope he's okay. For someone who has already dealt with this type of thing it seemed really self destructive and outside the realm of ironic shitposting to put that message up.
Has anyone talked to either of them? I'm curious if the feds actually took the site down, their hosting told them to get lost, cjocker decided he was tired of dealing with it, or some combo of the three.
Also sig is a giant idiot but I'm kind of worried about him and hope he's okay. For someone who has already dealt with this type of thing it seemed really self destructive and outside the realm of ironic shitposting to put that message up.

>Last seen Thursday at 8:47 PM