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Lolcow.org Simulation Thread AKA Cjocker Did A Fucky-Wucky

no, but I don't have a psychosexual fixation on Karl, you're my one true love/scientific horror case (mostly the latter)

I'm pretty sure you've been the ones following me around posting demented photomanipulations of my deceased family and raging about some delusion that I'm a random blogger for the last several years, not the other way around. It is funny to have consistent confirmation that outside of stalking me the white supremacists see you exactly as boring and annoying as I do and want nothing to do with you on any personal level. They probably have a lot of other interesting words and concepts in private for an obnoxious poor Jewish woman like you though.
ngl I got TikTok so I was looking at cat videos for like 5 hours straight and I forgot you existed. sorry. I know you long desperately for my half-assed quips I'll try and do better next time

Another eventful day of having a personality as interesting as wheat paste.
ngl I got TikTok so I was looking at cat videos for like 5 hours straight and I forgot you existed. sorry.

"Why are you wasting your time on (T)Ashley? Watch cat videos NOW!"
@Karl Hey man tell Brian I said good job ruining his 'friend's' life, crazy shit for brains. Lol.

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All these smart words and he sounds like the biggest faggot who never got laid. Also, I don't think Shillary was cooking pizza given what country null lives in. :/ Also, there was a meme about this once.


I'm shocked people are still butthurt about her loss in the year 2023 they should focus on either WW3 or an upcoming alien invasion during the October release.
I'm pretty sure you've been the ones following me around posting demented photomanipulations of my deceased family and raging about some delusion that I'm a random blogger for the last several years, not the other way around.
girl you are literally following Karl around to different websites and screaming at him. this is a thing you have done. you were literally (not gen Z literally, I mean psychologically-broke-in-the-head literally) obsessed with a photo of two old dudes facetiming with funny filters because you thought it was Karl- because, in your infinite MENSA wisdom, you thought Karl was stupid enough to use his actual full name for a handle.

please be serious.
Another eventful day of having a personality as interesting as wheat paste
c'mon haven't you had a good cat video marathon? cleanses the soul
They probably have a lot of other interesting words and concepts in private for an obnoxious poor Jewish woman like you though.
ok. don't care
I don't really care what a group of schizo old men who collect information on random women are doing or their intentions truthfully
you are the boomerest boomer to ever boomer. you are spiritually 60 and physically probably 60 in terms of joint health as well. good lord.
@Karl never sign in again, you disgust me so much you fat fucking retard
girl you keep coming onto the karl website and being enraged and triggered when you see karl. have you considered doing something different with your life